Family Life Education Curriculum Advisory Committee
Community Advisory Committee
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FLECAC Committee Letter (Sent 3/17/25)
Dear FLECAC Members,
First, allow me the opportunity to thank you for your commitment to support FCPS in your role as a member of the Family Life Education (FLE) Curriculum Advisory Committee.
Your work over the years has informed FCPS on program development and implementation of the K-12 health and physical education and FLE curriculum. These lessons are critical to helping our students make safe and healthy choices. Learning happens best in community.
At the March 13, 2025, School Board meeting, the board voted to disband FLECAC as a School Board Advisory Committee. This decision was made in the interest of consistency, as all other curriculum committees are Superintendent Instructional Review Committees.
We will be back in touch in the coming weeks once we take appropriate time to thoughtfully consider next steps.
Thank you again for your commitment to our students. Please stay in touch as we plan and work forward; together all things are possible.

Dr. Michelle C. Reid, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Committee Chairperson
Carrie Reynolds, Senior Manager, Health, Family Life, and Physical Education, Instructional Services Department
Committee Purpose
The Family Life Education Curriculum Advisory Committee (FLECAC) for levels K through 12 shall be established and maintained to advise the K-12 health and physical education and FLE curriculum senior manager on Program of Studies development and implementation. The role of the committee is to provide advice and recommendations to the curriculum coordinator as objectives and descriptive statements are developed and basal materials are considered for use in instruction (FCPS Regulation 1708).
View the Curriculum Development Process
2024 - 25 Membership
School Board Member Representatives
Jennifer Denton, Braddock District
Willow Woycke, Dranesville District
Revetta Dixon, Franconia District
Kripa Patwardhan, Hunter Mill District
Greg Martin, Mason District
Dave Behar, Mount Vernon District
Joshua Israel, Providence District
Lawrence Webb, Springfield District
TBD, Sully District
Michelle Matthews, At Large
Vanessa Hall, At Large
Patrick Rhee, At Large
TBD, Student Representative, Grade 9
Madeline Schiffman, Student Representative, Grade 10
Elle Duangmane, Student Representative, Grade 11
Maya Maday, Student Representative, Grade 12
Community Representatives
Kim McNally, Fairfax County Health Department
Titi Rhea, Fairfax County Health Department
TBD, Faith Communities in Action
TBD, Faith Communities in Action
Patricia Ramirez, Family Partnerships
Jen Hitchcock, FCCPTA
Shannon Cothran, Physician
Megan Gerbracht, Psychologist
School Representatives
Kelly Baugh, Elementary School Principals’ Association
LaKenya Wright, Middle School Principals’ Association
Alfonso Smith, High School Principals’ Association
TBD, High School Social Studies
TBD, High School Social Studies
TBD, High School Health and Physical Education
TBD, High School Health and Physical Education
Dave Letsen, Middle School Health and Physical Education
TBD, Middle School Health and Physical Education
Ashley Claros, Elementary School
Sharon Stacks, Elementary School
Laurie Timmons, Elementary School
TBD, Elementary School
Jason Morgan, Registered Parliamentarian
2024 - 25 Meetings
Advisory Committee meetings will be held at Gatehouse Administration Center from 7 to 9 p.m.
Meeting called to order at 7:04 p.m.
Community members welcomed and reminded that public comment is not a part of FLECAC meetings, but they may observe the meeting.
Committee Introductions
- All members introduced themselves and their roles on the committee.
- Voting and non-voting members were identified.
Review purpose and role of FLECAC
- Maintained to advise the K-12 HPE senior manager on program of studies development and implementation.
- Provide advice and recommendations on objectives/descriptive statements and media.
Robert’s Rules of Order & Review of Meeting Procedures
- Parliamentarian provided an overview of Robert’s Rules of Order and committee procedures including making motions, making amendments, voting, and maintaining decorum during discussions.
- Committee members received committee guidelines which were reviewed.
- Committee members were asked to inform the chair in advance of a meeting they would be unable to attend if possible.
Family Life Education in FCPS
- Chair provided an overview of the Family Life Education program in FCPS.
- Reviewed legislated and Virginia Board of Education requirements.
- Provided overview of FCPS regulation 3204, Family Life Education.
- Curriculum overview
- Emotional and Social Health unit (ESH) in kindergarten through grade 10.
- Human Growth and Development unit (HGD) in grades four through 10.
- Lessons in grades 11 and 12 instructed through social studies.
- Modified curriculum
Review of SY 2023-2024 committee recommendations
- Completed objectives and descriptive statements related to setting and respecting personal boundaries and consent.
- Update media for grade four girl’s puberty lesson.
- Include external female genitalia in instruction for grades four through seven.
Changes to FLE instruction beginning SY 2024-2025
- Revised lessons in kindergarten through grade two based on approved objectives and descriptive statements for boundaries and consent.
- Revised grade four girl’s puberty lesson.
- Revised grades five through seven instruction to include external female genitalia.
- Removed the testicular self-examination video in grade 10 and revised the lesson.
- Revised the safety unit in the modified curriculum.
- Pilot of gender-combined instruction in grades five through eight HGD unit.
- 14 total schools in the pilot
Revisions in Progress
- Lessons in grades three through 12 to align with approved objectives and descriptive statements related to boundaries and consent.
- Adding approved puberty video for grade seven.
- Revision of the modified curriculum self, relationships, and HGD units.
- Continue development of puberty media for grades four through six.
FLECAC Overview SY 2024-2025
- Explore instruction of gender identity in elementary school and a more inclusive FLE curriculum overall.
- Consider expanding instruction related to pornography.
- Review instruction on contraception and abortion.
Additional Committee Meeting Dates for SY 2024-2025
- Wednesday, November 13, 2024
- Wednesday, December 11, 2024
- Wednesday, January 8, 2025
- Wednesday, February 12, 2025
- Wednesday, March 12, 2025 (canceled)
- Wednesday, April 9, 2025 (canceled)
Committee Discussion
- Committee began initial discussion of the first topic for this year - explore instruction of gender identify in elementary school and a more inclusive FLE curriculum overall.
- Chair is collecting information from other Virginia school divisions about what their curriculum does and does not include related to gender identity at the elementary level.
Closing Remarks
Meeting adjourned at 8:44 p.m.
Committee Members in Attendance | Kelly Baugh, Ashley Claros, Megan Gerbracht (arrive 7:15 p.m.), Ellen Goldberger, Vanessa Hall, Jen Hitchcock (arrive 7:10 p.m.), Joshua Israel, Maya Maday, Greg Martin, Michelle Matthews, Kim McNally, Elizabeth Molino, Titi Rhea, Madeline Schiffman, Laurie Timmons, Christine VanZandt, Willow Woycke, LaKenya Wright |
Non-Voting Committee Members in Attendance | Katie Kruk, Jason Morgan, Ellen Mukai, Carrie Reynolds, Laura Schomer |
Committee Members Absent | Dave Behar, Shannon Cothran, Revetta Dixon, Elle Duangmane, Dave Letsen, Kripa Patwardhan, Patricia Ramirez, Patrick Rhee, Sharon Sacks, Carlos Seward, Lawrence Webb |
Meeting called to order at 7:01 p.m.
Community members welcomed and reminded that public comment is not a part of FLECAC meetings, but they may observe the meeting.
Committee Introductions
- All members introduced themselves and their roles on the committee.
- Voting and non-voting members were identified.
October Meeting Minutes
October meeting minutes were approved with one grammatical and one spelling correction.
Puberty Video
An update on the development of puberty media for grades 4, 5, and 6 was provided to the committee.
Committee Discussion
Members individually reviewed information provided by the chair followed by discussion. Information included:
- Current policies and regulations
- Gender identity instruction in other Virginia divisions
- Fairfax County Youth Survey data
- Research on the development of gender
- Other research and position statements related to care of LGBTQ+ youth
- Current FCPS health and FLE instruction relevant to instruction of gender identity
- Curriculum resources related to gender identity instruction
- National Sex Education standards for gender identity and sexual orientation
Motion: Ask staff to provide age appropriate objectives for instruction of gender identity and related topics for grades K-2, 3-4, and 5-6. Seventeen voting members present at time of vote.
- Yes: 16
- No: 0
Closing Remarks
Meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m.
Committee Members in Attendance | Ashley Claros, Shannon Cothran, Elle Duangmane, Megan Gerbracht (arrive 7:05 p.m.), Vanessa Hall, Jen Hitchcock (arrive 7:08 p.m.), Joshua Israel, Greg Martin, Kim McNally, Kripa Patwardhan, Patricia Ramirez, Titi Rhea, Sharon Sacks, Madeline Schiffman, Christine VanZandt, Willow Woycke, LaKenya Wright |
Non-Voting Committee Members in Attendance | Emily Findley, Jason Morgan, Ellen Mukai, Carrie Reynolds, Laura Schomer |
Committee Members Absent | Kelly Baugh, Dave Behar, Revetta Dixon, Dave Letsen, Maya Maday, Michelle Matthews, Elizabeth Molino, Patrick Rhee, Carlos Seward, Laurie Timmons, Lawrence Webb |
Agenda Item | Person(s) Responsible |
Call to order | Carrie Reynolds |
Committee member introductions | All |
Approve November meeting minutes | All |
Discuss topic 1: Explore instruction of gender identity in elementary school and a more inclusive FLE curriculum overall.
| All |
Next Steps | Carrie Reynolds |
Closing | All |
Previous Years' Meetings
Meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m.
Committee Members in Attendance | Becky Daw, Beth Gottschalk, Chaiya Mohanty Ortiz, Courtney Firth, Emilia Rastrick, Greg Martin, Jen Hitchcock, Josh Israel, Katelyn Rieling, Kelly Baugh, Kripa Patwardhan, Kyra Ganezer, Megan Gerbracht, Shannon Cothran, Shari Zamarra, Sharon Stacks, Teresa Champion, Vanessa Hall |
Non-Voting Committee Members in Attendance | Becky Howery, Carrie Reynolds, Colleen Eddy, Jason Morgan, Katie Kruk |
Committee Members Absent | Danielle Lalande, Dave Letsen, David Arthur, Debra David, Do-Quyen Pham, Emily Findley, Farhan Siddiqi, Marcia St. John-Cunning, Willow Woycke |
Committee Introductions
- All members introduced themselves and their roles in the community.
- Voting and non-voting members were identified
Review of Meeting Procedures
- Parliamentarian reviewed Robert’s Rules of Order and committee procedures.
- Committee members are encouraged to have ongoing communication about the work of the committee with the School Board member or organization they represent.
- Materials are made available to facilitate the work of the committee and are not intended to be shared or posted in any form.
Review Purpose and Role of FLECAC
- Maintained to advise the K-12 HPE coordinator on program of studies development and implementation.
- Provide advice and recommendations on objectives/descriptive statements and basal materials.
Review FLECAC Recommendations from SY 2022-23
Recommendations from SY 2022-2023 were presented to the School Board in a work session on June 22, 2023.
- Current recommendations based on FLECAC recommendations from SY 2021-2022.
- Recommended objectives and descriptive statements related to setting boundaries, respecting boundaries, and consent for kindergarten through grade eight.
Overview of Potential Topics for FLECAC Discussion and Consideration in SY 2023-24
- Objectives/descriptive statements related to consent in grades 9-12 and modified curriculum.
- Media to support puberty instruction.
- Recommendations from summer curriculum development project team for revisions to some objectives/descriptive statements to enhance the modified and general education FLE curricula.
- Consider if pornography should be instructed at any grade level(s) in addition to current instruction in grade nine.
Meeting Dates
Meeting dates were posted and reviewed.
Boundaries and Consent in Grades 9-12
- An overview of recommendations for K-8 on consent was handed out and reviewed discussion points from last year.
- Draft objectives and descriptive statements were reviewed and discussed in small groups. Groups provided feedback to the chair.
Closing Remarks
Meeting adjourned at 9 p.m.
Meeting called to order at 7 p.m.
Committee Members in Attendance | Alfonso Smith, Becky Daw, Beth Gottschalk, Chaiya Mohanty Ortiz, Courtney Firth, Danielle Lalande, Dave Letsen, David Arthur, Debra David, Do-Quyen Pham, Emilia Rastrick, Farhan Siddiqi, Greg Martin, Jen Hitchcock, Josh Israel, Kelly Baugh, Megan Gerbracht, Shannon Cothran, Sharon Stacks, Teresa Champion, Vanessa Hall, and Willow Woycke |
Non-Voting Committee Members in Attendance | Becky Howery, Carrie Reynolds, and Jason Morgan |
Committee Members Absent | Katelyn Rieling, Kyra Ganezer, Marcia St. John-Cunning, Patricia Ramirez, and Shari Zamarra |
Staff and Guest in Attendance | Abby Picard and Debra Miller |
September Minutes
September meeting minutes approved with clarification that the recommendations from the summer curriculum development team were to enhance both the general education and modified curriculums.
Committee Introductions
All members introduced themselves and their roles in the community.
Review Purpose and Role of FLECAC
- Maintained to advise the K-12 HPE coordinator on program of studies development and implementation.
- Provide advice and recommendations on objectives/descriptive statements and basal materials.
- Process of bringing recommendation to the school board
- Roles within the committee
Boundaries and consent in grades 9-12
- Presentation from Fairfax County Domestic and Sexual Violence Services: Healthy Relationships, Dating Violence, Boundaries, & Consent.
- Committee members were asked to consider how the information presented applies to the objectives and descriptive statements on setting and respecting boundaries and consent for grades 9 and 10. The objectives and descriptive statements will be discussed during the November meeting
Closing Remarks
Meeting adjourned at 9 p.m.
Meeting called to order at 7:04 p.m.
Committee Members in Attendance | Becky Daw, Chaiya Mohanty Ortiz, Dave Letsen, David Arthur, Debra David, Farhan Siddiqi, Greg Martin, Jen Hitchcock, Josh Israel, Kelly Baugh, Kyra Ganezer, Megan Gerbracht, Patricia Ramirez, Shannon Cothran, Shari Zamarra, Sharon Stacks, Vanessa Hall, and Willow Woycke |
Non-Voting Committee Members in Attendance | Becky Howery, Carrie Reynolds, Colleen Eddy, Emily Findley, and Jason Morgan |
Committee Members Absent | Alfonso Smith, Beth Gottschalk, Courtney Firth, Danielle Lalande, Do-Quyen Pham, Emilia Rastrick, Katelyn Rieling, Kripa Patwardhan, Marcia St. John-Cunning, Teresa Champion |
October Minutes
October meeting minutes approved with correction to attendance of two members.
Committee Introductions
Members new to the committee introduced themselves and their roles in the community.
Update on Media for Grades 4-6
- Committee members were provided an update on the development of new media to support instruction of puberty and human reproduction in grades 4-6. The script is being developed and media production is considering how the information may be presented.
- Next update will be in January.
Boundaries and consent in grades 9-12
- Committee continued discussion of objectives and descriptive statements for grades 9 and 10.
- Committee members worked in small groups on individual objectives and descriptive statements. They were asked to share their recommendations for review and consideration in the next meeting.
December Meeting
- Motion: Cancel the December meeting and hold the next meeting as scheduled in January.
- Yes: 8
- No: 8
- Motion failed.
- Committee agreed to allow committee chair to follow-up with committee members in early December to determine if a quorum will be present. Meeting may be cancelled by committee chair if a quorum will not be met.
Closing Remarks
Meeting adjourned at 9:01 p.m.
Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m.
An overview of the meeting agenda was provided.
Committee Members in Attendance | Alfonso Smith, Becky Daw, Beth Gottschalk, Chaiya Mohanty Ortiz, Courtney Firth, Danielle Lalande, Dave Letsen, David Arthur, Do-Quyen Pham, Emilia Rastrick, Greg Martin, Josh Israel, Katelyn Rieling, Kripa Patwardhan, Maya Maday, Megan Gerbracht, Natalie Van Atta, Shari Zamarra, Vanessa Hall, and Willow Woycke |
Non-Voting Committee Members in Attendance | Colleen Eddy, Emily Findley, Katie Kruk, Jason Morgan, and Carrie Reynolds |
Committee Members Absent | Debra David, Farhan Siddiqi, Jen Hitchcock, Kelly Baugh, Marcia St. John-Cunning, Mehek Purnota, Patricia Ramirez, Shannon Cothran, Sharon Stacks, and Teresa Champion |
Committee Introductions
New student representatives were welcomed to the committee. Committee members introduced themselves and their roles on FLECAC.
November Meeting Minutes
November meeting minutes were approved as written.
Boundaries and Consent in Grades 9-10
- Committee continued discussion of objectives and descriptive statements for grades 9 and 10.
- Committee asked staff to revise the draft objective for grade 9 lesson 5 number 1 to create two separate objectives and descriptive statements. FLECAC will consider the revised objectives and descriptive statements in February.
- Motion: Approve the objectives and descriptive statements for grade 9 lesson 2 and grade 9 lesson 5 number 2 with the revisions discussed.
- Yes: 18
- No: 0
- Motion: Approve the objectives and descriptive statements for grade 10 lesson 1 with the revisions discussed.
- Yes: 19
- No: 0
Boundaries and Consent in Grades 11-12
- This agenda item was tabled until the February meeting.
- Committee members received draft objectives and descriptive statements which will be considered at the February meeting.
Update on Media for Grades 4-6
- Committee members were provided an update and draft script for new media to support instruction of puberty and human reproduction in grades 4-6. Committee members provided feedback on what they saw as strengths and suggestions.
- Committee members were given the opportunity to read the draft script more thoroughly and provide additional feedback prior to the February meeting.
- New webpage is live that provides information on the development of Family Life Education curriculum and the work of FLECAC.
- Committee member contact information does not need to be provided to the School Board office.
Preview Remaining Meetings
- Chair provided a tentative timeline for committee work during the remaining meetings in February, March, and April.
- FLECAC recommendations are scheduled for School Board new business in May.
Closing Remarks
Meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m.
Meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m.
An overview of the meeting agenda was provided.
Committee Members in Attendance | Becky Daw, Beth Gottschalk, Chaiya Mohanty Ortiz, Danielle Lalande, Dave Letsen, Do-Quyen Pham, Emilia Rastrick, Greg Martin, Jen Hitchcock, Josh Israel, Katelyn Rieling, Kelly Baugh, Kripa Patwardhan, Maya Maday, Megan Gerbracht, Patricia Ramirez, Shannon Cothran, Shari Zamarra, Teresa Champion, Willow Woycke |
Non-Voting Committee Members in Attendance | Colleen Eddy, Emily Findley, Katie Kruk, Jason Morgan, Carrie Reynolds |
Committee Members Absent | Alfonso Smith, Courtney Firth, David Arthur, Farhan Siddiqi, Marcia St. John-Cunning, Mehek Purnota, Natalie Van Atta, Sharon Stacks, Vanessa Hall |
Committee Member Updates
One voting member and one non-voting member have retired and will no longer serve on FLECAC.
December Meeting Minutes
December meeting minutes were approved with one grammatical correction.
Boundaries and Consent in Grades 9
- In the January meeting, the committee asked staff to revise the draft objective for grade 9 lesson 5 number 1 to create two separate objectives and descriptive statements. The committee reviewed the staff recommendations.
- Staff shared that due to revised and new objectives and descriptive statements the Emotional and Social Health unit in grade 9 would be reorganized. This will allow for a logical order of instruction that will enable students to access prior learning as they progress through the unit. The first proposed objective and descriptive statement would move from the current lesson 5 to be instructed as part of lesson 1. The second proposed objective and descriptive statement would become a new lesson 2.
- Motion: Approve the objectives and descriptive statements for grade 9 as written.
- Yes: 20
- No: 0
Boundaries and Consent in Grades 11-12
- Committee members reviewed and discussed draft objectives and descriptive statements for grade 11 lesson 2 and grade 12 lesson 1.
- Committee recommended changing the title of grade 11 lesson 1 from Unhealthy Relationships and Sexual Violence to Sexual Violence. This change is a better reflection of the content of the lesson.
- Motion: Approve the objective and descriptive statement for grade 11 lesson 1 with the revisions discussed.
- Yes: 20
- No: 0
- Motion: Approve the objective and descriptive statement for grade 12 lesson 1 as written.
- Yes: 19
- No: 0
- The proposed new objective and descriptive statement for grade 12 will be reviewed and discussed at a future meeting.
Recommendations from Summer Curriculum Development Lesson Review
This item will be discussed at a future meeting.
Preview March Meeting
- The committee will consider a concern brought by a community member related to the media currently being used for the girls’ lesson.
- Committee members will view the media for the boys’ and girls’ lessons and make a recommendation either to change the girls’ media or keep the media as it is.
Closing Remarks
Meeting adjourned at 9 p.m.
Meeting called to order at 7:12 p.m.
An overview of the meeting agenda was provided.
Committee Members in Attendance | Alfonso Smith, Becky Daw, Beth Gottschalk, Chaiya Mohanty Ortiz, Courtney Firth, David Arthur, Emilia Rastrick, Greg Martin, Jen Hitchcock, Josh Israel, Kelly Baugh, Kripa Patwardhan, Maya Maday, Megan Gerbracht, Sharon Stacks, Vanessa Hall |
Non-Voting Committee Members in Attendance | Colleen Eddy, Emily Findley, Katie Kruk, Jason Morgan |
Committee Members Absent | Danielle Lalande, Dave Letsen, Do-Quyen Pham, Farhan Siddiqi, Katelyn Rieling, Mehek Purnota, Natalie Van Atta, Patricia Ramirez, Shannon Cothran, Shari Zamarra, Teresa Champion, Willow Woycke |
February Meeting Minutes
February meeting minutes were approved as written.
Puberty Media for Grade 4
FLECAC was asked to address two concerns from a parent regarding the puberty lesson in grade four. The first concern was regarding differences in the media used for instruction of the boys’ lesson and the media used for the girls’ lesson. The media in the boys’ lesson includes a section at the end that explains the male reproductive system. A similar section explaining the female reproductive system is not included in the girls’ media. The second concern was the lesson does not include the external female genitalia.
- Committee members were provided a copy of the original email sent by the parent to Dr. Reid. At the request of the parent, the letter was read aloud to the committee.
- The committee viewed the current media used in the girls’ lesson and the current media used in the boys’ lesson. The committee then viewed the final section of the girls’ media which is not being used in FCPS.
- Motion: Recommend using the full version of the girls’ media including the section currently not being shown in FCPS. Sixteen voting members present at time of vote.
- Yes: 16
- No: 0
- The committee discussed showing a combined version of the video, including the male and female reproductive systems and menstruation, as part of both the boys’ and girls’ lessons. Students would remain in gender separate groups for the lesson.
- Motion: Recommend showing the same video including the male and female reproductive systems and menstruation to boys and girls in gender separate classes and allow parents/guardians to opt their child out of viewing the video.
- Motion to strike out the option to allow opt-out of the video. Sixteen voting members present at time of vote.
- Yes: 13
- No: 1
- Motion: Recommend showing the same video including the male and female reproductive systems and menstruation to boys and girls in gender separate classes. Sixteen voting members present at time of vote.
- Yes: 9
- No: 6
Objectives and Descriptive Statements That Include Reproductive Systems Grades 4-8
- Objectives and descriptive statements will need to be revised to support use of the media in grade four that includes both the male and female reproductive systems, menstruation in the boys’ lesson, and the external female genitalia.
- Staff will bring draft objectives for committee review in April.
Boundaries and Consent in Grades 12
- Committee members reviewed and discussed draft of a new objective and descriptive statement for grade 12.
- Committee recommended adding the following to the descriptive statement:
- Intervention and bystander awareness
- Victims can be of any gender
- Offenders can be of any gender
- Motion: Approve the objective and descriptive statement for grade 12 as written. Fifteen voting members present at time of vote.
- Yes: 15
- No: 0
Preview March Meeting
- Discuss recommendations from summer curriculum development team.
- Discuss revised objectives and descriptive statements for grades 4-8.
- Review draft report to the School Board.
Closing Remarks
Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Meeting called to order at 7:03 p.m.
An overview of the meeting agenda was provided.
Introduction of new member.
Committee Members in Attendance | Alfonso Smith, Becky Daw, Beth Gottschalk, Chaiya Mohanty Ortiz, Courtney Firth, Danielle Lalande, Dave Letsen, David Behar, Emilia Rastrick, Greg Martin, Jen Hitchcock, Josh Israel, Kelly Baugh, Kripa Patwardhan, Megan Gerbracht, Patricia Ramirez, Shari Zamarra, Shannon Cothran, Sharon Stacks, Vanessa Hall, Willow Woycke |
Non-Voting Committee Members in Attendance | Carrie Reynolds, Colleen Eddy, Donald Garrett, Emily Findley, Katie Kruk |
Committee Members Absent | David Arthur, Do-Quyen Pham, Farhan Siddiqi, Katelyn Rieling, Maya Maday, Mehad Abdi, Mehek Purnota, Natalie Van Atta, Revetta Dixon, Teresa Champion |
March Meeting Minutes
March meeting minutes were approved as written.
Chair clarified recommendation of committee related to grade 4 puberty video.
Objectives and Descriptive Statements Grades 4-7
FLECAC recommended to restore the full content of the girl’s grade 4 puberty video. This change would introduce the female external genitalia which is not currently included in instruction until grade 8. The additional recommendation for all students to view a version of the video that includes both the male and female reproductive systems and menstruation expands content instructed in grade 4. Revised objectives and descriptive statements were reviewed and discussed by the committee to align with content included in the video.
- Motion: Approve the objectives and descriptive statements for grades 4-7 with revisions discussed. Twenty-one voting members present at time of vote.
- Yes: 21
- No: 0
Objectives and Descriptive Statements From SY2023 Summer Curriculum Project
Committee members reviewed and discussed recommendations made by teachers who reviewed the general and modified FLE curriculum as part of a summer curriculum project in 2023.
- Motion: Approve the objectives and descriptive statements recommended by the summer curriculum project team with the revisions discussed. Twenty-one voting members present at time of vote.
- Yes: 21
- No: 0
Draft Report to the School Board
- Chair shared the draft report to the School Board with the committee and asked for any feedback or input. The report includes recommendations from the SY 2022-2023 committee that were not voted on by the School Board.
- The timeline for the School Board to receive and vote on the recommendations was shared.
• May 9 – School Board new business
• May 10-June 10 – Community review and feedback period
• May 21 – School Board work session
• June 27 – School Board vote - Members of the committee asked if the previous recommendation for gender inclusive instruction could be modified or a new recommendation presented to include grade 4. During discussion there was a motion to adjourn.
- Motion: To adjourn the meeting. Twenty-one voting members present at time of vote.
- Yes: 17
- No: 3
- Prior to adjourning the meeting, the committee approved without objection posting of the April meeting minutes after review by ISD staff who were present.
Closing Remarks
FLECAC members were thanked for their service on the committee this year.
Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Meeting Date | Resources |
Wednesday, September 14, 2022 | September Agenda | September Minutes |
Wednesday, October 12, 2022 | October Agenda | October Minutes |
Wednesday, November 9, 2022 | November Agenda | November Minutes |
Wednesday, December 14, 2022 | December Agenda | December Minutes |
Wednesday, January 11, 2023 | January Agenda | January Minutes |
Wednesday, February 8, 2023 | February Agenda | February Minutes |
Wednesday, March 8, 2023 | March Agenda | March Minutes |
Wednesday, April 12, 2023 | April Agenda | April Minutes |