As a retired teacher, you already know how rewarding it is to help future generations to grow and succeed. We value your extensive experience and desire continue participating in education. We are here to support you in a role that suits your skillset.
FCPS appreciates the dedication of our retired teachers. You are a valuable resource, and we need your experience and expertise to ensure that our student thrive!
The Office of Assessment and Reporting coordinates mandated tests by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) and the school district. The office reports to the Chief Academic Officer.
Resources to support the development of students at home, including critical and creative thinking strategies, research in the field of advanced learners, and enrichment opportunities.
The section of the Office of Special Education Procedural Support that establishes and maintains procedures to ensure that all eligible students with disabilities receive a free and appropriate public education (FAPE).
One of the most common questions families have is how to get their child help when they suspect dyslexia or any other learning disorder. Assessments in FCPS start in the classroom and may include a referral to the Local Screening Committee. While these assessments do not diagnose dyslexia, they can document the presence of characteristics of dyslexia.
Educational Employees' Supplementary Retirement System (ERFC) Tax Statements, Direct Deposit Schedule, Cost-of-Living Adjustments, and Health Insurance
The Office of the Chief Equity Officer oversees Equity and Cultural Responsiveness, the Hearings Office, Title IX, Student Conduct (SR&R) and Discipline Disproportionality, and the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Admissions Office. The office reports to the Superintendent.
FCPS engages in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) process on a regular cycle, with construction and renovation projects in various stages and impacting a variety of stakeholders.
The Early Literacy Program is a free, interactive family and child program. Families learn school-readiness strategies to prepare their children for future school success.
Get the most accurate information from FCPS on how to prepare yourself and your family in the event of a crisis or emergency, and learn what shelter-in-place, secure the building, and lockdown mean.
Here you will find more information about important benefit considerations for FCPS employees who are planning to get married or have recently gotten married.
Become a Volunteer Mentor to students with the MentorWorks program. Our school-based mentoring program strives to connect every student to a caring, responsible adult.