TJHSST STEM Resources: Clubs & Competitions
STEM Clubs and Competitions
One way to pursue your interest in science, technology, engineering, and math is through a STEM activity. Below are a variety of STEM activities and competitions. Check to see if your school or community has any, or maybe even start one.*
After School Programs for Middle School (FCPS) (clubs/competitions)
American Mathematics Contest 8 - AMC 8 (competition)
Citizen Science Project (projects)
Continental Mathematics League (contests)
Destination Imagination (competition)
- DuPont Challenge Science Essay Competition (competition)
Ecybermission (competition)
ExploraVision (competition)
- FIRST Robotics (competition)
Future City (competition)
- Girls Excelling in Math and Science - GEMS (club)
Google Science Fair (competition)
- Math Counts (competition)
National STEM Video Game Challenge (competition)
Odyssey of the Mind (competition)
Team America Rocketry Challenge (competition)
- Verizon Innovative App Challenge (competition)
Virginia Math League (competition)
Virginia Science Olympiad (contests)
*The TJHSST Admissions Office does not endorse any particular club or activity and participation in a specific club mentioned on this page is not required for admission.