Family Life Education Community Review
Recommended Family Life Education Instructional Materials Available for Community Review
Comments were made using an online feedback form. The feedback form was available from 8 a.m. on May 10, 2024 to June 10, 2024, at 4:30 p.m.
School Board members consider all comments submitted by June 10, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.
School Board members vote on the recommendations.
For more information, call the Office of PreK-12 Curriculum and Instruction, Health, Family Life, and Physical Education at 571-423-4550.
Objectives and Descriptive Statements
The following new and revised objectives and descriptive statements are being recommended.
Objective #1
Students will demonstrate how to say “no” to inappropriate behaviors from family members, neighbors, strangers, and others.
Current Descriptive Statement
Discussion will include saying “no” in a loud voice, standing up straight, and looking at the person. Trusting adults who can help the child will be identified. Students will learn to keep telling until someone listens and helps them.
Recommended Objective
Students will define personal space and demonstrate how to say “no” to behaviors from people both inside and outside the family that make the student feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Discussion will include ways to communicate “no” (e.g., saying “no” in a loud voice, using sign language, using other communication tools, having a confident posture, looking at the person, or physically moving away from that person's proximity). Characteristics of trustworthy adults will be discussed and examples of trusted adults who may help the child will be identified. Examples of possible trusted adults will include parent or guardian, teacher, school counselor, grandparent, religious leader, police officer, and other adult family members. Students will learn to keep telling until someone listens and helps them.
Grade 1
Objective #2
The student will identify strategies to respond to inappropriate behavior from family members, neighbors, strangers, and others.
Current Descriptive Statement
Discussion will include methods of avoiding and dealing with inappropriate behaviors. Students will identify trusted adults who can help them if someone makes them feel uncomfortable. Students will learn how to respond to inappropriate use of communication devices.
Recommended Objective
Students will identify strategies to respond to behavior from people both inside and outside the family that makes them feel uncomfortable or unsafe and how to respond to inappropriate messages or pictures when using electronic devices.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Discussion will include identification of behaviors to expect from adults and identification of behaviors that may be an expression of affection. Instruction will help students recognize that expressions of affection may be ok in some situations but not others. Methods of avoiding and dealing with behaviors that make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe including using their voice and physically removing themselves from the person's proximity will be presented. Methods to respond to inappropriate messages or pictures when using electronic devices will include closing the application or device and telling a trusted adult. Students will identify trusted adults who can help them if someone makes them feel uncomfortable or unsafe. Students will learn to keep telling people until someone listens and helps them.
Grade 2
Objective #3
Students will identify physical affection as an expression of friendship, celebration, and a loving family.
Current Descriptive Statement
Discussion will include the concept that appropriate expressions of affection are healthy for the individual and the family. The student will recognize inappropriate expressions and demonstrate skills to respond to inappropriate expressions.
Recommended Objective
Students will identify that physical affection can be an expression of friendship, celebration, and of love.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Discussion will include the concept that appropriate physical expressions of affection, inside and outside of the family, are healthy for the individual when desired.
Objective #4
This objective is new.
Recommended Objective
Students will identify expressions of affection that make them feel comfortable and safe and demonstrate skills to respond when they feel uncomfortable and/or unsafe.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Discussion will include the concept that expressions of affection can make a student feel comfortable or uncomfortable and safe or unsafe. Emphasis will be placed on expressions of affection that are uncomfortable or are unwanted and do not have to be accepted. Students will demonstrate ways to communicate they are feeling uncomfortable or unsafe (e.g., a student can tell a family member that they feel uncomfortable, or they do not want to be touched or hugged by that individual). Students will learn to keep telling different people until someone listens and helps them.
Objective #5
Students will identify inappropriate approaches from family members, neighbors, strangers and others. Students will identify trusted adults to go to for help and how to say “no.”
Current Descriptive Statement
Discussion will include a review of good and bad touching and the difference between appropriate and inappropriate expressions of affection and behavior. Students will learn that it is okay to say no to inappropriate approaches. Trusted adults will include parent or guardian, teacher, guidance counselor, grandparent, clergy or religious leader, other adult family member.
Recommended Objective
Students will identify inappropriate touches from people inside and outside the family and how to respond. Students will identify characteristics of trustworthy adults and identify trusted adults they may go to for help.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Discussion will include a review of appropriate and inappropriate touching. Students will learn that it is okay to refuse inappropriate or unwanted touches and how to communicate “no.” Characteristics of trustworthy adults will be discussed and examples of possible trusted adults will include parent or guardian, teacher, school counselor, grandparent, religious leader, police officer, and other adult family members will be presented. Students will identify adults they trust.
Grade 3
Objective #6
Students will demonstrate how to respond appropriately to good touches and how to handle inappropriate approaches from relatives, neighbors, strangers, or others.
Current Descriptive Statement
Instruction may include how to communicate a response to good touches, such as smiling or hugging, and how to communicate a response to confusing situations or inappropriate touches, such as saying “no,” avoiding the situation, and leaving the situation. Inappropriate approaches will include defining and identifying sexual abuse. Students will identify trusted adults in their safety network and will be encouraged to talk with a trusted adult about any inappropriate touches or confusing situations.
Recommended Objective
Students will demonstrate how to handle inappropriate or confusing situations. Students will learn how to set and communicate body boundaries and respect other people’s body boundaries.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Instruction will include identifying inappropriate or confusing situations including touches from individuals. Sexual abuse will be defined. Strategies for handling inappropriate or confusing situations will include naming the behavior that is making the student feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or confused; communicating that they do not like the behavior; telling the person to stop; trying to physically remove themselves from that person’s proximity; and telling a trusted adult. Characteristics of trustworthy adults will be reviewed, and students will identify trusted adults they may go to for help.
Grade 4
Objective #7
Students will recognize threatening or uncomfortable situations and how to react to them.
Current Descriptive Statement
Situations will include, but are not limited to walking alone, opening doors to strangers, receiving obscene telephone calls or email, facing dangers in public places, and sexual abuse or incest. Ways of protecting oneself and recognizing and reporting such threats are stressed.
Recommended Objective
Students will recognize warning signs of threatening or uncomfortable situations and how to respond to them.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Threatening or uncomfortable situations such as inappropriate and/or unwanted advances from others, walking alone, opening doors to strangers, facing dangers in public places, online or digital communications (text, social media, gaming, chat) about private parts or about touching or seeing you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable will be discussed. Students will recognize that if someone does something nice for them, they do not need to reciprocate or engage in behavior that makes them uncomfortable. Sexual abuse and incest will be defined. Ways of protecting oneself and recognizing and reporting such threats are discussed.
Grade 5
Objective #8
Students will define child abuse and child neglect and identify adults whom they can confide in and who will help them.
Current Descriptive Statement
Instruction will include physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect. Students will identify sources of help including parent/guardian, other adult family member, teacher, school counselor, clergy, or religious leader.
Recommended Objective
Students will define child abuse and child neglect and identify adults whom they can tell and ask for help.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Instruction will include neglect and forms of abuse including but not limited to physical, verbal, sexual, emotional, and financial. Discussion will include abuse and harassment can occur both in-person and electronically. Students will review characteristics of trustworthy adults and identify one or more adults that they can ask for help.
Objective #9
This objective is new.
Recommended Objective
Students will define consent and bodily autonomy. Students will identify, practice, and respect refusals.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Social, emotional, and physical boundaries are discussed, and students review, practice, and respect refusals related to abuse. The concept of bodily autonomy will be presented. Discussion will reinforce the importance of respecting a response of “no” from another individual.
Grade 6
Objective #10
The Family Life Education Committee is recommending that two objectives be combined into one. Original objectives:
- Students will demonstrate increased understanding of child abuse and neglect, including emotional and sexual abuse.
- Students will explain that there are laws protecting children from inappropriate and abusive behavior of others.
Current Descriptive Statements
- Instruction will include defining types of abuse, importance of reporting, and identifying resources for the reporting and treatment of child abuse and family violence.
- This includes defining sexual, emotional, and physical abuse and neglect; helping children understand what behavior should be expected from adults; and explaining ways to respond positively to family members and younger children in student’s care. Instruction will include defining and describing human (child/teen sex) trafficking.
Recommended Objective
Students will demonstrate increased understanding of child neglect and child abuse including sexual, emotional, verbal, financial, and physical abuse.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Instruction will include neglect and forms of abuse including but not limited to physical, verbal, sexual, emotional, and financial. Discussion will include abuse and harassment can occur both in-person and electronically. Students will review characteristics of trustworthy adults and identify one or more adults that they can ask for help.
Objective #11
This objective is new.
Recommended Objective
Students will review the concept of consent and bodily autonomy. Students will identify protective strategies. Students will identify, practice, and respect refusals.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Students will identify how consent may be given and explain that consent may be withdrawn either verbally or nonverbally. Students will practice receiving and respecting a ‘no’ from others.
Objective #12
Students will identify reasons for avoiding premarital sexual intercourse. (Human Growth and Development)
Current Descriptive Statement
Instruction includes exploration of the physical, psychological, social, academic, spiritual, and financial consequences of premarital sexual intercourse. The benefits of sexual abstinence in supporting healthy adolescent development are emphasized and students review and practice using refusal skills in situations related to adolescent development.
Recommended Objective
Students will identify reasons for avoiding premarital sexual activity. (Human Growth and Development)
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Instruction includes exploration of the physical, psychological, social, academic, spiritual, and financial consequences of premarital sexual activity. The benefits of abstinence from sexual activity in supporting healthy adolescent development are emphasized and students identify reasons adolescents may choose abstinence. Students will review and practice using refusal skills in situations related to adolescent development.
Grade 7
Objective #13
This objective is new.
Recommended Objective
Students will define sexual harassment and identify resources for help.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Instruction will define sexual harassment. Verbal, physical, written, electronic, and visual harassment will be introduced including examples of each. Resources for help in school and in the community will be presented.
Objective #14
This objective is new.
Recommended Objective
Students will review the definition of consent and recognize the importance of respecting when consent is not given.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Students will review the definition of consent as it relates to sexual activity and identify reasons someone may not give their consent. Discussion will include ways to say “no” and the importance of respecting and accepting when someone does not give consent or when consent is withdrawn.
Grade 8
Objective #15
Students will describe the consequences of adolescent sexual activity and explore the benefits of abstaining from sexual activity until marriage. (HGD)
Current Descriptive Statement
Instruction includes discussing the physical, social, emotional, and financial impact of premarital sexual activity for teens, including unintended pregnancy and STIs; and identifying positive alternatives to sexual activity. This includes making responsible decisions that are consistent with one’s personal and family values and supportive of personal health and the well-being of others. Students will learn to set personal boundaries and respect the boundaries of others through means such as consent.
Recommended Objective
No Change
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Instruction includes discussing the physical, social, emotional, and financial impact of premarital sexual activity for teens, including unintended pregnancy and STIs; and identifying positive alternatives to sexual activity. This includes making responsible decisions that are consistent with one’s personal and family values and supportive of personal health and the well-being of others. Students will learn to set personal boundaries and respect the boundaries of others through means such as consent.
Objective #16
This objective is new.
Recommended Objective
Students will identify examples of sexual harassment, impacts of sexual harassment, and resources for help and interruption.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Instruction will review the definition of sexual harassment. Students will identify emotional, physical, and mental health impacts of sexual harassment and resources for help in school, the home, and in the community. Students will explore and demonstrate strategies to identify and interrupt sexual harassment by self or others. Disciplinary consequences will be reviewed.
Objective #17
Students will explore types of exploitation and identify prevention skills, coping strategies, and sources of help for exploitation.
Current Descriptive Statement
Types of exploitation include physical, emotional, and sexual abuse and neglect. Instruction will include the dangers and repercussions of using personal electronic exchanges or social media to engage in sexually explicit communications (includes sharing sexually explicit images).
Recommended Objective
Students will explore types of exploitation and identify skills to promote safety and situational awareness, interruption strategies, and sources of help for exploitation.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Physical and emotional exploitation, sexual abuse, and neglect will be discussed. Instruction will present the importance of setting personal boundaries, giving consent, respecting and accepting when someone does not give consent or withdraws their consent, and resources for help. Instruction will include the dangers and repercussions of using personal electronic exchanges (e.g., online, gaming, texting, and social media) to engage in sexually explicit communications (includes sharing sexually explicit images).
Grade 9
Objective #18
The student will identify factors that contribute to healthy relationships in families, friendships, and dating.
Current Descriptive Statement
Topics may include communication skills, conflict resolution, respect for others’ decisions, identification of coercive behaviors, establishing and maintaining personal boundaries, and affirmative consent.
Recommended Objective
Students will identify characteristics of, and how to develop and maintain, healthy relationships in a variety of settings
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Students will identify different types of relationships they may be a part of as a high school student including family, friendship, partner or dating, team member, or as an employee. Characteristics of healthy relationships such as positive communication, active listening, trust, and honesty will be presented. Conflict resolution skills will be reviewed and how to apply conflict resolution skills will be discussed and practiced.
Objective #19
This objective is new.
Recommended Objective
Students will identify different types of relationships they may be a part of as a high school student including family, friendship, partner or dating, team member, or as an employee. Characteristics of healthy relationships such as positive communication, active listening, trust, and honesty will be presented. Conflict resolution skills will be reviewed and how to apply conflict resolution skills will be discussed and practiced
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Characteristics of unhealthy relationships may include coercive behaviors, coercive language, abuse of power, and controlling or unrealistic expectations of the other person. Instruction will include the impact of drug and alcohol use on understanding consent and the ability to give or withdraw consent. Students will understand that impairment does not absolve them of responsibility for actions that violate others.
Students will practice strategies and skills needed when navigating or ending a relationship. Instruction will include accepting others' relationship decisions, accepting boundaries, and what to do if someone does not respect your decision to end a relationship. Strategies to safely navigate, end, or leave a relationship, and resources available for help, will be discussed.
Objective #20
Students will identify effects, prevention strategies, and appropriate resources for help and reporting for sexual abuse.
Current Descriptive Statement
Topics will include sexual assault, rape, intimate partner violence, incestuous behavior, molestation, gang sexual abuse, human (teen sex) trafficking, and incest. Instruction will include bystander awareness and intervention strategies. Resources for help and reporting include parents, school personnel, religious leaders, health care providers, and community resources.
Recommended Objective
Students will identify examples and effects of sexual violence and identify skills to promote safety and situational awareness. Resources for help and reporting sexual violence will be provided.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Discussion will include identifying types of and providing examples of sexual violence, bystander awareness, situational awareness, and intervention strategies. Resources for help and reporting can include parents/guardians, school personnel, religious leaders, health care providers, and community resources will be provided.
Objective #21
This objective is new.
Recommended Objective
Students explain the value of setting personal boundaries and respecting the boundaries of others and will define affirmative consent.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Students will investigate strategies to establish and maintain personal boundaries. Affirmative consent will be defined. The concept that boundaries may shift based on the relationships will be discussed. Students will be able to identify when consent is given and when it is absent and will understand an individual has the ability to withdraw consent as it relates to intimacy and sexual behavior and their responsibility to respect the other person's decision. Discussion will include that some situations involving intimate or sexual behaviors may become uncomfortable or unwanted, in the moment or afterwards, whether or not affirmative consent is given. Students will identify resources and strategies, aligned with characteristics of healthy relationships, to address student concerns and support student well-being in the event of uncomfortable or unwanted intimate or sexual experiences. Such strategies will include encouraging students to talk with a trustworthy individual about the experience for support, how to withdraw consent in the moment, and respect for withdrawal of consent. Students shall also receive instruction with regards to respect for a partner who declines to provide affirmative consent for intimate and sexual behavior consented to in a prior situation or experience.
Grade 10
Objective #22
The Family Life Education Committee is recommending that this objective be split up into two objectives. Current objective:
Students will examine teen dating relationships, teen dating violence, and human (teen sex) trafficking; and strategies for risk reduction, prevention, and available support services.
Current Descriptive Statement
Instruction will include elements of healthy dating relationships including affirmative consent. Instruction will include elements of unhealthy and abusive dating relationships to include verbal, physical, and emotional, and sexual abuse; Internet exploitation; and how coercive dating relationships may result in coerced sex and human (teen sex) trafficking. Instruction will include that abuse is never the fault of the victim and that responsibility for abuse lies with the person perpetrating abusive and coercive behaviors. Instruction will also include risk reduction strategies (establishing personal boundaries and being respectful of personal boundaries and the boundaries of others) and available resources for further information, assistance, and support. Instruction will include bystander awareness and intervention strategies.
Recommended Objectives
- 22a: Students will examine teen relationships and identify communication of consent, absence of consent, and withdrawal of consent related to intimacy and sexual behavior. Students will discuss the impact peer pressure may have on decision making in teen relationships.
- 22b: Students will identify characteristics of unhealthy relationships that may lead to teen relationship violence, sexual assault, abuse, strangulation, sextortion, and sex trafficking. Strategies for risk reduction, prevention, and available support services will be provided.
Recommended Descriptive Statements
- 22a: Instruction will include elements of healthy relationships including affirmative consent. Instruction will include strategies to clearly communicate personal boundaries and respect the boundaries of others. Discussion will also include strategies to give, withhold, or withdraw consent; and respect the right of others to give, withhold, or withdraw consent. Instruction will include how the use of alcohol or other substances affect the ability to give consent or understand if consent is given.
- 22b: Instruction will include elements of unhealthy and abusive relationships to include verbal, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse including strangulation, Internet exploitation, and how coercive relationships may result in coerced sex and sex trafficking. Instruction will include that abuse is never the fault of the victim and that responsibility for abuse lies with the person perpetrating abusive and coercive behaviors. Discussion will include that no minor can give consent to their own sexual exploitation. Instruction will also include risk reduction strategies (establishing personal boundaries and being respectful of personal boundaries and the boundaries of others) and available resources for further information, assistance, and support. Instruction will include bystander awareness and intervention strategies.
Grade 11
Objective #23
Students will examine healthy and unhealthy relationships, dating violence, and strategies for risk reduction, prevention, and available support services.
Current Descriptive Statement
Instruction will include identification of controlling behaviors and coerced sexual activity including human (teen sex) trafficking and digital/social media abuse. Instruction will also include establishing and reinforcing personal boundaries regarding sexual activity including affirmative consent and risk reduction strategies to help prevent abuse including risks associated with substance use. Family, trusted adult, member of the clergy, and community health resources for further information, assistance, and support will be identified. Instruction will include bystander awareness and intervention strategies.
Recommended Objective
Students will review the effects of sexual violence, review skills to promote safety and situational awareness, and review resources available for support and assistance.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Instruction will review types of sexual violence including sexual assault, abuse, strangulation, sextortion, and sex trafficking. The impact of technology on sexual violence will be discussed. Instruction will clarify that depictions of sexual violence in media do not justify sexual violence in real life. Instruction will include establishing and reinforcing personal boundaries regarding sexual activity, including affirmative consent and skills to promote situational awareness – including a discussion on the heightened risks associated with substance use. Intervention strategies will include bystander awareness and strategies to support victims. Resources available for support and assistance and reporting sexual violence will be reviewed, and can include parents/guardians, caregivers, school personnel, religious leaders, health care providers, law enforcement, and community organizations and programs.
Grade 12
Objective #24
Students will interpret laws that affect family life.
Current Descriptive Statement
Current local, state, and national laws and case studies are reviewed as well as any pending legislation affecting individuals and families regarding marriage, divorce, adoption, child abuse, human (teen sex) trafficking, sexual assault (includes consent), and legal responsibilities of parents. Instruction will include the impact of engaging in risky behaviors during high school, post-secondary education, and career. Instruction will include bystander awareness and intervention strategies.
Recommended Objective
Students will interpret laws that affect family life.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Instruction will review current local, state, and national laws and case studies affecting individuals and families regarding marriage, divorce, adoption, child abuse, human/teen sex trafficking, sexual assault, and legal responsibilities of parents/guardians. Instruction will include the potential impact of engaging in risky or illegal behaviors during high school, post-secondary education, and employment.
Objective #25
This objective is new.
Recommended Objective
Students will review consent, respecting when consent is not given or is withdrawn, and bystander awareness and intervention strategies.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
The lessons will define consent and affirmative consent. Students will discuss how consent is clearly communicated and examples that are not clear consent. Instruction will include the importance of respecting and responding appropriately when consent is not given or when consent is withdrawn, regardless of gender or gender identity. Legal consequences of not respecting consent will be examined. The impact of substance use on the ability to give and receive consent will be included. Instruction will include bystander awareness and intervention strategies.
Grade 4
Objective #26
The student will recognize the physical changes that occur during puberty and relate these changes to the increased need for personal hygiene.
Current Descriptive Statement
Instruction includes the following physical changes: growth spurt, increased sweat production, skin changes, mood swings, growth of pubic and underarm hair, increase shoulder width in boys, and breast and hip development in girls. In addition, the importance of personal hygiene in relation to these bodily changes is discussed. Instruction for girls includes basic anatomy of the female reproductive system, menstruation, and the intended use and proper disposal of sanitary products. Instruction for boys includes basic anatomy of the male reproductive system, erections, and nocturnal emissions. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the onset of sexual changes and growth patterns varies with individuals and that this is natural. Focus is on the development of a positive attitude toward oneself during puberty and appreciation for individual differences.
Recommended Objective
The student will recognize the physical changes that occur during puberty and relate these changes to the increased need for personal hygiene.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Instruction includes the following physical changes: growth spurt, increased sweat production, skin changes, mood swings, growth of pubic and underarm hair, increase shoulder width in boys, and breast and hip development in girls. In addition, the importance of personal hygiene in relation to these bodily changes is discussed. Instruction includes anatomy of the female reproductive system, menstruation, and the intended use and proper disposal of sanitary products and anatomy of the male reproductive system, erections, and nocturnal emissions. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the onset of sexual changes and growth patterns varies with individuals and that this is natural. Focus is on the development of a positive attitude toward oneself during puberty and appreciation for individual differences.
Grade 5
Objective #27
Students will identify the structures and functions of the male and female reproductive systems.
Current Descriptive Statement
Instruction includes the functions of the male and female reproductive organs, including the penis, testicles, vas deferens, scrotum, urethra, uterus, ovaries, vagina, cervix, and fallopian tubes. The reproductive organs are explained in relation to the total human anatomy.
Recommended Objective
Students will identify the structures and functions of the male and female reproductive systems.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Instruction includes the structures and functions of the male and female reproductive systems. Instruction of the male reproductive system will include the penis, testicles, vas deferens, and scrotum. Instruction of the female reproductive system will include the uterus, ovaries, vagina, cervix, and fallopian tubes. The external female genitalia will be identified to include the vulva, labia, and clitoris and adjacent structures such as the urethra The reproductive organs are explained in relation to the total human anatomy.
Grade 6
Objective #28
Students will review the structures and functions of the male and female reproductive systems and how these change during puberty.
Current Descriptive Statement
Instruction includes the structure and function of the reproductive organs, including the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, and vagina in girls, and the testicles, vas deferens, urethra, penis, and scrotum in boys.
Recommended Objective
Students will review the structures and functions of the male and female reproductive systems and how these change during puberty.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Instruction includes the structures and functions of the male and female reproductive organs systems. Instruction of the male reproductive system will include the penis, testicles, vas deferens, and scrotum. Instruction of the female reproductive system will include the urethra, uterus, ovaries, vagina, cervix, and fallopian tubes. The external female genitalia will be identified to include vulva, labia, and clitoris and adjacent structures such as the urethra. The reproductive organs are explained in relation to the total human anatomy.
Grade 7
Objective #29
Students will identify the components of the male and female reproductive systems and describe how their functioning changes during puberty.
Current Descriptive Statement
In addition to identifying the parts of the male and female reproductive systems, the following topics will be discussed: ovulation, menstruation, erections, ejaculation, and nocturnal emissions. During instruction, menstruation, sexual intercourse, and fertilization will be reviewed and primary amenorrhea will be introduced. Primary amenorrhea is defined as not having the first menstrual period by age 16. Emphasis will be placed on there being a broad range of ages when it is normal for menstruation to begin.
Recommended Objective
Students will identify the components of the male and female reproductive systems and describe how their functioning changes during puberty.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
In addition to identifying the internal and external parts of the male and female reproductive systems, the following topics will be discussed: ovulation, menstruation, erections, ejaculation, and nocturnal emissions. During instruction, menstruation, sexual intercourse, and fertilization will be reviewed and primary amenorrhea will be introduced. Primary amenorrhea is defined as not having the first menstrual period by age 16. Emphasis will be placed on there being a broad range of ages when it is normal for menstruation to begin.
These are additional objectives and descriptive statements being recommended to enhance specific lessons in the curriculum.
Objective #30
Students will recognize that everyone is a member of a family and identify members of their individual families.
Current Descriptive Statement
Students will identify adult and child members of their families. The types of family structures included will be two-parent/guardian families – mother and father, two mothers, two fathers, and children; extended families – relatives other than the immediate family living in the home; single-parent/guardian families; adoptive families; foster families; families with stepparents; and blended families.
Recommended Objective
Students will recognize that everyone is a member of a family and identify members of their individual families.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Students will identify adult and child members of their families. The type of family structures could include any adult caregivers of the child and any children that live in the home with the child. This could include but are not limited to two parent/guardian families (mother/father, two mothers, two fathers, extended family members, or grandparents), single parent/guardian families, adoptive families, foster families, families with stepparents, and blended families.
Objective #31
Students will identify positive ways in which family members and friends show love, affection, respect, and appreciation for each other.
Current Descriptive Statement
Discussion will include appropriate behaviors such as hugging, listening, protecting, providing guidance, encouraging, and praising. The concept that some behaviors may be inappropriate will be introduced.
Recommended Objective
Students will identify positive ways in which family members and friends show love, affection, respect, and appreciation for each other.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Discussion will include the definitions of appreciation and respect, and what behaviors might show appreciation and respect. Discussion will include appropriate behaviors such as hugging, listening, protecting, providing guidance, encouraging, and praising. The concept that some behaviors may be unwanted will be introduced.
Objective #32
Students will demonstrate how to say “no” to inappropriate behaviors from family members, neighbors, strangers, and others.
Current Descriptive Statement
Discussion will include saying “no” in a loud voice, standing up straight, and looking at the person. Trusting adults who can help the child will be identified. Students will learn to keep telling until someone listens and helps them.
Recommended Objective
Students will define personal space and demonstrate how to say “no” to behaviors from people both inside and outside the family that make the student feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Good and bad touches will be reviewed. Discussion will include ways to communicate “no” (e.g., saying “no” in a loud voice, using sign language, using other communication tools, having a confident posture, looking at the person, or physically moving away from that person's proximity). Characteristics of trustworthy adults will be discussed and examples of trusted adults who may help the child will be identified. Examples of possible trusted adults will include parent or guardian, teacher, school counselor, grandparent, religious leader, police officer, and other adult family members. Students will learn to keep telling until someone listens and helps them.
Grade 5
Objective #33
Students will define child abuse and child neglect and identify adults whom they can confide in and who will help them.
Current Descriptive Statement
Instruction will include physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect. Students will identify sources of help including parent/guardian, other adult family member, teacher, school counselor, clergy or religious leader.
Recommended Objective
Students will define child abuse and child neglect and identify adults whom they can tell and ask for help.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Instruction will include neglect and forms of abuse including but not limited to physical, verbal, sexual, emotional, and financial. Discussion will include abuse and harassment that can occur both in-person or electronically. Students will review characteristics of trustworthy adults and identify one or more adults that they can ask for help.
Grade 10
Objective #34
Students will identify how contraceptive methods work and will identify the advantages of abstaining from sexual activity.
Current Descriptive Statement
Instruction will include barrier, hormonal, behavioral and surgical methods. Reproductive anatomy and physiology will be reviewed as appropriate. Sexual abstinence will be identified as the appropriate choice for adolescents. Instruction will include effective strategies for resisting peer pressure, such as communication, assertiveness, and refusal skills.
Recommended Objective
Students will identify how contraceptive methods work and will identify the advantages of abstaining from sexual activity.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Instruction will include barrier, hormonal, behavioral and surgical methods. Reproductive anatomy and physiology will be reviewed as appropriate. Sexual abstinence will be identified as the appropriate choice for adolescents. Instruction will include effective strategies for resisting peer pressure, such as communication, assertiveness, and refusal skills. Students will review affirmative consent and the importance of setting boundaries and respecting the boundaries of others.
Objective #35
Students will recognize development of sexuality as an aspect of one’s total personality.
Current Descriptive Statement
Instruction will include how sexuality develops throughout a lifetime and how sexuality encompasses attitudes, values, and behaviors. Sexual orientation and gender identity terms will be discussed with focus on appreciation for individual differences.
Recommended Objective
Students will recognize the development of sexuality and gender identity as aspects of one’s total personality.
Recommended Descriptive Statement
Instruction will include how sexuality develops throughout a lifetime and how sexuality encompasses attitudes, values, and behaviors. Sexual orientation and gender identity terms will be discussed with focus on appreciation for individual differences.
Modified ESH Safety Unit
Objective #36
The student will demonstrate strategies for responding to inappropriate approaches from family members, neighbors, strangers, or others without being unduly alarmed about nonexistent dangers.
- Learn about okay touches and bad touches and what to do.
The student will demonstrate strategies for responding to inappropriate approaches from family members, neighbors, strangers, or others without being unduly alarmed about nonexistent dangers.
- Learn about okay touches and bad touches and how to respond if you are feeling uncomfortable.
- Learn about okay touches and bad touches and how to communicate “No!” and remove yourself from the situation.
Media Recommendations
Grade 4 Human Growth and Development (HGD) Unit
"My Changing Life: The Complete Guide to Puberty"
The current media for the girl’s lesson does not include diagrams of the female reproductive system. The current media for the boy’s lesson does include diagrams of the male reproductive system.
- Recommendation #37: Diagrams of the female reproductive system be included in the girl’s media; proposed girl's HGD media.
- Recommendation #38: One version of the media that includes the male and female reproductive systems and menstruation (not currently in the boys) be developed and shown to all students in separate classes for boys and girls; proposed media for all students.
Grade 7 (New Media)
Recommendation #39:
"Hormones, Body Odor, and Acne, Oh My! Puberty 101" - PBS, August 2021
Media Description
Puberty—the process of developing from a child to a reproductive adult—can make a kid look, feel, and act differently. Here’s what’s happening to your kid. Hosts Alok Patel and Bethany Van Delft are back for round two of the puberty talk. This time, they’re breaking down the science behind the body’s big shift, full of chemicals and hormones, as it grows to become capable of reproduction.
The media will support:
Lesson 7.1: Students will examine the physical and emotional changes that occur during adolescence.
Students will review social and emotional changes associated with puberty that were introduced in the Emotional and Social Health unit. Instruction will include review of physical changes that most people experience during puberty and changes that typically happen to individuals assigned male at birth (broadening or shoulders, erections, ejaculations, and nocturnal emissions) and changes that typically happen to individuals assigned female at birth (breast development, widening of the hips, and menstruation). The importance of personal hygiene will be discussed.
Grade 10
"Testicular Cancer and the Importance of Testicular Self-Exam (TSE)"
Recommendation #40
- Removal of the video:
- The media is no longer available for purchase and is only available on DVD.
- Several schools no longer have access to DVD players and/or no longer have the media.
- Students remain in normal class grouping for instruction of breast self-awareness and testicular self exam. Currently, all students learn about breast and testicular cancers. Students are split into boys and girls groups to learn about breast self-awareness and testicular self exam.
- Students continue to learn about testicular cancer and testicular self-exam using testicular cancer models to support instruction. Breast cancer and breast self-awareness will continue to be instructed.
Elementary Curriculum Recommendation
Recommendation #41
Explore instruction of gender identity in ES and a more inclusive FLE curriculum overall.
- The committee is not making a recommendation to include gender spectrum at elementary at this time, but to consider the topic of gender identity at the elementary level.
- If FLECAC recommends inclusion of gender spectrum in elementary school, they will also make recommendations for the grade level(s) where it will be instructed and objectives and descriptive statements for the instruction.
- Inclusion of the gender spectrum at the elementary level may support students who identify as transgender and non-binary and their families by allowing students to be seen and heard and not excluded from instruction.
- The recommendation is also to develop a more inclusive curriculum overall that would better meet the needs of students with disabilities, multilingual learners, and students with diverse backgrounds.