The school-based administrator leadership results in acceptable, measurable student academic progress based on established standards.
Key Elements
Examples may include, but are not limited to, the following.
The School-Based Administrator:
- Collaboratively develops, implements, and monitors the school improvement plan that results in increased student academic
progress. - Utilizes research-based techniques for gathering and analyzing data from multiple measures to use in making decisions related
to student academic progress and school improvement. - Collaborates with teachers and staff to monitor and improve multiple measures of student progress through the analysis of data,
the application of educational research, and the implementation of appropriate intervention and enrichment strategies. - Sets benchmarks and implements appropriate strategies and interventions to accomplish desired outcomes.
- Provides evidence that students are meeting measurable, reasonable, and appropriate achievement goals.
- Demonstrates responsibilities for school academic achievement through proactive interactions with faculty/staff, students, and
other stakeholders. - Collaboratively develops, implements, and ensures teachers’ student achievement goals are aligned with building-level goals for
increased student academic progress and for meeting state benchmarks
Note: If a school-based administrator effectively fulfills all previous standards, it is likely that the results of leadership, as documented in Standard 7: Student Academic Progress, would be positive. The Virginia school-based administrator evaluation system includes the documentation of student growth as indicated within Standard 7 and recommends that the evidence of progress be reviewed and considered throughout the year.
Highly Effective
- Generates high level of student academic progress with all programs and populations of learners in schools.
- At least 90 percent of students and/or programs meet and/or exceed SMARTR Goal.
- Generates appropriate level of student academic progress with all programs and populations of learners in schools.
- At least 80 percent of students and/or programs meet and/or exceed SMARTR Goal.