Four kids in masks.

Supporting the Development of Life Skills in Students 

  • By Communication and Community Relations
  • For Parents
  • December 06, 2021

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The mental health and well-being of our students are critical to learning.

Students who develop life skills such as self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making have greater academic, as well as social, and emotional success. Learning these skills and developing character begins at home and is reinforced in schools and the community, making us all partners in student success.

Earlier this fall, students in grades 3-12 had the opportunity to participate in the SEL Screener. This optional activity helps us understand students’ life and behavioral skills, feelings, relationships, experience of the school environment, and general mental health and well-being.

In the coming weeks, parents and guardians of students who participated in the Fall 2021 screening window will be mailed a letter with their student’s self-reported ratings. The letter includes tips for understanding the ratings and discussing them with your child. Families may use this information to reinforce their child’s strengths and give extra support in areas of growth.

At school, this information helps inform practices in schools and classrooms, as well as for individual students. Schools work together with families to support students’ life skills and character development. As indicated in the Parent Notification and Opt-Out letter, screener data is only accessible to teachers, administrators, and staff with legitimate educational interests. 

Students in grades 3-12 will have an additional opportunity to provide their input on the screener this winter and spring. For students in grades K-2, teachers will complete a survey during the winter and spring to share their observations of student experiences. Results will be shared with parents and guardians after each screener window. 

More information about the SEL Screener is available online. If you have questions about your child’s screener data or upcoming screening opportunities, please do not hesitate to contact their school. Supporting your child’s development of these important skills is a partnership and we appreciate your involvement.