ADOPTED McLean Elementary Schools Boundary Adjustment
Collaborating with the community to address capacity challenges, with a particular focus on the needs of Kent Gardens Elementary
School Board Approves McLean Area Elementary School Boundary Adjustment
The Fairfax County School Board approved a boundary adjustment for five elementary schools in the McLean area on December 4. New boundaries go into effect in the school year 2024-25 and a phasing plan was approved to allow students the option to remain at their existing schools for certain grades.
The following schools are included in the boundary adjustment:
- Chesterbrook Elementary School
- Churchill Road Elementary School
- Franklin Sherman Elementary School
- Kent Gardens Elementary School
- Haycock Elementary School
The following AAP Center boundaries will also be adjusted:
- Churchill Road Elementary School
- Haycock Elementary School
Street listing of addresses impacted
Maps of boundary changes
“Thank you to all the families, students, and community members who have been engaged in the boundary study process over the last year,” said School Board Chair and Dranesville representative Elaine Tholen. “When boundary adjustments are necessary, it is vital that our school communities join us in the process. It is through a combination of your input and staff expertise that we are able to provide a solution that best meets the needs of our students.”
KGES has been over capacity for the past several years and needs space to accommodate students, the Advanced Academic Local Level IV program, and the French immersion program. School and Division staff and the School Board have been working with the community on a boundary adjustment to relieve capacity at the school.
The boundary adjustment addresses the capacity concerns at KGES while addressing the following areas of importance identified by the public:
- Middle and high school boundaries do not change.
- French Immersion remains at KGES.
- Existing areas that currently walk to school are maintained.
- Neighborhoods are not split.
- No attendance islands are created.
The boundary study process is outlined in Regulation 8130. Communities included in the boundary scope had opportunities to provide input and hear directly from FCPS staff throughout the process.
Scenario B
The School Board approved Scenario B from the scenarios that were presented to the public in September.
Given community input and further analysis by Facilities Planning and FCPS Transportation, the rationale for choosing Scenario B over other scenarios is:
- Suggested modifications to scenarios that were presented in September resulted in shifting overcrowding to other schools and/or keeping Kent Gardens ES overcrowded.
- Scenario B balances student population and capacity of schools in the area.
- Considers longer-term impact to minimize a potential capacity deficit at other schools.
- Considers potential additional development in the McLean area that could impact the elementary school capacities.
- Maintains walking areas within proximity to schools.
- Eliminates a split feeder at Franklin Sherman ES so students matriculate to middle school together.
- Was identified by the Transportation department as one of the easier scenarios for them to implement; however, buses may still have to be added.
- Maintains the popular French Immersion Program and Local Full-time Advanced Academic Program at Kent Gardens.
- Continues out-of-boundary access to French Immersion for students division-wide via the lottery.
REMINDER–As per community request in the first round of community meetings, middle and high school boundaries are not changing.
Phasing Plan
Feedback regarding phasing (previously referred to as grandfathering) was received from many perspectives. The majority of the feedback was that a boundary change would disrupt students who were established at their school and without phasing, changes to the school would happen too quickly. Additional feedback indicated some caregivers and students wanted to change schools now due to the capacity deficit at Kent Gardens ES or to keep siblings together.
The adopted phasing addresses both perspectives of feedback:
- Rising Kindergarten and 1st-grade students will be reassigned to attend the newly assigned school for the 2024-25 school year.
- Rising 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th-grade students have the option to attend the newly assigned school or remain at their prior assigned school for the 2024-25 school year and until they matriculate to middle school.
The adopted phasing plan allows students/caregivers the option to remain at their current school or change schools now, addressing the different perspectives voiced in public feedback. It also considers the needs of older elementary school students who were in school during COVID, and another change may be stressful.
The phasing plan allows continuity for students enrolled in the French Immersion program at Kent Garden, which starts at first grade.
Frequently Asked Questions
(Please click on the topic below to open questions and responses. Please check back as these may be updated periodically.)
My child is in Local Full-time AAP. How will this change if my child moves to another school?
Students who are eligible for Full-time AAP services through the central screening process have the choice to attend their base school for services (if available) or to attend the Center-based Full-time program at the school connected to their home address.
Chesterbrook, Franklin Sherman, Kent Gardens, and Spring Hill have Local Full-time AAP. If a student moves to one of those schools, they will have the choice to attend Local Full-time AAP services at that location or attend the Center-based Full-time program assigned according to their address. Churchill Road and Haycock are Center-based Full-time AAP sites. If a student moves to one of those schools, they will receive services at that site.
When does the new school boundary go into effect?
The new boundaries went into effect for the 2024-25 school year for the following schools:
- Chesterbrook Elementary School
- Churchill Road Elementary School
- Franklin Sherman Elementary School
- Haycock Elementary School
- Kent Gardens Elementary School
The following AAP Center boundaries will also be adjusted:
- Churchill Road Elementary School
- Haycock Elementary School
Phasing was included by grade for future school years as listed below. Phasing will be complete by the 2029-30 school year. Please note the phasing-by-grade changes with each future school year. For more information on the boundary change, please visit: https://www.fcps.edu/facilities-planning-future/school-boundary-adjustments/mclean-elementary-schools.
SY 2024-25
- Kindergarten and 1st-grade students attend the newly assigned school.
- 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th-grade students have the option to attend the newly assigned school or remain at their prior assigned school.
SY 2025-26
- Rising Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd-grade students attend the newly assigned school.
- Rising 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th-grade students have the option to attend the newly assigned school or remain at their prior assigned school.
SY 2026-27
- Rising Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-grade students attend the newly assigned school.
- Rising 4th, 5th, and 6th-grade students have the option to attend the newly assigned school or remain at their prior assigned school.
SY 2027-28
- Rising Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-grade students will attend the newly assigned school.
- Rising 5th and 6th-grade students have the option to attend the newly assigned school or remain at their prior assigned school.
SY 2028-29
- Rising Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th-grade students will attend the newly assigned school.
- Rising 6th-grade students have the option to attend the newly assigned school or remain at their prior assigned school.
SY 2029-30 (Fully Phased)
- Rising Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th-grade students will attend the newly assigned school.
How will I know which school boundary my home is assigned to?
If your home was reassigned, once you search for your address a red note will show in the FCPS Boundary Locator if the school assignments have changed. If there is no red note, your home has not been reassigned.
You can also check a Street Listing for addresses that were reassigned as part of the boundary adjustment.
I have a child that will start kindergarten in a future school year. How do I know which school they attend?
Kindergarteners will need to enroll in the newly assigned school as listed for their home address in the boundary locator.
I have a child who will be a rising 5th grader who wants to remain at her current school. I have another child who will be a kindergartener in a future year. Can my kindergartener attend the same school as my 5th grader?
If the assigned school changed for your home, all kindergarteners and 1st graders will need to attend their new assigned school as listed in the boundary locator. We are not able to accommodate sibling requests. Children in other grades will need to follow the phasing as identified by school year. For example, if your other child will be in 5th grade for SY 2025-26, the student can choose to remain at their current school or attend the newly assigned school with their sibling.
Does my rising 5th grader need to change schools if we are assigned to a new school?
No, for the 2024-25 school year rising 2nd-6th grade students can choose to remain at their current school or enroll at the newly assigned school.
What if I want my children to attend a school other than the one they are assigned to attend?
A student is expected to attend the school that serves his or her attendance area. However, student transfer information is available if a parent would like to transfer a student from a base school to another school within FCPS. Transfer requests are considered for very specific reasons as outlined in FCPS School Board Regulation 2230. Some schools are closed to transfer students. It should be noted that student transfers will be considered if the school capacity, grade-level capacity, and the school curricular program at the requested school will permit, as determined by FCPS. You must first be registered at a neighborhood school before submitting a request for student transfer.
I would like to exercise the option to move to the new school for the start of the 24-25 school year. How do I do that?
Schools will share a form after the vote on December 4th to express family decisions for staying or moving to the new school. The deadline to respond is February 29, 2024.
As phasing happens, how will leadership make sure the schools have the staffing they need?
Leadership will work closely with our staffing teams and school principals to ensure each school has appropriate staffing. Responding with a family decision by the deadline allows us to ensure staffing aligns with enrollment needs.
Our area is short of bus drivers, how will the phasing affect bus transportation?
Phasing will add additional positions to the Office of Transportation Services(OTS) , which will increase the current shortage. The number of positions needed will depend upon the level of phasing approved by the School Board, number of students staying/departing from each location, and the ability to pair the new routes or add to existing routes with existing positions. This may also mean double backs for schools due to the driver shortages, which will impact student’s arrival and departure to/from school.
What students will be provided transportation during the phasing?
Students approved within the boundary adjustment for the phasing process will be provided transportation. Any other student may fill out an Exception to Ride (ETR) and go to an existing stop. These requests would be approved based on space available by October of each school year.
Will schools have open houses in January for families?
Our schools are happy to welcome the newest members of their school communities. Dates for open houses will be shared after the vote on December 4th.
My child is in SACC at my current school. If we move to another school, what happens to my childcare?
SACC understands the potential impact a change in school boundaries may have on a family’s need for childcare services. If it is determined that a child’s school will change based on the boundary adjustments, SACC will work with families to transfer their child’s enrollment for the same SACC services to the new school, effective when the boundary change takes place. Since the rezoning will be based on a family’s home address, families are strongly encouraged to contact SACC Registration at 703-449-8989 to verify and/or update the home address on their account.
My child is not currently enrolled but is on the waitlist for SACC services. If our school changes based on the boundary adjustments, would we go to the bottom of the waitlist for the new school?
Families currently on the waitlist for SACC services who are impacted by the boundary change will be placed on the waitlist at their new school location according to their child’s SACC waitlist creation date. Since the rezoning will be based on a family’s home address, families are strongly encouraged to contact SACC Registration at 703-449-8989 to verify and/or update the home address on their account.
My child is receiving Special Education services at school X. What considerations will be given to those services with the boundary adjustment? (exemption, phasing, extra supports, etc.)
Students receiving special education services will continue to receive the services outlined in their Individualized Education Program (IEP). Many students receiving special education services will continue to their new school or opt to stay if phasing is an option for their grade level. If students receive services in specialized programs at specific sites, their school location is unlikely to change, unless required by the services in their IEP.
Students involved in phasing over the next several years will be provided bus transportation to their elementary school. Please understand that with a current shortage of bus drivers in our area and the additional bus runs required to accommodate phasing, your patience will be required as all of these new runs are established. We need those involved in the affected neighborhoods to fill out the form indicating which school your child will attend by the February deadline so our transportation staff has maximum planning time.
In response to the overcrowding challenge, several options regarding the French Dual Language Immersion (DLI) program were considered, including:
- Reducing the French DLI enrollment and number of classroom offerings
- Relocating the French DLI program
- Offering the French DLI program at two school sites
- Eliminating out-of-boundary access of the French DLI program
- Introducing a second French DLI program
Changes to our French Dual Language Immersion (DLI) would not lead to the immediate capacity relief needed. Additionally, the current program design is 75% of students are in-boundary to Kent Gardens. Changes to the French DLI program would present logistical challenges, including access, transportation, staffing, and maintaining a successful French DLI and overall World Languages program. Recognizing the need for immediate relief, a boundary change was decided to be the long-term solution.
School X has a different FLES language program than the one my child will move to, how will this be handled?
The Foreign Language in the Elementary Schools (FLES) curriculum includes the same content for each grade level across the 7 language offerings. The World Languages office will support FLES teachers and students to apply the previous learning in one language to communicate in another language. Every year, new students are welcomed into the FLES program at various grade levels with a variety of previous language experiences.
My child is in French Dual Language Immersion (DLI). We are in-boundary now at Kent Gardens. With scenario X we are now out-of-boundary. What will happen to transportation to Kent Gardens?
Current first through sixth-grade students in the French Dual Language Immersion (DLI) program remain in the French DLI program at Kent Gardens ES. Transportation will be evaluated based on final phasing decisions on December 4.
My child is in French Immersion. We are in-boundary now at Kent Gardens. I have a rising Kindergarten student who will be reassigned to another school. Can my kindergarten student stay at Kent Gardens if we want the student to do French Immersion?
Interested students apply to the Dual Language Immersion program according to the application deadlines. The Kent Gardens ES lottery prioritization of siblings, fluent speakers, in-boundary, and out-of-boundary status will be evaluated based on final phasing decisions on December 4.
The January through March 2023 Dual Language Immersion application for School Year 2024-2025 is the same lottery prioritization as last year based on their current school boundary. Transportation will be evaluated based on final phasing decisions on December 4.
Past Information, Engagement and Feedback
Boundary Study Information
Kent Gardens Elementary School serves a diverse student population as it draws from within the local boundaries of a growing community and also incorporates students outside the boundary for the popular French Immersion program.
The school lacks sufficient space to accommodate the growth of the community and high interest from out-of-boundary students. School staff are proud to offer educational opportunities and an environment that makes so many families want to be part of the school. However, it is important to find a way to address the strain capacity challenges put on the building, and more importantly, the students, employees, and families within that building.
School and district staff, along with the Fairfax County School Board, are working with the community to determine the best way to address the capacity challenges facing Kent Gardens Elementary School.
- Community Meeting Feedback from September 2023 meetings
- Online Feedback Form Responses September-October 2023
- Presentation from September 2023 meetings
- Boundary Study Scenarios presented at September 2023 meetings
In each of the boundary scenarios to be presented:
- Neighborhoods may be assigned from one elementary school to another elementary school.
- The French Immersion program will remain at Kent Gardens Elementary School.
- High school boundaries will not change.
- Middle school boundaries will not change.
Maps showing impacted schools and neighborhoods
Schools have received larger wall maps of the identical information as posted in the pdf links below.
- Chesterbrook ES - all maps and scenarios
- Churchill Road ES - all maps and scenarios
- Franklin Sherman ES - all maps and scenarios
- Haycock ES - all maps and scenarios
- Kent Gardens ES - all maps and scenarios
With the community feedback completed, FCPS staff prepared a recommendation for the School Board to consider. This recommendation was posted on BoardDocs in November 2023.
Community engagement for boundary studies is outlined in School Board Policy 8130 and Regulation 8130, for Local School Boundaries and Program Assignments. More information on the process is available in Regulation 8130.
December 4, 2023: School Board Regular Meeting - Vote on boundary adjustment recommendation.
November 30, 2023: Public Hearing at Luther Jackson Middle School
September 19 - October 4: Feedback from Community Meetings and Online Feedback Form
- Community Meeting Feedback from September 2023 meetings
- Online Feedback Form Responses September-October 2023
September 27, 2023: Boundary Study Community Meeting
September 19, 2023: Boundary Study Community Meeting
July 14, 2023:
With the study approved on July 13, 2023 by the School Board, FCPS staff will develop possible program or boundary change scenarios using the approved scope. These scenarios will be shared in fall 2023. Community meetings will be held for all schools and communities identified in the boundary scope. These meetings will be an opportunity for the public to weigh in on these options and continue to engage in this important process.
July 13, 2023: School Board Meeting (Update)
It is recommended that the FCSB authorize the Kent Gardens Elementary School Boundary Study scope to include:
- Chesterbrook ES, Churchill Road ES, Franklin Sherman ES, Kent Gardens ES, and Spring Hill ES boundaries;
- Haycock ES AAP and Churchill Road ES AAP boundaries; and,
- The middle school and high school boundaries for options that may involve a split feeder.
Proposed Amendment: With unanimous consent, I move to add Haycock Elementary School to the list of schools included in the full boundary scope. (ET)
Motion & Voting:
Motion, as amended: It is recommended that the FCSB authorize the Kent Gardens Elementary School Boundary Study scope to include:
- Chesterbrook ES, Churchill Road ES, Franklin Sherman ES, Kent Gardens ES, Spring Hill ES, and Haycock ES boundaries;
- Haycock ES AAP and Churchill Road ES AAP boundaries; and,
- The middle school and high school boundaries for options that may involve a split feeder.
Motion by Elaine V Tholen, second by Rachna S Heizer - Chair.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries (see Proposed Amendment above)
Yes: Stella Pekarsky, Laura Jane H Cohen, Karl V Frisch, Ricardy J Anderson, Megan McLaughlin, Tamara D Kaufax - Vice Chair, Rachna S Heizer - Chair, Karen Corbett Sanders, Elaine V Tholen, Melanie K Meren, Karen A Keys-Gamarra
July 13, 2023: School Board Meeting
- Agenda Item 4.02: Vote - Kent Gardens ES Proposed Scope of Boundary Study
June 26, 2023: Post School Board Meeting Update
FCPS staff presented options for the boundary study scope to the School Board (view recording 3:19:08 - 3:30:30). Staff recommended the boundary scope include the following schools:
- Chesterbrook Elementary School
- Churchill Road Elementary School
- Franklin Sherman Elementary School
- Kent Gardens Elementary School
- Spring Hill Elementary School
Consideration may be given to adjusting AAP boundaries at Haycock Elementary School and/or Churchill Road Elementary School.
The School Board will vote to approve the boundary scoping study at the July 13 meeting.
June 26, 2023: School Board Meeting
- Agenda Item 3.05: New Business - Kent Gardens ES Proposed Scope of Boundary Study
- View Recording (3:19:08 - 3:30:30)
- Presentation
April 26, 2023 Community Meeting
- Presentation
- Area Boundary Maps Provided
- Community Meeting Questions / Answers
- Community Feedback (online form and in-person meeting)
Summary of Feedback: Community Scoping
Approximately 75 participants attended the April 26, 2023 community scoping meeting. Online Feedback form was open two weeks following the meeting, with 171 responses to the online feedback form. Feedback for Schools to be included:
More than 100 responses to include:
- Chesterbrook ES
- Franklin Sherman ES
Responses also included:
- Haycock ES
- Spring Hill ES
- Lemon Road ES
- Timber Lane ES
- Westgate ES
Major Feedback Themes:
- Phasing should be included for students already at Kent Gardens
- Consider that people move to neighborhoods in Kent Gardens boundary
- Consider walking areas/proximity to school
- Consider a lower/upper French Immersion program or School
- Consider an additional French Immersion program at another school
February 9, 2023: Announcement on School Board action:
The following amendment was approved at the February 9, 2023 school board meeting:
I move to amend the main motion by relocating Kent Gardens ES from Table 3: Monitoring Capacity Concerns by FCSB to Table 4: Priority Recommended Boundary/Capacity Adjustments on pages 38 and 39 of the Proposed CIP with a Scoping during Spring 2023. This will allow staff to do a full scoping to determine if a boundary change, a program change, or both are good options to reduce the capacity issues at Kent Gardens. (Tholen/Omeish)
“This amendment is long overdue,” said Dranesville District Representative Elaine Tholen. “I would like to thank principal McGuigan and the Kent Gardens Elementary School students, parents, and community members for speaking to us over the last year on this topic.” FCPS staff are identifying dates to schedule scoping meetings in late April or early May. These meetings will follow the process identified in Regulation 8130, which provides specific guidance for Local School Boundaries and Program Assignments.
October 7, 2022: Community Meeting
Follow-up from October 2022 Meeting:
Maintenance Needs
Any maintenance needs for Kent Gardens’ trailers should be reported to the front office staff. A work request can be submitted and items repaired.
Replacing Trailers
FCPS has evaluated options for maintenance to the existing trailers and/or bringing trailers to the site which are in better conditions. The replacement trailers will arrive on site by early April 2023. This summer the existing trailers behind the school will be removed and replaced with a quad and a duplex elsewhere on the site. These trailers will be in place for use in the fall of 2023 for the start of school. These will also be in use until any options selected by the School Board as part of the boundary/capacity scoping and adjustment process is fully implemented.
Trailer Regulations
FCPS does not have a policy or regulation for the number of trailers. These number of trailers will depend on permitting by Fairfax County and allowance by the Zoning Ordinance and regulatory requirements.
None of the temporary classroom trailers used by FCPS have bathrooms. When required by Code, bathroom trailers can be provided. Students needing to visit a bathroom during a class held in a trailer should follow the same safety and security protocols as the rest of the school. A buddy system should be in place for these trips.
Reasons for Overcapacity
Kent Gardens is over capacity due to the academic programs that attract many families, these include:
- The option for students to remain at Kent Gardens for the Advanced Academic Program (AAP) Level IV instead of going to the AAP Level IV Center at Churchill Roads ES.
- The only French immersion program in FCPS, which brings over 170 students from over 50 schools across Fairfax County.
Current Remedies
The fastest way to address overcrowding is through reassigning spaces or minor modifications to rooms to create classrooms. FCPS Facilities staff have worked with Principal McGuigan to reassign and modify as many spaces as feasible. Once those are completed, a program change or boundary change would be the next quickest method. A renovation or addition can take a minimum of six years from project inception (including adding the school to a bond referendum, planning/design, rezoning/permitting, and beginning of construction to completion).
In recent years, Facilities and Transportation has worked with the principal to reassign spaces to maximize capacity within the building. This has included modifying rooms so that they can become full-size classrooms. This is available on page 41 of the FY 2024-28 CIP. Most recently, the FCPS Instructional Services Department and Facilities and Transportation have been evaluating options for a program change.
The student membership of Kent Gardens ES would need to be reduced by 200-250 students to alleviate capacity pressures.
Neighboring Schools
Other neighboring schools are not experiencing over capacity issues.
A table of the SY 2022-23 Capacity Utilization of all elementary schools in Fairfax County is available on page 83 and a map is available on page 88 of the Proposed FY 2024-28 CIP.
School Boundary
How Boundaries are Identified
The School Board determines school attendance areas (often also referred to as boundaries). They would identify schools for a boundary adjustment as part of the annual CIP process. The Proposed FY 24-28 CIP identifies this on page 39 in Table 4, titled "Priority Recommended Boundary Adjustments." An amendment to the FY 2024-28 CIP process was adopted by the School Board in February to revise the Table 4 title on page 39 to “Priority Recommended Boundary/Capacity Adjustments” and to add Kent Gardens ES to this table with scoping to occur in Spring 2023. The process for these meetings is identified in School Board Policy 8130 and Regulation 8130, which identified policies and procedures for Local School Boundaries and Program Assignments.
Other Projects
There are several potential long range projects in the Tysons area that may affect boundaries of Kent Gardens ES. These are far enough out in the future that consideration of them is not a factor in the near term determination of what to do for current Kent Gardens overcrowding. Boundaries of the new Tysons ES are not yet decided, but could impact the boundaries of Kent Gardens ES. Additional Projects in the vicinity of Tysons that could impact Kent Gardens include the Dunn Loring ES project and the new or repurposing of Pimmit Hills Administrative Center.
French Immersion Program
In-Boundary/Out-of-Boundary Ratios
The 60/40 in-boundary/out-of-boundary ratio change to 75/25 in-boundary/out-of-boundary for school year 2022/23 was in response to overcrowding at Kent Gardens.
Impact of a Boundary Change
A boundary change could update the in-boundary and out-of-boundary designation for future French Dual Language Immersion (DLI) applicants to the DLI lottery. Current students enrolled in the DLI program would not have any changes to their enrollment in the French DLI program.
Changing Class Numbers
The reduction of 3 French Dual Language Immersion (DLI) classes to 2 classes would decrease the out-of-boundary students between 0-7 students per grade level. The range of numbers depends on the number of out-of-boundary siblings that apply to the French DLI program each year.
From an operating perspective, each grade level of immersion instruction requires a classroom half of the day. Reducing to two classrooms would make space available in three full-size classrooms once fully implemented, which could be used for general education instruction.
Establishing New Programs
The planning and implementation of a new French Dual Language Immersion (DLI) site would take at least 3 school years of planning and would go through a year-to-year phase-in approach by grade level. There are additional considerations such as staffing DLI teachers for each grade level.
Health and Safety
Traffic Congestion
We continue to monitor traffic congestion and make adjustments to keep traffic moving smoothly and students safe. We ask that families follow proper procedures and stay alert in the Kiss and Ride line. Police and fire officials are also aware of traffic congestion.
Student Safety
Safety and security protocols are in place to keep all students safe while at school. Security features and lockdown program and protocols cover all school property.
School Construction/Renovation
How Renovations are Evaluated
Renovations are not based on capacity. Renovations are evaluated based on a renovation queue developed in 2008 that utilizes the following criteria, weighted by importance:
- Quantity and quality of core instructional spaces (40%)
- Age and condition of the facility (30%)
- Quantity and quality of supplemental instructional space (10%)
- Adequacy of administrative and support space (10%)
Additional information on the development of the current renovation queue from 2008 and 2009 and subsequent reviews are available in BoardDocs.
Current Renovation Queue
FCPS’ goal is to renovate school buildings every 20-25 years, due to funding constraints of the bond program and the Fairfax County prudent financial management policy. The current renovation cycle is 37 years and schools in the current renovation queue have not been renovated since 1991 or earlier.
Kent Gardens was not identified for a renovation as part of the renovation queue. The last renovation of Kent Gardens ES was in 2005.
The renovation queue that was developed in 2008 and adopted in 2009 has been reviewed several times, including in 2012 and 2015. Only one project, the Falls Church High School renovation, has changed order on the renovation queue since it was incorporated into the CIP in 2009. This was discussed by the School Board as part of the FY 2019-23 CIP.
New schools and capacity enhancements (building additions or modular building installations) are not identified in the renovation queue. These types of projects are added to the Capital Construction Cash Flow of the CIP (which includes all projects from new construction, capacity enhancement, and renovations) when there is capacity need related to new development or when there is a capacity deficit that cannot be resolved through a program change or boundary adjustment.
How Renovations are Funded
The building and renovation of our schools is funded by the bond program of Fairfax County, not the school’s operating budget. To finance large-scale construction and renovation work, including school projects, the County sells bonds which allows payment for these projects over time versus having to use General Fund dollars up front. Thanks to the County’s consistent triple-Aaa rating, bonds are quickly purchased at very low rates by institutional investors.
For more detail, see Fairfax County’s frequently asked questions on bonds.
Renovation Process
Capital Projects do not go through the zoning process until the planning/design phase of a project begins. A project must be included and adopted by the School Board in the annual CIP and receive funding from a bond referendum by Fairfax County voters before the project is funded and can begin planning/design. Diagrams of the general timeline and duration of Capital Projects were included in the CIP Work Session presentation on Tuesday, January 10th. These are on slides 15 and 31.
Capital Improvement Program
Funding Source
The building and renovation of our schools is funded by the bond program of Fairfax County, not the school’s operating budget. To finance large-scale construction and renovation work, including school projects, the County sells bonds which allows payment for these projects over time versus having to use General Fund dollars up front. Thanks to the County’s consistent triple-Aaa rating, bonds are quickly purchased at very low rates by institutional investors.
For more detail, see Fairfax County’s frequently asked questions on bonds.
Fairfax County has adopted a prudent financial management policy designed to protect its triple-A bond rating. Under the program, the county’s net long-term debt is not to exceed 3% of the total market value of taxable real and personal property in the county. With recent increases to $205 million per year, this is insufficient to address the needed renovations in FCPS.
Funding Allocation
Approximately 91% of the total five-year funding requirement in the CIP is allocated for the renovation of existing school facilities. The remaining funding goes to site acquisition, new school construction, or capacity enhancements.
Capital projects do not go through the zoning process until the planning/design phase of a project begins. A project must be included and adopted by the school board in the annual CIP and receive funding from a bond referendum by Fairfax County voters before the project is funded and can begin planning/design. Diagrams of the general timeline and duration of capital projects were included in the CIP Work Session presentation on Tuesday, January 10, 2023. See slides 15 and 31.
Kent Garden ES Facilities Solutions Implemented
Area Elementary School Capacity Utilization SY 2021-22
Programs and Impacts to Kent Gardens ES
- March 23,1989: School Board approved a pilot of partial language immersion at 8 sites for the 1990-91 school year
- November 21,1991: School Board approved continued implementation of immersion programs
- SY 2015-16: Advanced Academic Program (AAP) Local Level IV Program implemented
Kent Gardens ES Data
SY 12-13 | SY 13-14 | SY 14-15 | SY 15-16 | SY 16-17 | SY 17-18 | SY 18-19 | SY 19-20 | SY 20-21 | SY 21-22 | |
Membership | 906 | 919 | 922 | 928 | 966 | 1,025 | 996 | 1,047 | 1,016 | 1,023 |
Program Capacity | 813 | 813 | 815 | 858 | 848 | 848 | 848 | 848 | N/A | 848 |
Program Capacity Utilization | 111% | 113% | 113% | 108% | 114% | 121% | 117% | 123% | N/A | 121% |
Transfers In | 214 | 198 | 187 | 191 | 195 | 192 | 190 | 193 | 197 | 198 |
Transfers In for Language Immersion | 183 | 176 | 175 | 178 | 173 | 178 | 176 | 180 | 183 | 174 |
Transfers Out | 142 | 145 | 139 | 133 | 111 | 84 | 85 | 70 | 62 | 44 |
School Base Population | 834 | 866 | 874 | 870 | 882 | 917 | 891 | 924 | 881 | 869 |
Lottery Split (In-boundary / out of boundary) | 60/40 | 60/40 | 60/40 | 60/40 | 60/40 | 60/40 | 60/40 | 60/40 | 60/40 | 60/40 |
Source: FCPS, Certified Student Membership, September 2012 to September 2021.
SY 2022-23 Lottery Splits is 75% in-boundary, 25% out-of-boundary.
September 2022 Certified Student Membership and Capacity Not Yet Available.
Available on FCPS Facilities and Membership Dashboards: https://www.fcps.edu/about-fcps/facilities-planning-future/facilities-and-membership-dashboards
Kent Gardens ES Base Population
Source: FCPS, Certified Student Membership, September 2012 to September 2021.
Note: September 2022 Certified Membership not yet available.
Kent Gardens ES Transfers Out (to Other Schools)
Source: FCPS, Certified Student Membership, September 2012 to September 2021.
Note: September 2022 Certified Membership not yet available.
Kent Gardens ES Attending (with Transfers In)
Source: FCPS, Certified Student Membership, September 2012 to September 2021.
Note: September 2022 Certified Membership not yet available.
Facility and Site Constraints
- Site Restrictions
- RPA - Resource Protection Area limits ability to build
- Parking needs
- Location in Neighborhood
- Single entrance/exit
- Increased traffic on residential streets
- Limits vertical expansion
Explored Options
Current Status:
- 3 French DLI Classes (75/25 vs. 60/40)
Explored Options:
- 2 French DLI Classes (75/25)
- 2 French DLI Classes (60/40)
- Boundary Change
- Breakout Groups (20 min)
- Add to Chart 1-Initial Ideas for Solutions
- Add to Chart 2-Questions and Concerns
- All Feedback will be compiled
- Use the QR codes to be informed and to add more comments as we move forward
- Closure/Next Steps