2017 Middle School and High School Grading and Reporting Student Survey Results
Middle and high school students were surveyed about their experiences with the changes developed with the grading policies and current homework practices.
During Spring 2017, over 12,000 middle and high school students responded to a survey about their experiences with grading and homework. The survey focused on the recent changes to grading policies and current homework practices. Special attention was paid to student stress level related to these topics.
Middle School Demographics
The Grading and Reporting Student Survey received 4,530 responses from Middle School students.
Student Grade Level:
- Grade 6 - 1.74%
- Grade 7 - 48.30%
- Grade 8 - 49.97%
Students are currently taking:
Answer Choices | Responses |
No Honors/AAP/high school credit courses in middle school | 11.27% |
1 Honors/AAP/high school credit course in middle school | 13.86% |
2 Honors/AAP/high school credit courses in middle school | 12.12% |
3 or more Honors/AAP/high school credit courses in middle school | 62.75% |
High School Demographics
The Grading and Reporting Student Survey received 7,738 response from High School students.
Student Grade Level:
- Grade 9 - 31.49%
- Grade 10 - 27.57%
- Grade 11 - 23.53%
- Grade 12 - 17.41%
Students are currently taking:
Answer Choices | Responses |
No Honors/AP/IB/DE high school courses | 12.83% |
1 Honors/AP/IB/DE high school courses | 9.51% |
2 Honors/AP/IB/DE high school courses | 14.44% |
3 or more Honors/AP/IB/DE high school courses | 63.22% |
Please select the best choice from the list below. Overall, when I have been given the chance to retake/redo one or more major assessments (for example: tests, projects and/or papers) it has:
Answer Choices | Responses |
Increased my learning but not my grade on the assessment. | 8.06% |
Improved my grade but not my learning. | 20.63% |
Increased my learning and improved my grade on the assessment. | 42.56% |
Has had no impact on my learning or my grade on the assessment. | 4.15% |
I have not taken advantage of the opportunity to retake/redo a major assessment. | 3.48% |
I have not been given the chance to retake/redo a major assessment. | 1.14% |
I have not needed to retake/redo a major assessment. | 19.98% |
How has retaking one or more major assessments (for example: tests, projects and/or papers) impacted your stress level?
Answer Choices | Responses |
It has increased my stress level. | 51.02% |
It has decreased my stress level. | 28.82% |
It has had no impact on my stress level. | 20.16% |
Please select the best choice from the list below. When I have been given the chance to turn in late work for credit it has:
Answer Choices | Responses |
Increased my learning but not my grade on the assignment. | 9.46% |
Improved my grade on the assignment but not my learning. | 28.03% |
Increased my learning and improved my grade on the assignment. | 31.13% |
Has had no impact on my learning or grade on the assignment. | 7.13% |
I have not taken advantage of the opportunity to turn in late work. | 1.82% |
I have not been given the chance to turn in late work for credit. | 0.86% |
I have not needed to turn in late work. | 21.58% |
How has the ability to turn in late work for credit impacted your stress level?
Answer Choices | Responses |
It has increased my stress level. | 20.75% |
It has decreased my stress level. | 53.34% |
It has had no impact on my stress level. | 25.91% |
I believe that my quarter grades accurately represent my learning.
Answer Choices | Responses |
Agree | 22.10% |
Somewhat agree | 38.60% |
Somewhat disagree | 17.19% |
Disagree | 20.46% |
Unsure | 1.64% |
I believe that homework is necessary for students to learn content.
Answer Choices | Responses |
Agree | 22.76% |
Somewhat agree | 35.17% |
Somewhat disagree | 18.44% |
Disagree | 22.05% |
Unsure | 1.57% |
How much total time do you spend on homework on an average school night? (Do not include time spent taking breaks, instant messaging, or using the computer for recreational use.)
Answer Choices | Responses |
Less than 1 hour | 12.98% |
Between 1 hour and 1 hour 30 minutes | 18.91% |
Between 1 hour 30 minutes and 2 hours | 19.42% |
Between 2 hours and 3 hours | 21.15% |
Between 3 hours and 4 hours | 13.89% |
4 or more hours | 13.66% |
Please rate how concerned you are about amount of homework.
Answer Choices | Responses |
Not at all concerned about this | 10.19% |
Slightly concerned about this | 14.78% |
Somewhat concerned about this | 19.35% |
Moderately concerned about this | 29.38% |
Extremely concerned about this | 26.29% |
Please rate how concerned you are about required reading at home.
Answer Choices | Responses |
Not at all concerned about this | 38.55% |
Slightly concerned about this | 18.14% |
Somewhat concerned about this | 16.95% |
Moderately concerned about this | 15.01% |
Extremely concerned about this | 11.35% |
Please rate how concerned you are about homework caused by overlapping due dates of tests/projects in multiple classes.
Answer Choices | Responses |
Not at all concerned about this | 5.33% |
Slightly concerned about this | 8.23% |
Somewhat concerned about this | 13.62% |
Moderately concerned about this | 24.45% |
Extremely concerned about this | 48.36% |
Please rate how concerned you are about homework assigned over the weekend and/or holidays.
Answer Choices | Responses |
Not at all concerned about this | 12.18% |
Slightly concerned about this | 14.01% |
Somewhat concerned about this | 15.72% |
Moderately concerned about this | 21.15% |
Extremely concerned about this | 36.94% |
Please rate how concerned you are about making up homework following absence(s) from school in a given time.
Answer Choices | Responses |
Not at all concerned about this | 17.68% |
Slightly concerned about this | 15.38% |
Somewhat concerned about this | 18.16% |
Moderately concerned about this | 20.45% |
Extremely concerned about this | 28.33% |
Please rate how concerned you are about level of difficulty of homework assignments.
Answer Choices | Responses |
Not at all concerned about this | 18.78% |
Slightly concerned about this | 21.41% |
Somewhat concerned about this | 24.44% |
Moderately concerned about this | 20.35% |
Extremely concerned about this | 15.01% |
Please rate how concerned you are about relevance or purpose of homework assignments is unclear.
Answer Choices | Responses |
Not at all concerned about this | 19.34% |
Slightly concerned about this | 17.56% |
Somewhat concerned about this | 19.56% |
Moderately concerned about this | 18.18% |
Extremely concerned about this | 25.36% |