2022-23 School Year Calendar Survey Highlights
See what parents/guardians, staff, and middle and high school students had to say about the creation of FCPS' 2022-23 Calendar.
Calendar Survey results are one of several factors to be considered when developing the 2022-23 school year calendar.
Survey Participation
- 72,692 individuals participated.
- 38,933 families; 23% family response rate.
- 19,574 staff; 71% staff response rate.
- 14,185 students; 16% student response rate.
General Highlights
- A majority of all groups responded that they were somewhat or extremely satisfied with the current calendar.
- A majority of employees and students were against losing days at Winter Break, Spring Break, or the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. However, a majority of all groups were also opposed to lengthening the school year.
- A majority of all surveyed showed willingness to shift one or two in-person learning days to asynchronous learning days during the year.
Student Survey
- 83% responded that they were somewhat or extremely happy with the current calendar.
- Preference for the timing of Spring Break was inconclusive.
- 67% responded that it is extremely or somewhat important that student holidays align with neighboring counties
Willingness to Trade Current Days Off
- 78% responded unfavorably on willingness to lose two days from the typical week off for Spring Break.
- 75% responded unfavorably on willingness to lose two days from the typical two weeks for Winter Break.
- 72% responded unfavorably on willingness to lose the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
- 73% responded favorably on willingness to shift one in-person learning day during the year to asynchronous.
- 64% responded favorably on willingness to shift two in-person learning days during the year to asynchronous.
Family Survey
- 84% responded that they were somewhat or extremely satisfied with the current calendar.
- Responses for the preference for the timing of Spring Break was inconclusive.
- 62% responded that it is somewhat or extremely unimportant that student holidays align with neighboring counties.
- 57% responded with a preference for two full days off for providing teachers and schools with planning time and professional development
- 59% responded that if FCPS were to add new days off they should be swapped with days FCPS has historically had off instead of extending the school year
Willingness to Trade Current Days Off
- 51% responded that they were somewhat or extremely unwilling to lose one day from the typical week off for Spring Break
- 66% responded that they were somewhat or extremely unwilling to lose two days from the typical week off for Spring Break
- 52% responded that they were somewhat or extremely unwilling to lose two days from the typical two weeks for Winter Break
- 55% responded that they were somewhat or extremely willing to shift one in-person learning days during the year to asynchronous
Employee Survey
- 67% responded that they were somewhat or extremely satisfied with the current calendar.
- 50% responded with a preference for beginning the school year two weeks before Labor Day.
- 65% responded with a preference for long Winter and Spring Breaks, requiring a later end to the school year.
- 45% responded with a preference that Spring Break should rotate weeks to match the timing of Easter each year.
- 61% responded that it is somewhat or extremely important that student holidays align with neighboring counties.
- 63% responded that if FCPS were to add new days off, they should be swapped with days FCPS has historically had off instead of extending the school year.
- 46% of employees would like two days off as a Student Holiday for PD. Families were a higher percentage.
Willingness to Trade Current Days Off
- 68% responded that they were somewhat or extremely unwilling to lose one day from the typical week off for Spring Break.
- 81% responded that they were somewhat or extremely unwilling to lose two days from the typical week off for Spring Break.
- 62% responded that they were somewhat or extremely unwilling to lose one day from the typical two weeks for Winter Break.
- 73% responded that they were somewhat or extremely unwilling to lose two days from the typical two weeks for Winter Break.
- 74% responded that they were somewhat or extremely unwilling to lose the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
- 78% respond that they were somewhat or extremely willing to shift one in-person learning day during the year to asynchronous.
- 77% responded that they were somewhat or extremely willing to shift two in-person learning days during the year to asynchronous.