School Board Members

August 29, 2024 School Board Meeting Highlights

  • School Board
  • August 30, 2024

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Meeting Opening

At 7:00 p.m., the National Anthem was performed by a Hughes Middle School student.

Community Participation

The School Board heard from 12 members of the public during Community Participation.

Student Representative Matters

Student Representative Megan Sawant presented Student Representative Matters to the School Board.

Action Items

The School Board voted to approve the FY 2024 financial year-end review and its associated revenue and expenditure adjustments.

The School Board voted to reject an external investigation regarding the allegations relating to the Hayfield Secondary School athletics program.

Executive Limitation Performance and Policy Review

At the June 13, 2024 Regular Meeting, the School Board found the Superintendent in non-compliance with Executive Limitation #7 (EL-7) Asset Protection and requested a corrective action memorandum addressing several items. Superintendent Reid submitted a corrective action memo for School Board review on July 16, 2024 and at tonight's meeting, Superintendent Reid presented a corrective action plan on EL-7: Asset Protection. The School Board found the Superintendent in compliance with EL-7 and approve the monitoring report with the Corrective Action Plan.

Superintendent Reid presented a monitoring report on Executive Limitation-1: Global Executive Limitations. The School Board found the Superintendent in compliance with EL-1. In a related action, the School Board voted to maintain Executive Limitation 1: Global Executive Limitations, as it is currently detailed in the Strategic Governance Manual.

Presentations to the School Board

Dr. Reid presented Academic Matters and Superintendent Matters to the School Board.

Consent Agenda

The School Board also approved minutes of the June 27, 2024 meeting, additional Advisory Committee appointments, an Audit Committee Community Member appointment, appointees to the Challenged Materials Interdepartmental Review Committee and the Family Life Education Curriculum Advisory Committee, the Monthly Separations Report, a Deputy Clerk of the School Board, and several contracts.

Meeting Closing

Finally, the School Board regular meeting concluded with Board Matters.

Watch the full meeting on the FCPS YouTube channel.

Upcoming School Board meetings include:

  • Audit Committee Meeting on September 16, 2024, 4:30 p.m.
  • Comprehensive Planning and Development Committee Meeting on September 19, 2024, 7:00 p.m.
  • Governance Committee Meeting on September 23, 2024, 3:00 p.m.
  • Regular Meeting on September 26, 2024, 7:00 p.m.