Medicaid Reimbursement Program
FCPS can bill Medicaid for eligible services provided to Medicaid- and FAMIS-eligible students with disabilities.
Virginia Medicaid Returning to Normal Enrollment
Normal processes for enrolling in Medicaid began March 2023! If you are receiving Medicaid or FAMIS health coverage, learn how this change can impact your current health coverage.
On January 31, 2020, the federal government declared a public health emergency when the COVID-19 pandemic began. Since then, state agencies, including Virginia Medicaid have continued health care coverage for all medical assistance programs, even for people who are no longer eligible or who’s eligibility status has changed. This is what’s being referred to as the continuous coverage requirement.
- Effective March 31, 2023, the continuous coverage requirement will end. This means on April 1, 2023, all states may return to normal enrollment processes, including redeterminations and processing reductions/closures of coverage.
- Virginia is initiating its first month of redeterminations in March of 2023. At that time, they will begin reviewing members’ eligibility for health coverage to make sure they still qualify.
- Virginia Medicaid has stated terminations/reductions/closures of coverage will not begin until April 30, 2023.
- To make sure you receive important paperwork, make sure Virginia Medicaid has your up-to-date mailing addresses and phone numbers.
Members can make updates:- Online at commonhelp.virginia.gov, or
- By calling Cover Virginia at 1-855-242-8282,
- By calling your local Department of Social Services.
- By contacting your Medicaid Managed Care Organization (MCO, or "health plan")
- Virginia Medicaid may be able to renew your case without asking you for anything, and if so you will receive a letter in the mail letting you know your health care coverage will continue.
- If Virginia Medicaid does not have all the information necessary to renew your benefits, they will send you a form or a checklist to complete and ask that you return it by a certain date. Please make sure Virginia Medicaid or your Medicaid Managed Care Organization or health plan has your updated contact information so they can reach you.
Members who do not complete the renewal form will not be eligible to keep their Medicaid health coverage.
Members can complete their renewal form/checklist by:
- Submitting the completed form/documents online at commonhelp.virginia.gov using the client number and client ID on your form to associate your case to your account.
- Calling Cover Virginia at 1-855-242-8282 (TTY: 1-888-221-1590) to submit your renewal information. Have the requested information gathered and ready to give over the phone.
- Mailing the completed form/documents to the address listed on the form or checklist by the due date. A prepaid return envelope will be provided to you or you can turn in the form/documents by fax or in person at your local Department of Social Services.
Download the Member Factsheet:
- Member Factsheet [PDF]: English
- Member Factsheet [PDF]: Spanish
- Member Factsheet [PDF]: Arabic
- Member Factsheet [PDF]: Amharic
- Member Factsheet [PDF]: Urdu
- Member Factsheet [PDF]: Vietnamese
Member Factsheet Text:
Normal Medicaid Enrollment Processes Will Start Soon
Virginia and other states will soon start to review Medicaid members’ health coverage. We will not cancel or reduce coverage for our members without asking for updated infor- mation, but we need your help to make this a smooth process. You can take steps now to make sure you receive information you will need to renew your coverage.
What Medicaid Members Can Do:
- Update your contact information. You can make updates:
- Online at commonhelp.virginia.gov
- By calling Cover Virginia at 1-855-242-8282, or
- By calling your local Department of Social Services
- Take action when you get official notices from Virginia Medicaid, other state agencies, community groups, and health care providers asking you to:
- Update contact information (mailing addresses and phone numbers)
- Respond to notices/renewals to confirm that you are eligible
- Use your coverage to catch up on preventive or delayed care
- Learn more about Virginia’s plans
- Visit the Cover Virginia website for updates
- Read the Medicaid Members Frequently Asked Questions and updated COVID-19 Medicaid Information Eligibility, Enrollment, and Appeals fact sheets.
- Sign up for email and text updates, and follow us on social media.
Visit the Cover Virginia website for more information.
Download the Member Flyer:
- Member Flyer [PDF]: English
- Member Flyer [PDF]: Spanish
- Member Flyer [PDF]: Arabic
- Member Flyer [PDF]: Amharic
- Member Flyer [PDF]: Urdu
- Member Flyer [PDF]: Vietnamese
- Member Flyer [PDF] Double-sided (English/Spanish)
- Member Flyer [PDF] Order online
Member Flyer Text:
Normal processes for enrolling in Medicaid will start soon, and we want all eligible Virginians to stay covered.
We need to prepare now!
We need the most up-to-date mailing address and phone number to make sure Medicaid members get important paperwork. Members can make updates:
- Online at commonhelp.virginia.gov
- By calling Cover Virginia at 1-855-242-8282, or
- By calling their local Department of Social Services.
Take action quickly when you get a notice from the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (Medicaid), other state agencies, community groups, and health care providers to:
- Update contact information
- Respond to renewals and send information to confirm you are eligible
- Use your coverage to catch up on preventive or delayed care
Help us spread the word to family, friends, neighbors and anyone else who might be enrolled in Medicaid to keep everyone covered!
Visit the Cover Virginia website for more information.
Download the PHE Phase II Flyer:
PHE Phase II Flyer Text:
You Will Be Hearing From Us!
Review, Respond, Renew!
Starting in March 2023, Virginia will begin reviewing members’ health coverage to make sure they still qualify, however closures will not occur prior to April 30, 2023.
Take the following action steps to make sure you stay covered:
- Review information regarding Virginia’s renewal process.
- Read carefully all official mail, email or texts about what you need to do to renew your coverage.
- Visit the Cover Virginia website for updates and resources.
- Sign up for email and text updates, and follow Cover Virginia on social media.
- Respond when you get official notices from the Department of Medical Assistance Services (Virginia Medicaid), Social Services, Cover Virginia and your health plan asking you to:
- Update contact information (mailing address, email address, and phone numbers)
- Respond to official notices that include a form or checklist about your renewal to confirm that you are eligible
- Renew your coverage by sending the information requested by the due date. Answer all questions and make any changes if necessary through one of the following ways:
- Submit the completed form/documents at commonhelp.virginia.gov using the case number and client ID on your form to associate your case with your account.
- Call Cover Virginia at 1-855-242-8282 (TTY: 1-888-221-1590) to submit your renewal information. Have the requested information gathered and ready to give over the phone.
- Mail the completed form/documents to the address listed on the form or checklist by the due date. Medicaid will send you a prepaid return envelope, or you can turn in the form/documents by fax or in person at your local Department of Social Services.
Questions about the form or checklist?
Call your local Department of Social Services or Cover Virginia. Have the requested information gathered when you call so we can answer your questions. You can request to meet with someone at your local agency if needed.
For questions, additional help, or language assistance services or large-print, call Cover Virginia at 1-855-242-8282 (TTY: 1-888-221-1590) or email [email protected].
Download the PHE Phase III Flyer:
PHE Phase III Flyer Text:
It’s Important for all Eligible Virginians to Get and Stay Covered!
Unless members have died, moved from the state permanently, or asked to end their coverage, Virginia Medicaid will not cancel their coverage without first asking for updated information to check and make sure they are no longer eligible.
Important Notes:
Keep your eye out for any mail regarding your health care coverage so that you can return your information by the due date.
Even if you think you might not be able to keep your Medicaid health coverage, please return your information anyway so Virginia Medicaid can look at your case and send your full information to the Health Insurance Marketplace for a review.
If you do not return the information we need to review your case, we cannot automatically send your information to the Health Insurance Marketplace to check if you are eligible for other low-cost coverage or the Advanced Premium Tax Credits. You will have 90 days to return your information so we can review your coverage.
Get & Stay Covered!
Overall Action Steps:
Virginia Medicaid is restarting renewals!
- Review information about buying health coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace.
- Read carefully all official mail, email, or texts about what you need to do if you no longer qualify for Virginia Medicaid.
- Visit the Enroll Virginia website for resources
- Sign Up for coverage on the Health Insurance Marketplace on HealthCare.gov
- There are special rules that allow those who have lost Medicaid to apply for health insurance and subsidies.
- Learn more at enrollva.org or call 1-888-392-5132:
- Get help from trained assisters, called navigators, to sign up for health coverage online or in person.
- Compare plans and costs with an easy, anonymous online tool
- Find out how much financial help you may qualify to receive
- Get enrolled!
For questions, additional help, or language assistance services or large-print, call Cover Virginia at 1-855-242-8282 (TTY: 1-888-221-1590) or email [email protected].
Download the Member Renewal Process Flowchart:
- Renewal Process Flowchart [PDF]: English
- Renewal Process Flowchart [PDF]: Spanish
- Renewal Process Flowchart [PDF]: Double-sided(English/Spanish)
Member Renewal Process Flowchart Text:
Virginia Medicaid Responsibility: Automated Process (ie. Ex Parte) Begins
Before your renewal is due. As we restart the renewal process this timeframe will shift.
- Member Responsibility: For Automatically Renewed
Receive a letter - your coverage continues and you are set for another year with Virginia Medicaid! - Virginia Medicaid Responsibility: For Not Automatically Renewed
We will contact you via mail or your secure inbox on CommonHelp asking for more information.- Member Responsibility: Receives a Renewal Form
Complete your renewal (call Cover Virginia, go online to CommonHelp, or return the paper form in person or by phone/fax) by the due date.- Member Responsibility: Receives a Checklist**
Tells you exactly what we need in order to complete your renewal. Make sure to return all information by the due date on the checklist.
**Not everyone will receive a checklist.
- Member Responsibility: Receives a Checklist**
- Virginia Medicaid Responsibility: Virginia Medicaid reviews your coverage
Once all requested information is received, we will review your case and contact you. - Member Responsibility:
- If your coverage continues….
You will receive a letter letting you know what you are eligible for. You are set with Virginia Medicaid! - If your coverage does not continue….
You will receive a letter letting you know next steps*. If you failed to renew you can return your information within 90 days for review. - Look for important information
If you think we made a mistake, your letter includes information on how to file an appeal. If your information is referred to the marketplace, they will explore if you’re eligible for other coverage.
- If your coverage continues….
- Member Responsibility: Receives a Renewal Form
* If you’re no longer eligible for full coverage you can learn more about coverage outside of Virginia Medicaid by going to enrollva.org or calling 888-392-5132. Enroll Virginia has trained assisters, called navigators, who help you sign up for health coverage online or in person. They can compare plans and costs with an easy, anonymous online tool - find out how much financial help you may qualify to receive and get enrolled!
Download the Medicaid Renewal Process Flow Sheet: Understanding the Process Step-by-Step
- Medicaid Renewal Process Flow Sheet: Step-By-Step [PDF]: English
- Medicaid Renewal Process Flow Sheet: Step-By-Step [PDF]: Spanish
Medicaid Renewal Process Flow Sheet Text:
Before your renewal is due, we will attempt to renew your Medicaid/FAMIS coverage automatically. Note that as we resume our normal redeterminations, the month in which we start your renewal may be different – keep an eye out for communications from us!
If you are automatically renewed, then you will receive a letter letting you know your coverage continues, and your Medicaid health coverage is all set!
If you are not automatically renewed, you will receive something in the mail letting you know that we need more information.
If you receive a renewal form, you will need to take action as soon as possible. The due date will be printed on the form when you receive it. If you’d like, once you receive the form you have multiple options to renew: 1) call Cover Virginia at 1-855-242-8282 (TTY: 1-888-221-1590), 2) or go online to CommonHelp.virginia.gov, or 3) return the paper form in person or by mail or fax. Your form will have the information you need to submit your renewal by phone, online, or on paper.
If you receive a checklist, it will tell you exactly what we need in order to complete your renewal, like your paystubs. You can also return your verifications in person, or by mail or fax, or through CommonHelp. Pay attention to the due date, however, if you need more time or are having difficulties getting the information we need, please reach out as soon as possible so that we can work with you so that we can review your health care coverage in full.
Once we receive your form and all your verifications (if needed), we will review your case. You will receive a letter after your review is complete, letting you know what happened to your coverage. If you are no longer eligible, or are moved from full to limited coverage and you don’t have Medicare, we will also send your information to the Marketplace for a review for other coverage and/or the Advanced Premium Tax Credits. If you think we made a mistake, there are appeal rights listed on your letter. Also, if your situation changes, you can always reapply by phone, online, or on paper.
If we don’t receive your form or your verifications, your health coverage will end for “failure to renew” and you will receive a letter letting you know when your benefits will close. It is very important that you return your paperwork, even if you think you might not be eligible for two reasons: 1) you may be eligible for coverage you may be unaware of or other programs that provide limited coverage and 2) we cannot send your information to the Marketplace if we cannot review your case. However, if you are closed for a “failure to renew” reason, you have three months after your closure to return the form or verifications in order for us to review your benefits – you don’t have to reapply! After the three months if we don’t hear from you then you will need to reapply if you would like us to see if you might be eligible again.
If you are no longer eligible for full coverage you can learn more about coverage outside of Virginia Medicaid by going to enrollva.org or calling 888-392-5132. Enroll Virginia has trained assisters, called navigators, who help you sign up for health coverage online or in person. They can compare plans and costs with an easy, anonymous online tool - find out how much financial help you may qualify to receive and get enrolled!
Download the Renewal Process Flow Sheet: Where are you in this process?
- Renewal Process Flow Sheet: Where Are You? [PDF]: English
- Renewal Process Flow Sheet: Where Are You? [PDF]: Spanish
Renewal Process Flow Sheet Text:
Before your renewal is due, the automated process begins. You will receive something from us whether your benefits continue or if we need more information.
If you receive a letter letting you know you are eligible, you are good to go with Virginia Medicaid!
If you receive a form or checklist, complete it and return it by the due date [the renewal can be submitted by phone at Cover Virginia at 1-855-242-8282 (TTY: 1-888-221-1590), online at CommonHelp.virginia.gov, or in person at your local agency and by mail/fax - information from a checklist can be sent online or in person and by mail/fax. It’s very important to return your information so that we can see what you may be eligible for and help send your information to the Marketplace where you may obtain other health care coverage.
If you return your form and all your information, we will review your benefits. You will receive a letter letting you know our decisions, as well as information if you think we made a mistake and how to prepare, and additional steps you can take if your information was referred to the Marketplace.
If you do not return your form or information, then we will close your case for “failure to renew.” You will not be referred to the Marketplace, however you have three months after your case closes to turn in that information without needing to reapply. If you return your information and are eligible we will review your case back to when it closed.
Download the Unwinding Mailer:
- Unwinding Mailer [PDF]: English/Spanish
- Unwinding Mailer [PDF]: Arabic
- Unwinding Mailer [PDF]: Amharic
- Unwinding Mailer [PDF]: Urdu
- Unwinding Mailer [PDF]: Vietnamese
Unwinding Mailer Text:
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Dear Medicaid/FAMIS Household,
During the COVID-19 emergency, we protected members’ health care coverage to make sure they had access to care. We want to make sure you stay covered if you are still eligible for Medicaid/FAMIS!
Make sure we have your most current contact information for your household, such as:
- Mailing Address
- Physical Address
- Phone Number(s)
- Email Address
Your current contact information is important so your coverage can continue when we review your case. You can make updates to your contact information in the following ways:
• Calling Cover Virginia at 1-855-242-8282 (TDD: 1-888-221-1590)
• Online at www.commonhelp.virginia.gov. You will need to make an account and then link your account to your case (“Associate My Case”), using your case number and client ID (found on any Notice of Eligibility).
• Calling your local Department of Social Services. If you do not know your local office, you can visit www.commonhelp.virginia.gov and click on Find Local Office to enter your address, or you can go to https://www.dss.virginia.gov/localagency/index.cgi for a list of all local offices.
Visit https://coverva.org/en/phe-planning for important information about your health care coverage now and in the future. Please spread the word to anyone you know who might be enrolled in Medicaid/FAMIS health care coverage to update their contact information, too!
The Department of Medical Assistance Services
For Amharic, Arabic, Vietnamese, and Urdu translations of this letter, go to https://coverva.org/en/phe-planning.
Download "How to Know When Your Renewal is Due?"
- How to Know When Your Renewal is Due? [PDF]: English
- How to Know When Your Renewal is Due? [PDF]: Spanish
How to Know When Your Renewal is Due? Text:
Understanding the Renewal Calendar
In March 2023, Medicaid returned to its regular renewal operations, and Virginia started reviewing members’ health coverage to make sure they still qualify. The calendar below shows the renewal process over the next 12 months and includes whose renewals will begin each month. Because the process takes 12 months to renew everyone, it may take several months before you hear from us!
When will my renewal process start?
The renewal process will begin two months before your renewal is due, shown in the calendar below. For example, if your case renewal month is February 2022, we will start your renewal process in October of 2023 (see Line #8 under Column A).
If you don’t know your renewal date, you can call your local Department of Social Services (https://www.dss.virginia.gov/localagency/index.cgi), or Cover Virginia (1-855-242-8282) (TTY: 1-888-221-1590).
Column A: |
Column B: |
Column C: |
1 |
May 2023 |
March 2023 |
2 |
March – October 2020, June 2023 |
April 2023 |
3 |
November 2020 – March 2021, July 2023 |
May 2023 |
4 |
April – September 2021, August 2023 |
June 2023 |
5 |
October 2021, September 2023 |
July 2023 |
6 |
November 2021, October 2023 |
August 2023 |
7 |
December 2021, November 2023 |
September 2023 |
8 |
January – February 2022, December 2023 |
October 2023 |
9 |
March – May 2022, January 2024 |
November 2023 |
10 |
June – October 2022, February 2024 |
December 2023 |
11 |
November 2022 – February 2023, March 2024 |
January 2024 |
12 |
March – April 2023, April 2024 |
February 2024 |
How will my renewal process start?
Virginia Medicaid takes the first step in the renewal process. If we can renew your health coverage without needing anything from you, you will receive a letter in the mail letting you know we completed your renewal and your new renewal date for the future. If we need more information, you will receive a packet in the mail with options for submitting your renewal online, via phone, or by completing the paper and returning it in person or by mail/fax.
Where can I find more details about the return to regular renewal operation?
See the following online resources on the Cover Virginia Website: Renewal Process Flowchart, Renewal Process Flow Sheet: Step-By-Step, Renewal Process Flow Sheet: Where Are You?, and Toolkits and Materials.
For questions, additional help, or language assistance services or large-print, call Cover Virginia at 1-855-242-8282 (TTY: 1-888-221-1590) or email [email protected].
Visit the Cover Virginia website for a complete list of Member FAQs.
What if a member is no longer eligible for Medicaid or FAMIS?
Virginians who do not qualify for full benefits through Medicaid or FAMIS, or cannot afford Marketplace coverage, please know that people who are uninsured can get health care services at Virginia's Free and Charitable Health Clinics and Virginia's Community Health Centers.
What if a member receives a letter stating they failed to renew their health coverage?
If a member receives a letter stating they failed to renew, they still have 90 days to return their information so that we can review your case. They should make sure to turn in their form or any other documents requested as soon as possible! If members have questions about what they need to send Virginia Medicaid, they should call their health plan or Cover Virginia at 1-855-242-8282 (TTY: 1-888-221-1590).
What are the other health care coverage choices?
Virginians who do not qualify for Virginia Medicaid can do the following:
Buy health insurance through Enroll Virginia (enrollva.org) or 888-392-5132. Enroll Virginia has offices in communities across the state to help Virginians get high quality, affordable health coverage.
Sign up for insurance on the Federal Marketplace on HealthCare.gov:
Within 60 days after losing health coverage or
Anytime during the annual open enrollment period from November 1 through January 15
Financial help to lower the cost of private health insurance may be available. The amount of financial help is based on the cost of insurance where the applicants live, how many people are in their household, and their estimated yearly income.
What is the federal public health emergency and how does it affect Medicaid members?
The federal government declared a public health emergency when the COVID-19 pandemic began. Since then, state agencies have continued health care coverage for all medical assistance programs, even for people who are no longer eligible.
When will normal Medicaid processes begin again?
States will have 12 months to make sure Medicaid members are still eligible for coverage. Virginia Medicaid will not cancel or reduce coverage for members without asking them for updated information.
What if members lose their coverage?
Virginia Medicaid wants all eligible Virginians to get and stay covered. If a member no longer qualifies for health coverage from Virginia Medicaid, they will receive:
Notice of when the Medicaid coverage will end,
Information on how to file an appeal if the member thinks the decision was incorrect, and
A referral to the Federal Marketplace and information about buying other health care coverage.
What can members do now?
Members can:
Update their contact information by calling Cover Virginia at 1-855-242-8282 or online at commonhelp.virginia.gov. Virginia Medicaid must have current contact information on file, such as a mailing address and phone number(s), so members receive important notices and so Virginia Medicaid can reach out if they need more information.
Watch for and respond quickly to notices about their coverage.
Sign up for email and text updates from Virginia Medicaid, follow Virginia Medicaid on social media and visit them at coverva.org and facebook.com/coverva/
How can members get more information?
Virginia Medicaid will keep members up to date through coverva.org, commonhelp.virginia.gov., emails, text messages and social media.
Where can I send questions or share my views?
Members can reach Virginia Medicaid at [email protected].
Visit the Cover Virginia website for more information.
- For questions, additional help, or language assistance services or large print:
- Call Cover Virginia at 1-855-242-8282 (TTY: 1-888-221-1590) or
- Email [email protected].
- If you do not qualify for full benefits through Medicaid or FAMIS, or you cannot afford Marketplace coverage, please know that people who are uninsured can get health care services at Virginia's Free and Charitable Health Clinics and Virginia's Community Health Centers.
- Additional resources regarding Virginia Medicaid returning to normal enrollment are available on the Cover Virginia Website.
Update Your Information Today!
Attention Virginia Medicaid members: Don’t miss out on important health coverage information from Virginia Medicaid! It’s important that Virginia Medicaid has your most current mailing address, phone number and email address so they can reach you with information about your health coverage.
Don’t miss out on any updates!
- Visit commonhelp.virginia.gov
- Call 1-855-242-8282 (TDD: 1-888-221-1590)
- Call your local Department of Social Services
Review, Respond, Renew!
Be sure to read all official mail, email, or texts from the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (Medicaid), your local Department of Social Services (DSS) office, and health plan.
If your address, household size or income has changed:
- visit commonhelp.virginia.gov;
- call Cover Virginia at 1-855-242-8282 (TDD: 1-888-221-1590); or
- contact your local DSS office to report changes so you don’t miss important Medicaid information.
Get and Stay Covered!
If you no longer qualify for Virginia Medicaid, you may be able to get health coverage-and financial assistance to help pay for it.
Virginians can sign up for coverage on the Health Insurance Marketplace at HealthCare.gov.
Enroll Virginia has offices in communities across the state and helps Virginians get high quality, low-cost health coverage. To learn more and complete an application, visit enrollva.org or call 888-392-5132.
About the FCPS Medicaid Reimbursement Program
The FCPS Medicaid Reimbursement Program is committed to supplementing and enhancing mandated special education programs with funds from the Virginia Medicaid and Schools Reimbursement Program.
This program is a way for local school divisions to access federal funds for health-related services being provided to Medicaid- and FAMIS-eligible students with disabilities.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) provides that children with disabilities be provided with a free appropriate public education. The special education and related services received by the child must be identified as the result of a comprehensive evaluation and described in an individual education plan (IEP). These services are provided free of charge to eligible students with disabilities.
The program is operational in all FCPS where Medicaid- and FAMIS-eligible students are receiving certain special education services. The reimbursements received from this program are used to enhance mandated special education programs.
- Administrative Claiming
- Audiology
- Audiology assessments
- Audiology therapy
- Audiological services
- Occupational Therapy
- Occupational therapy assessments
- Occupational therapy individual sessions
- Occupational therapy group sessions
- Physical Therapy
- Physical therapy assessments
- Physical therapy individual sessions
- Physical therapy group sessions
- Mental Health Services
- Psychological assessments
- Counseling therapy individual sessions
- Counseling therapy group sessions
- Speech Therapy
- Speech therapy assessments
- Speech therapy individual sessions
- Speech therapy group sessions
- Transportation (Special Education)
If your child is now, or later becomes, eligible for Medicaid or FAMIS and is evaluated for, receives, or is considered for, covered services written in the IEP, the federal government can reimburse FCPS for those services. Your consent is needed in order to allow our district to receive funding to enhance FCPS special education programs.
FCPS can seek reimbursement for services outlined in the IEP which may include: evaluation and testing services requested by the IEP team along with physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech-language, mental health, psychological, audiology, and skilled nursing services.
The federal Medicaid-FAMIS program encourages states to pursue funds from their Medicaid-FAMIS program to help pay for services that are delivered in the schools. For many children, schools are the primary point of entry to receiving needed health and social services. Section 1903 (c) of the Social Security Act was amended to allow Medicaid-FAMIS coverage of health-related services provided to children under IDEA.
FCPS uses the funds our district receives to enhance programs for students with special needs by providing more resources for staff, equipment, and supplies.
FCPS is required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) to obtain parent consent before disclosing information about a student with a disability. This includes providing information to the Medicaid agency.
Parental consent is only required one time. Consent is valid while your child is enrolled in FCPS, until your child no longer receives billable services per the IEP, or until you revoke consent.
Parent consent is voluntary and can be revoked at any time. If you grant consent and revoke it at a later time, the revocation will not be retroactive and the services performed during the time your consent was in place will still be billed to the Medicaid agency. Please contact the Medicaid office at 571-423-4098 or by email at [email protected] if you want to change your consent decision.
Your child’s educational program is based on his or her educational needs as defined by the IEP. Your consent decision will in no way impact his or her services regardless of the Medicaid-FAMIS consent status. However, denial of consent affects the district’s ability to access funds that benefit the education of students with disabilities.
FCPS can only bill for services if a child is identified as receiving Medicaid-FAMIS benefits. Losing Medicaid-FAMIS benefits will not impact the services your child receives at school.
Special education services are provided to students with disabilities at no cost to the parent, guardian, or adult student. Your child is entitled to a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) under IDEA. You will not suffer any financial loss as a result of consenting to the billing for Medicaid-FAMIS services.
Services received outside the school setting will not be affected. Medicaid-FAMIS services received from an outside practitioner are authorized separately from services provided in the school setting. If you feel that your outside services are being impacted, you are encouraged to contact the Medicaid office at 571-423-4098. The Medicaid office will follow-up with the state’s Medicaid agency.
FCPS will not bill your private insurance for IEP related services. It is important for you to know that signing the consent form does not reduce your private insurance benefits nor other Medicaid-FAMIS services that you or your family receive.
School billing does not count towards the maximum amount of sessions you are allowed for private services. When schools seek reimbursement, these sessions will not impact the maximum amount of sessions allowed when receiving private services.
If your private service provider tells you not to sign the consent because your private services will not be reimbursed if the school seeks reimbursement, please have them contact the Medicaid agency at 804-225-3231 for clarity. Billing for school services will not impact the billing of private services.
School billing does not have an impact on services received under the Medicaid waiver program. Being enrolled in the school billing program and the Medicaid waiver program will not impact services received under the Medicaid waiver program.
Your Medicaid-FAMIS information is protected. We understand that your medical and health information is personal. Protecting your health information is important. FCPS follows strict federal and state laws that require us to maintain the confidentiality of your health information.
The only information that is shared with the Medicaid agency to access this funding is your child’s last name, first name, date of birth, Medicaid-FAMIS ID number, date of service, service being provided, diagnosis information, and any supporting documentation.
In order to process claims for reimbursement of Medicaid-FAMIS covered services outlined in the IEP, information about your child’s participation in services may be provided to participating physicians, other health care providers, the Medicaid agency, any Medicaid agency billing agents, and any FCPS billing agents.
You have the right to revoke your consent at any time. To revoke consent you should contact the FCPS Medicaid office at 571-423-4098 or by email at [email protected] to request that your consent be revoked.
Contact the FCPS Medicaid office at 571-423-4098 or by email at [email protected] if you have additional questions or concerns
For information about the FCPS Medicaid Reimbursement Program contact the FCPS Medicaid office at 571-423-4098 or by email at [email protected].

Community Healthcare Resources
Community resources are available for families to support student needs.

Family Information Phone Lines
FCPS offers telephone support to families who do not speak English as their first language.

Family Resource Center
The Family Resource Center (FRC) offers free webinars, consultations, a lending library, and resources to help adults support the success of all students, including those with learning challenges, special needs, and disabilities. The center was formerly named the Parent Resource Center.

School Health Services
Our comprehensive school health program has a positive impact on the learning process by reducing health-related barriers to learning.

Mental Health and Resiliency
Discover how to foster assets in students to help them manage stress, make better choices, and develop healthy habits. Includes information on trauma-informed spaces.