FCPS This Week e-newsletter - February 23, 2022
The Impact Federal COVID Relief Funding Is Having in Our Schools
Last fall, FCPS received $188.8 million in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) funding to help safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools, and address the impacts of COVID-19 on students. Take a look at the impact ESSER III funds are having in our schools.
School Board
At Providence Elementary, a group of sixth-grade students called the Wellness Leaders gather once a week to learn about a new topic related to wellness. This month, they are learning about growth mindsets versus fixed mindsets. The Wellness Leaders are one example of how ESSER III funding is supporting students after two years of learning in a pandemic. The group was highlighted Tuesday during a School Board work session focused on ESSER III funding.
Watch the presentation on ESSER III
View the presentation documents
On Thursday, February 24, the School Board will hold an ESSER public hearing at 6 p.m., before their regularly scheduled meeting. The meeting will be streamed live on FCPS’ website.
Board Games, Backpacks, and Boosting Academics
In the library at Rocky Run Middle School in Chantilly, some students are playing new board games designed to boost critical thinking. Down the hall, five students go over how to add fractions, using magnetic fraction tiles to assist them in finding common denominators, an elementary school math standard. Others meet after hours with staff who help them organize their backpacks and binders to boost executive function skills that may have lapsed during the pandemic. Read more to find out how students at Rocky Run Middle School are benefiting from ESSER III funding.
Your Voice Matters
Your feedback matters! Please weigh in today via our online feedback form. For more information on the ESSER III grant, please watch this video and visit the FCPS website.
Full Reports on School Spending
Full reports on school spending will be available on the FCPS and school websites soon. Keep reading FCPS This Week for updates.
County Executive Recommends Full Funding of FCPS Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Request
The Fairfax County Executive recommended fully funding the school operating request included in the Superintendent’s Proposed Budget for the 2022-23 school year (Fiscal Year 2023). This represents a 5.18% increase from FY 2022 and includes a 4% market scale adjustment for all employees and step increases for eligible employees. More than 92% of FCPS employees are based in schools.
New special education lead positions at elementary schools will bring a new era in special education instruction, while three additional days of professional development and training will be dedicated to ensuring all teachers are fully versed in the best practices in education. See the County Executive’s presentation on the FY 2023 Advertised Budget for more information.
The School Board will vote on the Advertised Budget on Thursday, February 24 (see article below). Detailed information about the FCPS budget can be found on our website.
Summer Arts Education
All students with an interest in continuing to explore the arts are eligible for two summer enrichment programs. Registration opens on March 1 for the Elementary Institute for the Arts (E-IFTA) and Institute for the Arts (IFTA) Summer enrichment programs.
Elementary Institute for the Arts (for rising 3rd through 6th graders) and Institute for the Arts (for rising 7th through 12th graders) will be held July 5-29 at Lake Braddock Secondary School from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Classes are offered every day related to dance, music, theater, and visual art. Both programs have fees, waivers are available for students eligible for free and reduced-price meals.
For more information or to register, visit the Summer Learning webpage.
Teen Job Fairs Help Students Make the Most of Opportunities
Fairfax County high school students looking for their first part-time job, summer and seasonal job opportunities, or who want more information about potential career pathways, are invited to attend one of two upcoming teen job fairs and resume building workshops. Local businesses and agencies will be on hand to offer a range of opportunities including part-time employment, internships, and volunteer work for prospective students.
Volunteer opportunities and resume building workshops will also be available for younger students. The job fairs will be held on Saturday, March 12, from 1 to 3 p.m. at West Springfield High School, and Saturday, March 19, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Chantilly High School.
Registration for the job fairs is available online.
Real Food for Kids Culinary Challenge Returns March 5 at Hayfield Secondary School
After two years of virtual competition, the Real Food for Kids Culinary Challenge returns live on Saturday, March 5, to Hayfield Secondary School with a public tasting of student dishes and samples from exhibitors. Doors open at 10 a.m. The student “challenge” at the heart of this event is to create healthy, delicious, and culturally diverse school menu items that meet USDA guidelines. This year, students must create plant-forward meals using regionally sourced produce.
Entries are judged by a panel of celebrity chefs, school food professionals, students, and local luminaries. Food Network’s Ellie Krieger will emcee and will be joined by top D.C. area chefs Kevin Tien and Shelby McCrone. Winners in the lunch category are featured in school cafeterias across the National Capital Region the following year. The event is free to attend, but registration is required.
More information and a link to register are on the Real Food for Kids website.
Donate Your Vehicle, Support Students, and Get a Tax Deduction
FCPS’ 13 Automotive Technology programs provide students the opportunity to learn and explore the automotive repair and dealership industry. FCPS, together with The Foundation for Applied Technical Education (FATE), operates an actual dealership, Student Auto Sales, where the vehicles are sold and students gain real-world experience. We accept cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, and almost anything that helps train students. All donations are tax deductible.
To donate a vehicle and help train the next generation of technicians, contact Lyman Rose at [email protected] or 703-220-3515, or by going to the online donation portal.
Your Path to Becoming an Educator Starts at the FCPS Instructional Job Fair on March 5
Fairfax County Public Schools is dedicated to building the future child by child. Our mission is to inspire and empower students to meet high academic standards, lead ethical lives, and be responsible and innovative global citizens.
We are looking for outstanding educators and will be holding a Virtual Instructional Job Fair on Saturday, March 5, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Learn more about the fair, as well as how to apply, prepare, register, and attend.
Wakefield Elementary School Embraces `Innovation Hour’ to Spur Creativity, Boost Friday Attendance
At Wakefield Forest Elementary, students are given an hour every Friday to participate in activities that interest them. Students from kindergarten to fourth grade bring in materials from home and are encouraged to collaborate and explore what they can create. Not only is this hour of innovation met with enthusiasm, it is also improving overall attendance in school, especially on Fridays.
Learn more about Innovation Hour at Wakefield Forest Elementary School.
Opportunity to Participate in the Resource Review Process Ends Soon
Anyone who would like to have a voice in the resources selected for elementary language arts classrooms has that opportunity this month. Resource review is happening now.
Physical resources for elementary language arts are being reviewed at the Willow Oaks Administrative Center from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday-Friday. You can review digital resources and leave feedback online until February 28.
Kindergarten Dual Language Immersion Program Application Deadline Is March 3
The deadline to submit an application for the Kindergarten Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Program for the 2022-23 school year is Thursday, March 3. The kindergarten DLI programs are available in Korean and Spanish.
Korean is available at Powell and Spanish is available at Bailey’s Primary, Fort Hunt, Lake Anne, Laurel Ridge, London Towne, and Rose Hill Elementary Schools. More information is available online.
Multilingual Parent Podcasts: Making the Transition to Middle School
Making the move from elementary school to middle school can be both an exciting and unsettling time for a parent and student. In this week’s podcast, hear ways to ease the transition by:
- Understanding the developmental changes in your child.
- Getting to know middle school culture.
- Encouraging independence, but remaining available.
- Offering emotional support to your child.
- Reiterating your family values and expectations.
- Staying involved in your child’s school.
This podcast’s infomercial is about summer camps. It’s not too early to start thinking about summer fun. The FCPS Tech Adventure Camp and the Career and Technical Education Camp are taking registrations for summer 2022.
Listen and subscribe:
New Ad for Superintendent Search Describes the Qualities We Seek
This week, our superintendent recruitment consultant finalized the outline of what the FCPS community is looking for in the next superintendent based on feedback from families and staff. You can read the qualities in a recently released advertisement.
Follow the superintendent search process on our website.
Calendar Reminder: Two-Hour Early Release on March 3, Student Holiday on March 4
As a reminder, students will be released two hours early on Thursday, March 3, and Friday, March 4, is a staff development day and a student holiday.
Classes will resume on Monday, March 7. See the complete 2021-22 school year calendar.
Reminder: School Board Vote on FY 23 Advertised Budget Set for February 24
Agenda items for the School Board regular business meeting on Thursday, February 24, at 7 p.m. include:
- Approval of the Fiscal Year (FY) 23 Advertised Budget. The FY 2023 Proposed Budget was presented to the School Board on January 13, and a public hearing was held on February 8. Review related work sessions, documents, and other resources on our website.
See the complete regular meeting agenda. The meeting can be viewed on FCPS Cable TV Channel 99 (Verizon Channel 11), the FCPS YouTube Channel, and on the FCPS website.
If you need language interpretation or American Sign Language support for any School Board meeting, please contact the board clerk.
Interested in School Board action items? Sign up to get an update on any School Board votes the morning after the School Board meeting.