Countdown to the First Day of School
Get ready for the 2024-25 school year!
The first day of class, Monday, August 19, is just around the corner! Follow our 10-day calendar of back-to-school tips to make sure your child gets off to a great start.
Parents/caregivers, students, and staff members are invited to share their favorite pictures and videos from the first day of school on social media using the hashtag #FirstDayFairfax. We will share some content on the FCPS Facebook and Instagram pages.
Countdown 'til School Starts

10 days to go
Kindergarten Registration
Ten days to go until the first day of school for FCPS! Be sure to register any children who turn five before September 30. Find out more about enrolling in kindergarten.

9 days to go
Bookmark the School Year Calendar
The first day of school is nine days away! Want to know more about school holidays? Check out the 2024-25 School Year calendar. Please note, school is in session on Observance Days, but certain activities cannot take place. Learn more about religious and cultural observances officially recognized by FCPS.

8 days to go
Update Immunizations
Only eight more days until #FirstDayFairfax! FCPS follows state immunization requirements. Learn more about required immunizations and free immunization locations.

7 days to go
Monitor Your Child’s Success
One week until school starts! If you do not already have a SIS ParentVUE account, sign up now to monitor and support your child’s academic success. If you already have one, make sure to keep your contact information up-to-date so you receive communications from your child’s teacher and school!

6 days to go
Get News From Your School
Six days to go! Make sure you sign up for email newsletters from your school and FCPS This Week with News You Choose to stay informed about all things FCPS. Also look for FCPS and your school on Facebook and Instagram!

5 days to go
Prepare for Student Meals
Five more days until #FirstDayFairfax! Learn about using MySchoolBucks to purchase meals at school or how to apply for free and reduced-price meals. Look over menus with your child and help them know what to expect from school meals!

4 days to go
Plan Transportation
Four days to go! Does your student know the route they’ll walk to school or where to wait for their bus? FCPS is committed to safely transporting our students to school each day. Bus schedules have been emailed to families in August. Contact Transportation Services with questions or concerns.

3 days to go
Access Technology Resources
Three days until #FirstDayFairfax! Parents and caregivers can use technology to support their child’s learning. Parental involvement ensures safe and responsible use of technology, promoting digital citizenship and online safety. Learn more about the parent IT Support portal, how to reset passwords, digital citizenship, and helpful apps for families.

2 days to go
Explore Schoology
Only two more days until school starts! Did you know that students and caregivers can access content related to their classroom assignments in Schoology? Learn more about the features available to parents and how to help your student log in to their Schoology account.

1 day to go
Learn About Attendance
Tomorrow’s the big day! Regular attendance at school increases the likelihood that students will graduate on time. Learn more about attendance policies and how to communicate with your child’s teacher or school about absences.
Monday, August 19 - Welcome Back!
We hope you had a great summer. We know this will be a wonderful school year. Remember to share your favorite pictures or video on social media using the hashtag #FirstDayFairfax.