staff members

School Board Committees

Learn more about the committees by browsing the Board's Governance Manual.

Board Standing Committees

Audit Committee

Serves as the Board’s liaison with the Office of Auditor General.

Chair: Ryan McElveen
Staff Liaison: Esther Ko, Auditor General
Members: Robyn Lady, Ilryong Moon, Marcia St. John-Cunning
Citizen Committee Members: Ms. Aparna Krishnan and VACANT

Budget Committee

Clarifies and communicates the School Board’s budgetary requirements and priorities to the Board of Supervisors and the community.

Chair: Kyle McDaniel
Vice Chairman: Rachna Sizemore Heizer
Staff Liaison: Leigh Burden, Chief Financial Officer

Comprehensive Planning and Development Committee

Designs and recommends a comprehensive planning process, monitors that process, and suggests improvements to the Board.

Chair: Mateo Dunne
Staff Liaison: Janice Szymanski, Chief Facilities Services and Capital Programs Officer
Members: Dr. Ricardy Anderson, Kyle McDaniel, Seema Dixit, and Fairfax…

Governance Committee

Supports the work of the Board as that work is defined in the Strategic Governance Manual.

Chair: Robyn Lady
Staff Liaison: Dr. Michelle Reid, Superintendent; Christina K. Setlow, Clerk of the School Board
Members: Dr. Ricardy Anderson, Seema Dixit, Melanie Meren, Rachna Sizemore Heizer

Public Engagement Committee

Plans strategies, topics, timelines, and other matters related to Board and community.

Chair: Marcia St. John-Cunning
Staff Liaisons: Christina K. Setlow, Clerk of the Board; Beth Visioli, Interim Executive Director, Office of Communications
Members: Sandy Anderson, Ryan McElveen, Melanie Meren…

Community Advisory Committees

The School Board also appoints members to numerous community advisory committees to increase community input on specific issues (qualifications for appointment to some committees are mandated by Virginia Code). Community advisory committees include community members from the magisterial districts and one appointed Board member liaison. Each Board member appoints a community member to the committee. Advisory committee appointments reflect the religious, cultural, and ethnic diversity of the magisterial districts. The advisory committees meet throughout the year and submit an annual report to the Board. Every July, the Board will develop charges for each community advisory committee. Advisory committees' requirements are detailed in Policy 1710.

2023-2024 Community Advisory Committee Annual Reports

2022-2023 Citizen Advisory Committee Annual Reports

2021-2022 Citizen Advisory Committee Annual Reports

2020-2021 Citizen Advisory Committee Annual Reports

Adult and Community Education Advisory Committee (ACEAC)

Represents the community and brings to the School Board’s attention to resource and programmatic issues associated with adult education

School Board Liaison: Dr. Ricardy Anderson
Staff Liaison Karin Williams, Director, Operations and Strategic Planning, Department of Instructional Services

Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) Advisory Committee

This committee reviews the local plan for the education of gifted students.

School Board Liaison: Melanie Meren
Staff Liaison: Kirsten Maloney, Senior Manager, K-12 Advanced Academic Programs, Instructional Services Department

Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities (ACSD)

The Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities (ACSD) is a local advisory committee for special education, appointed by each local school board, shall advise the school board through the division superintendent. This information is for school year 2024-25.

School Board Liaison: Rachna…

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Advisory Committee

Provides recommendations to the local educational agency (or board) on current job needs and the relevancy of career and technical education programs.

School Board Liaison: Kyle McDaniel
Staff Liaison: Whitney Ketchledge, Coordinator, Career and Technical Education, Department of Instructional…

Facilities Planning Advisory Council (FPAC)

The Facilities Planning Advisory Council (FPAC) provides information to the Fairfax County School Board with regard to the development of strategic, comprehensive, and long-term plans for educational and educational support facilities.

School Board Liaison: Mateo Dunne
Staff Liaisons: Janice…

Minority Student Achievement Oversight Committee (MSAOC)

Advocates for minority student achievement by identifying, reviewing, and assessing issues affecting minority student academic achievement.

School Board Liaison: Marcia St. John-Cunning
Staff Liaison: Kimberly Amenabar

School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC)

Assists with the development of health policy in the school division and evaluates the status of school health, health education, school environment, and health services.

School Board Liaison: Robyn Lady
Staff Liaison: Lea Skurpski, Director, Office of Operations and Strategic Planning

Title I Parent Advisory Committee (TPAC)

School Board Liaison: Mateo Dunne
Staff Liaison: Courtney White, Senior Manager III, Title I

School Board Liaisons to Other Organizations

City of Fairfax School Board

Members of the FCPS School Board collaborate with the Fairfax City Board through regular, ongoing communication, participation in regional and state School Board meetings and conferences, and an annual City/County Board meeting. The FCPS Board designates one of its members as an official liaison to…

Community Criminal Justice Board

The Community Criminal Justice Board represents the interests and concerns of the citizens.

School Board Liaison: Mateo Dunne

Educate Fairfax

Educate Fairfax is the philanthropic arm of the school system and connects the strategic initiatives of FCPS to the community.

School Board Liaison: Ilryong Moon

Fairfax County Athletic Council

The Fairfax County Athletic Council serves in an advisory capacity to the Board of Supervisors, the Department of Neighborhood and Community Services, the Park Authority, and the School Board on sports matters.

School Board Liaison: Robyn Lady

Fairfax County Park Authority

The Fairfax County Park Authority administers over 23,000 acres of parkland and 425 parks. These provide spaces throughout the County for play, picnics, walking, jogging and hiking, sports of all sorts, health and fitness, golf, camping,ice skating, skateboarding, boating, and exploring nature in…

Fairfax County Planning Commission

The Planning Commission office assists the Fairfax County Planning Commission with its goal of providing the Board of Supervisors with recommendations on land use policies and plans which will result in orderly, balanced, and equitable County growth.

School Board Liaisons: Rachna Sizemore Heizer…

Legislative Liaisons

Helps guide the development of the Board’s legislative program and to provides input to the VSBA legislative program

School Board Liaisons: Ryan McElveen (State) and Seema Dixit (Federal)

Successful Children and Youth Policy Team

First convened in May 2013, the Successful Children and Youth Policy Team (SCYPT) is comprised of leaders from multiple sectors within Fairfax County.

School Board Liaisons: Dr. Ricardy Anderson and Marcia St. John-Cunning

Learn more about the committees by browsing the Board's Governance Manual.