Adapted Curriculum, PreK-12
Supporting school teams in working with students with disabilities, who are accessing an adapted curriculum based on the Virginia Essentialized Standards of Learning (VESOL) and Aligned Standards of Learning (ASOL).
The Adapted Curriculum program provides direct and indirect supports to schools in the instruction of students with significant cognitive disabilities, who are accessing the Virginia Essentialized Standards of Learning (VESOL) and Aligned Standards of Learning (ASOL).
Students with significant cognitive disabilities who are accessing an adapted curriculum:
- Exhibit moderate to significant delays in the areas of language, communication, cognition, socialization, and adaptive functioning, that impact their ability to demonstrate progress in the general curriculum.
- Most likely receive services for Intellectual Disabilities (ID) or Intellectual Disabilities Severe (IDS). They may also receive services for Autism, Noncategorical Elementary, and/or Physical Disabilities. These services are referred to as Category B services.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act and the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (Every Student Succeeds Act (2015)) note that students with “significant cognitive disabilities” constitute less than one percent of the student population.
Our Adapted Curriculum program strategically supports the implementation of evidence-based practices to increase the academic achievement and the social and emotional competence of students with significant cognitive disabilities based on individual needs.
- Support in curriculum program matching through collaborative data dialogue, based on individual needs as specified in students' individualized education programs (IEP)
- Recommendations to teachers on ways to adapt curriculum and instructional materials to address individual student learning needs
- In-classroom coaching to address individualized instructional interventions, positive behavior programming, and assessment
- Professional development in all areas of academics, life skills, communication, behavior management, assessment, and data collection
- Facilitation in the use of the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) in ID/IDS classrooms
- Consultations with school administrators to address program development, program modifications, and instructional oversight
- Consultative services with school teams and our high-incidence teams for students who access the general education curriculum and require more intensive support
Specialized Literacy and Math Programs
The following list of literacy and math programs are specialized programs for students with disabilities accessing an adapted curriculum. Each program dictates its fidelity implementation guidelines. The Office of Special Education Instruction works with teachers to ensure fidelity to the program within the service delivery model they are using with each student.
If you have any questions regarding the amount of time necessary to receive the benefits of program use, please contact the Office of Special Education Instruction (OSEI).
Literacy Programs
Targeted Students
- Grades K-6
- For students with significant developmental disabilities (moderate to severe intellectual disabilities or multiple disabilities) who do not consistently use words, pictures, or other symbols to communicate.
Program Description
- Provides strategies to increase awareness and engagement in story reading while building comprehension in a very concrete and systematic process\
- Utilizes “story-based lessons”
- Five levels of instruction
- Aligned with science-based reading research (from Attainment)
Research-based Practices
- Direct and systematic instruction
- Task analysis
- Feedback and prompting
- Progress monitoring
Aspects of Literacy Elements Covered
- Vocabulary (Some)
- Comprehension (Some)
Learn more about this program at http://www.attainmentcompany.com/
Targeted Students
- Grade K-6
- For students with autism, moderate to severe intellectual disabilities, or multiple disabilities
Program Description
- One-on-one or small group delivery
- Utilizes response modes, ACC, or eye gaze boards
- Materials are provided in print and on computer
- Multi-year literacy curriculum
- Students who complete the program will finish at a mid-2nd grade reading level
- Aligned with science-based reading research (from Attainment)
Research-based Practices
- Direct instruction
- Systematic and explicit
- Progress monitoring
Aspects of Literacy Elements Covered
- Phonemic Awareness (Most to all)
- Phonics (Most to all)
- Fluency (Some)
- Vocabulary (Most to all)
- Comprehension (Most to all)
- Writing (Some)
Learn more about this program at http://www.attainmentcompany.com/.
Targeted Students
- Grades 6-12
- For students with autism, moderate to severe intellectual disabilities, or multiple disabilities
Program Description
- One-on-one or small group delivery
- Utilizes response modes, ACC, or eye gaze boards
- Multi-year literacy curriculum
- Students who complete the program will place into a kindergarten or first grade reading program
- Aligned with science-based reading research (from Attainment)
Research-based Practices
- Direct instruction
- Systematic and explicit
- Progress monitoring
Aspects Literacy Elements Covered
- Phonemic Awareness (Most to all)
- Phonics (Most to all)
- Fluency (Some)
- Vocabulary (Most to all)
- Comprehension (Most to all)
- Writing (Some)
Learn more about this program at http://www.attainmentcompany.com/.
Targeted Students
- Grades 5-12
- For students with autism, moderate to severe intellectual disabilities, or multiple disabilities
Program Description
- One-on-one or small group delivery
- Utilizes response modes, ACC, or eye gaze boards
- Materials are provided in print and on computer
- Multi-year literacy curriculum
- Students who complete the program will finish at a mid-2nd grade reading level
- Aligned with science-based reading research (from Attainment)
Research-based Practices
- Direct instruction
- Systematic and explicit
- Progress monitoring
Aspects Literacy Elements Covered
- Phonemic Awareness (Most to all)
- Phonics (Most to all)
- Fluency (Some)
- Vocabulary (Most to all)
- Comprehension (Most to all)
- Writing (Some)
Learn more about this program at http://www.attainmentcompany.com/.
Targeted Students
- Grades 7-12
- For students with moderate to severe learning disabilities, autism, or intellectual disabilities
Program Description
- Cumulative skill development and review in decoding, phonemic awareness, phonics, and
vocabulary - Aligned with science-based reading research (from McGraw Hill)
Research-based Practices
- Direct instruction
- Systematic and explicit
- Mastery-based learning
- Progress monitoring
Aspects Literacy Elements Covered
- Phonemic Awareness (Most to all)
- Phonics (Most to all)
- Fluency (Most to all)
- Vocabulary (Most to all)
- Comprehension (Some)
Learn more about this program at http://www.mheducation.com/.
Targeted Students
- Grades 7-12
- For students with moderate to severe learning disabilities, autism, or intellectual disabilities
Program Description
- Targets critical language skills, vocabulary, and comprehension
- Aligned with science-based reading research (from McGraw Hill)
Research-based Practices
- Direct instruction
- Systematic and explicit
- Mastery-based learning
- Progress monitoring
Aspects Literacy Elements Covered
- Vocabulary (Most to all)
- Comprehension (Most to all)
- Writing (Some)
Learn more about this program at http://www.mheducation.com/.
Mathematics Programs
Targeted Students
- Grades K-5
- For elementary students with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities, multiple disabilities, and some students with autism
Program Description
- Researched-based comprehensive curriculum program that prioritizes the math concepts students with significant cognitive disabilities need in order to meet
grade-level standards and gain essential life skills - Scripted lessons to teach early numeracy skills that align to elementary level content standards (as set by the NCTM)
- Utilizes story-based lessons
- Consists of four theme-based units with 12 objectives that repeat and gain in complexity
- Domains include counting, sets, symbol use, patterns, measurement, calendar, and numeral identification
- Manipulatives and graphic organizers are provided
- Includes progress monitoring forms and end-of-unit assessments
Research-based Practices
- Direct and systematic instruction
- Task analyses
- Time delay
- System of least intrusive prompts
- Feedback and prompting
- Progress monitoring
- Positive reinforcement
Learn more about this program at http://www.attainmentcompany.com/.
Targeted Students
- Grades 1-12
- For students with autism, moderate to severe intellectual disabilities, or multiple disabilities who possess basic math/ numeracy skills, but who are significantly below grade level
Program Description
- A comprehensive basal mathematics program designed to teach all students to compute, solve problems, and think mathematically
- The program provides explicit, systematic, intensive instruction to connect skills and “big idea” concepts
- Built-in system to monitor each student's progress daily to differentiate instruction
- Lessons incorporate explicit strategies that use oral and written responses
Research-based Practices
- Direct and systematic instruction
- Task analyses
- Progress monitoring
- Positive reinforcement
Learn more about this program at http://www.mheducation.com/.
Targeted Students
- Grades 7-12
- For secondary students with significant cognitive disabilities
Program Description
- Skills-based supplemental program, which focuses on the fundamental math concepts from counting to two-digit addition, where big ideas are incorporated into standards-based math lessons
- Includes 60 lessons which are organized into three skill areas and activities: counting, sets and categories, symbols and patterns
- Lessons have a three-step teaching sequence: concrete, representational, and abstract
- The program uses manipulatives to teach targeted skills
Research-based Practices
- Systematic, explicit instruction
- Progress monitoring
- Positive reinforcement
Learn more about this program at http://www.attainmentcompany.com/.
Targeted Students
- Grades 7-12
- For upper elementary and secondary students with significant cognitive disabilities
Program Description
- A multiyear curriculum, which addresses problem-solving skills in real-world scenarios
- Includes eight units with easy-to-follow lesson plans
- Uses several forms of media to ensure student success
- Reviews early numeracy skills and advances to addition and subtraction
Research-based Practices
- Direct and systematic instruction
- Task analyses
- Progress monitoring
Learn more about this program at http://www.attainmentcompany.com/.
Targeted Students
- Grades 6-12
- For secondary students with significant cognitive disabilities
Program Description
- For secondary students with significant cognitive disabilities
- Systematic, year-long math curriculum with scripted lessons designed to accommodate all students
- Response and participation structured for those who communicate verbally and nonverbally
- Topics align to NCTM standards, covering geometry, algebra, data analysis, and measurement
Research-based Practices
- Systematic, explicit instruction
- Progress monitoring
- Positive reinforcement
Learn more about this program at http://www.attainmentcompany.com/.
Specialized Programs for Students with Disabilities Accessing an Adapted Curriculum (Printable)
Instructional Programs
Services for students with low incidence disabilities are delivered based on a continuum of placement options that include base schools, regional programs, and center sites. Instruction is based on individual needs as specified in students' individualized education programs (IEP). Special education services range from support in general education settings to specialized instruction in self-contained special education classes.
The academic instructional program for students on an adapted curriculum is guided by the Virginia Essentialized Standards of Learning (VESOL) and Aligned Standards of Learning (ASOL) curriculum and provides instruction with an additional focus on life skills. The curriculum emphasizes skills necessary for and relevant to independent functioning, allowing each student to reach his or her highest possible level of independence.
- The focus of instructional programming is on developing core academic knowledge, improving social skills and adjustment, increasing appropriate behaviors, and developing critical career and work skills in preparation for a productive adult life.
- Community-based instruction (CBI) is a key component of educational programming for students with low incidence disabilities on an adapted curriculum. This program gives students the opportunity to develop both life skills and work skills in a variety of real-life settings.
- High school students can participate in foundations elective courses: English, science, U.S. and Virginia history and world history. These courses are designed to provide students with the opportunity to participate in modified content courses, where curriculum is presented at an individualized pace of instruction without the requirement of an end-of-course test. Instruction for students with low incidence disabilities on an adapted curriculum involves the use of specialized strategies.
- Visual strategies are often used to support communication and acquisition of content knowledge.
- Principles of ABA are used to address behavioral challenges and teach new skills. ABA is a research-based intervention that emphasizes the importance of breaking skills down into small units through task analysis. New skills are taught through the use of reinforcement, shaping, prompting, and other specialized techniques.
Curriculum Alignments
“The information listed below clarifies how the adapted curriculum aligns to the progress report standards. The items listed under each progress report standard reflect an academic curriculum based upon the Virginia Essentialized Standards of Learning (VESOL) and Aligned Standards of Learning (ASOL).
- Students who receive instruction in these standards require individualized approaches to make progress in an adapted curriculum.
- Content that students do not learn in a particular classroom or school (e.g., band, strings, World Languages) will be marked as "nt" or "not taught."
Grade 3 Adapted Curriculum Alignments Grade 4 Adapted Curriculum Alignments
Grade 5 Adapted Curriculum Alignments Grade 6 Adapted Curriculum Alignments
Jugnu Agrawal
Senior Manager I, Special Education Curriculum
[email protected]
Follow the Adapted Curriculum Team (ACT) on X @ACT_FCPS