principal of dranesville elementary school

School-based Administrator Performance Evaluation Program

Performance standards, key elements, and matrices

FCPS School-based administrators are evaluated using a performance matrix based on each of seven standards. 

The school-based administrator fosters the success of all students by facilitating the development, communication, implementation, and evaluation of a shared vision of teaching and learning that leads to student academic progress and school improvement.

Key Elements

Examples may include, but are not limited to, the following.

The School-Based Administrator:

  1. Leads the collaborative development and sustainment of a compelling shared vision for educational improvement and works collaboratively with staff, students, parents, and other stakeholders to develop a mission and programs consistent with the division’s strategic plan.
  2. Develops and implements a school improvement plan that results in increased student academic progress for all populations within the school.
  3. Builds the capacity of all collaborative learning teams to define what students need to know; assess student learning; analyze student performance data; and provide enrichment/intervention.
  4. Selects instructional programs that meet specific school needs.
  5. Works with teams to develop Strategic and Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-bound, and Rigorous (SMARTR) goals promoting student academic and/or program progress.
  6. Implements a system for monitoring student progress and staff performance on an ongoing basis.
  7. Provides feedback to staff for continuous improvement and growth.
  8. Demonstrates the importance of professional development by providing adequate time and resources for teachers and staff to participate in professional learning (i.e., peer observation, mentoring, coaching, study groups, learning teams, etc.)that meets both teacher needs and school goals.
  9. Develops a master schedule that protects and maximizes instructional time to meet the needs of students and to include time for enrichment/intervention.

Highly Effective

  • Capitalizes on others’ strengths to create and distribute unique leadership opportunities which result in enhanced personalized learning for staff and students. Through this work, a culture of shared responsibility for growth and feedback exists, which improves results.
  • Systematically provides feedback regarding instruction to all school staff and involves them in decisions about how to improve instruction which results in improved student achievement including student growth.
  • Supervises instruction on an ongoing basis; engages in collegial opportunities for learning, action research, professional development and/or inquiry related to Best Practices in teaching and learning; and is explicit in the expectation that all teachers remain current in Best Practices and consistently apply them to their work.
  • Engages stakeholders representing all roles and perspectives in the school in the development, monitoring and refinement of a shared vision and mission for increased student academic progress.
  • Monitors instruction by empowering all collaborative learning teams to meet consistently and follow the cycle to unpack standards, design lessons, develop and monitor assessments to meet measurable goals for all students.
  • Empowers others within FCPS to collaboratively design, implement, and share research based strategies that result in:
    continuous school improvement, input and meaningful action by all stakeholders, and professional learning aligned with the school improvement plan.
  • Empowers and involves diverse stakeholders internal and external to FCPS to collaboratively design, implement, and share research-based strategies that result in student growth through the use of SMARTR goals.
  • Involves diverse stakeholders in uncovering issues that challenge time spent on quality instruction and in researching innovative approaches to developing a master schedule that maximizes learning time; provides time for collaborative learning teams and provides intervention and enrichment time for students.


  • Creates opportunities for and distributes leadership responsibilities to others.
  • Systematically provides feedback regarding instruction to all school staff and involves them in decisions about how to improve instruction.
  • Supervises instruction and professional development and makes explicit the expectation that teachers remain current in Best Practices and apply them to their work.
  • Collaborates with key stakeholders in the school to develop and implement a shared vision and mission for increased student academic progress.
  • Monitors instruction by ensuring that collaborative learning teams meet consistently, create productive agendas, and monitor student work that results in measurable academic progress for all students.
  • Aligns school improvement plan goals with FCPS goals and embeds the goals into school culture. Collaboratively
    develop and communicate the school improvement plan to a variety of stakeholders.
  • Supports, implements and monitors teams and individuals as they develop and monitor their SMARTR goals.
  • Collaborates with all stakeholders to create and/or assist in the development or creation of a master schedule that maximizes time spent on quality instruction, maximizes learning time; provides time for collaborative learning teams to and provides intervention and enrichment time for students.

The school-based administrator fosters the success of all students by developing, advocating, and sustaining an academically rigorous, positive, and safe school climate for all stakeholders.

Key Elements

Examples may include, but are not limited to, the following.

The School-Based Administrator:

  1. Cultivates a positive school community; models high expectations; builds collaborative trust within the school and community; and develops effective efficacy to support and sustain a positive and safe school climate.
  2. Maintains a positive, inviting school environment that promotes and assists in the development of the whole student and values every student as an important member of the school community.
  3. Involves students, staff, parents, and the community in creating and sustaining a positive, safe and healthy learning environment that reflects state, division, and local school rules, policies, and procedures.
  4. Builds relationships with all stakeholder to support student success.
  5. Develops and/or implements best practices in schoolwide behavior management that are effective within the school community and communicates behavior management expectations to students, teachers, and parents.
  6. Develops, revises, and implements a school safety plan that manages crisis situations in an effective and timely manner.

Highly Effective

  • Ensures that a schoolwide positive behavior approach is deeply embedded in all stakeholders regarding schoolwide expectations for student behavior standards, routines, structures, and consequences.
  • Is proactive in formulating and implementing a school safety plan that enlists the support of external resources/experts in the field of school safety to determine when plans should be modified to meet future crisis situations; shares successful innovative strategies with colleagues and serves as a model.
  • Anticipates and plans for emergency school safety issues, proactively works with students, staff and community resources to ensure a safe and orderly learning environment that is clearly and effectively communicated.
  • Nurtures and sustains a culture of collaboration, trust, learning & high expectations by providing structured opportunities for various groups within the school community to design and implement innovative approaches to improving learning; works to ensure increased school success.
  • Engages all stakeholders in developing and sustaining a learning environment that includes both academic and extra-curricular programming that meets the needs of the school community.


  • Ensures that a schoolwide positive behavior approach is implemented in the school that sets expectations for student behavior and establishes schoolwide routines, structures, and consequences.
  • Formulates and implements school safety plans that address county regulations and meet state, address the needs of all crisis situations, are understood by all staff, students and community.
  • Is knowledgeable of current school safety issues; ensures & maintains operations to ensure a safe and orderly learning environment, which is communicated to students, staff and community.
  • Develops a culture of collaboration, trust, learning, and high expectations by encouraging staff to work together on key instructional designs, enrichment and interventions to meet the needs of all students.
  • Creates a personalized and motivating learning environment for students in which they are involved in academic and extra-curricular programs that meet the needs of students, parents, staff and the school community.

The school-based administrator fosters effective human resources management by assisting with selection and induction, and by supporting, evaluating, and retaining quality instructional and support personnel.

Key Elements

Examples may include, but are not limited to, the following.

The School-Based Administrator:

  1. Actively participates in the selection process and assigns highly effective staff in a fair and equitable manner based on school
    needs, assessment data, and local, state, and federal requirements
  2. Supports formal building-level employee induction processes and informal procedures to support and assist all new personnel
  3. Directly contributes to the development and retention of highly qualified staff 
  4. Manages the supervision and evaluation of staff in accordance with division and state requirements
  5. Provides a mentoring process for all new and targeted instructional personnel, as well as cultivates leadership potential through
    personal mentoring
  6. Implements and enforces appropriate employee disciplinary procedures in a timely and consistent manner

Highly Effective

  • Solicits input from key internal and external staff in determining, selecting, allocating and utilizing the human resources necessary for present and future staffing needs.
  • Is an expert in building leadership capacity while also adhering to all legal mandates and division, state and local policies in selecting, supervising, and evaluating high quality staff.
  • Is an expert who understands, implements, and enforces appropriate employee disciplinary procedures in a timely and consistent manner and also enlists the support of HR staff.
  • Establishes a deeply embedded culture when implementing practices to induct & mentor new school staff by ensuring new employees participate in district programs such as Great Beginnings; ensures support employees receive mentoring and that mentors are supported in their efforts.
  • Serves as a model in professional learning by leading and engaging staff in continuous job- embedded professional development that ensures continued student growth and academic progress.
  • Actively support staff to seek new ideas for professional development SMARTR goals; promotes and engages in action research with colleagues to instill a desire to improve student achievement.
  • Embeds distributed leadership capacity by enabling administrators, teachers, support staff, student and parent leaders to assume leadership roles within the school, district, and/or beyond.
  • Actively attends to and supports positive working conditions which result in the retention of quality instructional and support personnel.


  • Consults with various internal and external staff in the decision-making process when selecting high quality staff who matches the needs of the school.
  • Is knowledgeable of, understands and follows all policies, legal mandates, and division, state and local standards in the selection, cultivation and evaluation of staff to ensure professional growth.
  • Is knowledgeable of, and understands, implements, and enforces appropriate employee disciplinary procedures consistent with division policy in a timely and consistent manner.
  • Ensures all instructional and support employees participate in and are provided ongoing support for comprehensive induction and mentoring practices that are deeply embedded in the culture of the organization.
  • Ensures that staff members are afforded opportunities for continuous professional learning and development that match school and district goals and results in student growth.
  • Consistently uses all available resources to support and improve individual staff performance and provides ongoing direct evaluation feedback that maximizes student achievement.
  • Develops capacity for distributed leadership and provides individuals with opportunities and support for assuming leadership roles within the school.
  • Takes specific steps to proactively support positive working conditions, which result in the retention of quality instructional and support personnel.

The school-based administrator fosters the success of all students by supporting, managing, and overseeing the school’s organization, operation, and use of resources.

Key Elements

Examples may include, but are not limited to the following.

The School-Based administrator:

  1. Demonstrates and communicates a working knowledge and understanding of division and state public education regulations
    and policies with regard to finances, school accountability and reporting.
  2. Establishes and enforces rules and policies to ensure a safe, secure, efficient, and orderly facility and grounds.
  3. Monitors and provides supervision efficiently for the physical plant and all related activities through an appropriately prioritized process.
  4. Identifies potential organizational, operational, or resource-related problems; deals with them in a timely, consistent, & effective manner.
  5. Establishes and uses accepted procedures to develop short and long-term goals through effective allocation of resources.
  6. Manages and leverages resources regularly to ensure fiscal, material, and technological accountability.
  7. Plans and prepares a fiscally responsible budget to support the school’s mission and goals.
  8. Implements strategies for the inclusion of staff and stakeholders in various planning processes, shares in management decisions,
    and delegates duties as applicable, resulting in a smoothly operating workplace.

Highly Effective

  • Is an expert in deftly handling procedural, contractual, and legal issues, which contributes to a supportive teaching & learning environment; fulfills all compliance and reporting requirements in a timely and accurate manner and creates new opportunities to support learning.
  • Leads and empowers staff and students to creatively, and efficiently prioritize the needs of the facility and grounds ensuring the best use of space and a clean, safe, orderly, and welcoming school environment.
  • Collaboratively plans, prioritizes & strategically manages the school’s budget & finances to maximize fiscal resources over multiple years while maintaining the integrity of policies & supporting continuous improvement of the school or division mission and goals.
  • Serves as a model in providing, utilizing & integrating innovative technological equipment, material, practices & other resources that support & extends learning for students, staff parents, & the school community.
  • Consistently and effectively establishes processes for the ongoing evaluation, monitoring and revision of management and operational systems, ensuring continuous, sustainable improvement of school operations in a timely manner.


  • Skillfully manages procedural, contractual, and legal issues; fulfills compliance and reporting responsibilities to the division and beyond.
  • Leads and supervises staff and students and monitors the needs of the facility and grounds to ensure a clean, safe, orderly, and welcoming school environment.
  • Collaboratively plans and manages the school budget and finances to ensure accountability for effective use of fiscal resources in support of the school or division mission and goals.
  • Consistently provides and utilizes division-assigned technological resources to support student and staff learning.
  • Effectively demonstrates proactive decision-making and coordinates efficient operations and delegates responsibility to staff to maximize resources and ensure the efficient operation of the school.

The school-based administrator fosters the success of all students by communicating & collaborating effectively with stakeholders.

Key Elements

Examples may include, but are not limited to, the following.

The School-Based Administrator:

  1. Plans for and solicits staff, parent, & stakeholder input to promote effective decision-making and communication when appropriate.
  2. Assesses, plans for, responds to, and advocates for student learning through the interaction with the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural contexts.
  3. Communicates long- and short-term goals and the school improvement plan to all stakeholders.
  4. Communicates assessment results to multiple internal and external stakeholders.
  5. Disseminates key information to staff, parents, and other stakeholders in a timely manner and through multiple channels and sources.
  6. Maintains visibility and accessibility to students, parents, staff, and other stakeholders.
  7. Speaks and writes consistently in an explicit and professional manner using standard oral and written English to communicate with students parents, staff and other stakeholders.
  8. Provides a variety of opportunities for parent and family involvement in school activities.
  9. Collaborates & networks with colleagues & stakeholders to effectively utilize resources and expertise available in the local community.

Highly Effective

  • Proactively engages all stakeholders by promoting innovative and productive strategies for communications about the school improvement plan, instructional programs, assessment results and events.
  • Advocates for students by soliciting resources and using input and assistance from various internal and external stakeholder groups that directly improve achievement for all student populations.
  • Serves as a model in demonstrating thorough knowledge and effective application of communication processes in all areas of responsibility; communicates complex data to multiple audiences within and outside of the school.
  • Is an expert in effectively and consistently communicating through a variety of formats in a professional manner using standard oral and written English.
  • Is an expert in initiating and cultivating partnerships & networks with colleagues, parents, & other stakeholders to leverage resources & expertise in the community; is widely visible & easily accessible to all stakeholders.


  • Constantly communicating timely information about the school improvement plan, instructional programs, assessment results and events by using multiple delivery methods of communication to all stakeholders.
  • Advocates for students by consistently collaborating with stakeholder groups for input and assistance to improve achievement for students.
  • Demonstrates knowledge and application of communication processes; consistently applies sound communication practices in all areas of responsibility and to various audiences at the school.
  • Consistently and effectively communicates in speaking and writing in a professional manner using standard oral and written English.
  • Consistently collaborates with colleagues, parents & other stakeholders to utilize resources & expertise in the community; is accessible & visible to all stakeholders within & outside FCPS.

Key Elements

Examples may include, but are not limited to, the following.

The school-based administrator:

  1. Manages and resolves conflict in a respectful and timely manner.
  2. Engages in professional development, including, but not limited to, attending conferences, networking, mentoring, peer observations,
    and self-evaluation.
  3. Demonstrates a commitment to the school and community that results in successful outcomes for all stakeholders.
  4. Works in a collegial and collaborative manner with other administrators, school personnel, and other stakeholders to promote and
    support the vision, mission, and goals of the school division while positively impacting the field of education.
  5. Creates a culture of respect, understanding, sensitivity, and appreciation for students, staff, and other stakeholders and models
    these attributes on a daily basis.
  6. Works within professional and ethical guidelines to improve student learning and to meet school, division, state, and federal
  7. 7 Models professionalism, confidentiality, and ethical behavior to students, staff, and other stakeholders.
  8. Provides leadership in sharing ideas and information with staff and other professionals.
  9. Assumes responsibilities for personal professional development by contributing to and supporting the development of the
    profession through service as an instructor, mentor, coach, presenter, and/or researcher.
  10. Remains current with research related to educational issues, trends, and practices and maintains a high level of technical and
    professional knowledge.

Highly Effective

  • Engages multiple stakeholders using multiple data sources and resources while considering and evaluating the potential moral and legal consequences of decision-making; decisions promote, alignment, and support the vision, mission, and goals of the school and division.
  • Always engages in conversations with all staff, and capitalizes on every opportunity to give ongoing specific feedback in increasing staff performance so they can consistently meet the academic, social, and emotional needs of all students while managing to resolve conflicts in a respectful and timely manner.
  • Engages in and models high quality coaching, mentoring, and other professional learning opportunities that support continuous growth for self and staff.
  • Always engages other pyramid and cluster administrators and school personnel in a collaborative manner to enhance the vision and mission of school and division goals with a positive impact on the field of education.
  • Plans and leads coaching, mentoring, and professional learning at the pyramid, division, or other levels, which results in improved learning for colleagues.
  • Actively seeks feedback and suggestions and uses them to improve performance.
  • Models ethical behavior and integrity, uses impeccable judgment, and maintains and respects confidentiality and mentors colleagues in this area.
  • Carries out assignments conscientiously and punctually, keeps meticulous records, exceeds professional responsibilities, and models a professional demeanor.


  • Considers and evaluates the potential moral and legal consequences of decision-making; decisions support the vision, mission, and goals of the school and division.
  • Regularly engages in conversations with all staff, and provides ongoing specific feedback toward promoting the academic, social, and emotional needs of all students while managing conflict in a timely manner.
  • Assumes responsibility for coaching, mentoring, and professional learning that supports school goals and staff and individual growth.
  • Consistently and effectively works in a collegial and collaborative manner with other pyramid and cluster administrators and school personnel to support the vision and mission of division goals.
  • Participates in professional development that is targeted to professional and school needs results in improved learning.
  • Listens thoughtfully to other viewpoints and responds constructively to suggestions and criticism.
  • Is ethical and transparent, uses good judgment, and maintains confidentiality.
  • Is punctual and reliable with administrative duties, and assignments; keeps accurate records, and maintains a professional demeanor.

The school-based administrator leadership results in acceptable, measurable student academic progress based on established standards.

Key Elements

Examples may include, but are not limited to, the following.

The School-Based Administrator:

  1. Collaboratively develops, implements, and monitors the school improvement plan that results in increased student academic
  2. Utilizes research-based techniques for gathering and analyzing data from multiple measures to use in making decisions related
    to student academic progress and school improvement.
  3. Collaborates with teachers and staff to monitor and improve multiple measures of student progress through the analysis of data,
    the application of educational research, and the implementation of appropriate intervention and enrichment strategies.
  4. Sets benchmarks and implements appropriate strategies and interventions to accomplish desired outcomes.
  5. Provides evidence that students are meeting measurable, reasonable, and appropriate achievement goals.
  6. Demonstrates responsibilities for school academic achievement through proactive interactions with faculty/staff, students, and
    other stakeholders.
  7. Collaboratively develops, implements, and ensures teachers’ student achievement goals are aligned with building-level goals for
    increased student academic progress and for meeting state benchmarks

Note: If a school-based administrator effectively fulfills all previous standards, it is likely that the results of leadership, as documented in Standard 7: Student Academic Progress, would be positive. The Virginia school-based administrator evaluation system includes the documentation of student growth as indicated within Standard 7 and recommends that the evidence of progress be reviewed and considered throughout the year.

Highly Effective

  • Generates high level of student academic progress with all programs and populations of learners in schools.
  • At least 90 percent of students and/or programs meet and/or exceed SMARTR Goal.


  • Generates appropriate level of student academic progress with all programs and populations of learners in schools.
  • At least 80 percent of students and/or programs meet and/or exceed SMARTR Goal.

Employees, Applicants, and Retirees

Submit questions or concerns, as well as upload forms and other documents through the FCPS StaffConnect portal. Human Resources representatives are also available for assistance Monday – Friday (8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) by calling 571-423-3000 or 1-800-831-4331.