Training and Support in Title I Schools
Schools access specialized training in literacy and mathematics
Add+Vantage Math Recovery®
Add+Vantage Math Recovery® professional development provides teachers with access to comprehensive frameworks for mathematical learning, instruction, and assessment offering a detailed understanding of how:
- children develop early numeracy,
- to accurately assess students’ mathematical learning, and
- to tailor instruction to better enable students to progress in the area of mathematics.
Teachers use the knowledge they gain from this professional development in order to plan, implement, and monitor instruction and intervention based on students’ mathematical understandings.
Student Leadership Academy (SLA)
The Student Leadership Academy (SLA) ensures opportunities for positive relationships and successful transitions. The course focuses on underserved students. This program supports creative and critical Thinking skills. It promotes academic resilience and goal setting in all its participants.
Literacy Support
Literacy support is designed to strengthen students’ reading and writing skills. Title I literacy leaders and classroom teachers work together to assess students’ strengths and needs and to plan appropriate literacy instruction. Literacy instruction focuses on the five essential components of reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Title I literacy leaders may provide ongoing professional learning for teachers in their schools. They work in classrooms as well as with small groups of students. Instruction is based on the FCPS Program of Studies (POS) and the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL).
Mathematics Support
The purpose of the mathematics support is to increase the mathematics achievement of students in Title I schools. Title I math leaders focus on helping students develop mathematics concepts, problem solving strategies, and computational skills. They work with classroom teachers to assess students’ strengths and needs and to plan appropriate mathematics instruction. Title I math leaders may provide ongoing professional learning for teachers in their schools. They work in classrooms as well as with small groups of students. Instruction is based upon the FCPS Program of Studies (POS), the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL), and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards.