Other Life Events

Major Life Events that May Occur during Your Employment with FCPS that Allow You to Make Changes to Your Benefits

Life Event (Qualifying Event)

Timeframe to Submit Documentation

Effective Date

Documentation Required

Change in Employment Status

FCPS employee that becomes eligible to enroll in benefits due to a change in hours or change in position:

May enroll in coverage

Within 30 calendar days of your adjusted hire date1st of the following month following the qualifying event
  • HR-124 (Current employees) or HR-461 (Retirees)
  • Letter from employer documenting change in status and effective date; open enrollment notice from employer with enrollment and effective dates; documentation from employer showing costs before and after plan change and effective date.
  • Supporting documents based on the dependent(s) being enrolled. See Dependent Eligibility chart.

Gain or Loss of Health Coverage of existing health coverage, including job-based, individual, and student plans:

May enroll or cancel coverage

Within 30 calendar days of the qualifying event1st day of the month following the qualifying event
  • HR-124 (Current employees) or HR-461 (Retirees)
  • Letter from employer documenting change in status and effective date; open enrollment notice from employer with enrollment and effective dates; documentation from employer showing costs before and after plan change and effective date.
  • Supporting documents based on the dependent(s) being enrolled. See Dependent Eligibility chart.

Newly hired to FCPS in a full-time or part-time authorized position:

May enroll in coverage

Within 30 calendar days of your hire date1st of the month following your date of hire
Death of a Covered DependentWithin 30 calendar days of the death1st day of the month following the death
  • HR-124 (Current employees) or HR-461 (Retirees)
  • Photocopy of the death certificate
  • Supporting documents based on the dependent(s) being enrolled. See Dependent Eligibility chart.

Gain or Loss of Medicare, Medicaid, or CHIP eligibility:

May enroll or cancel coverage

Within 60 calendar days of the qualifying event1st day of the month following the qualifying event
  • HR-124 (Current employees) or HR-461 (Retirees)
  • Attach letter from Medicare/Medicaid showing date entitled (or lost) eligibility.
  • Supporting documents based on the dependent(s) being enrolled. See Dependent Eligibility chart.
COBRA exhaustion or other involuntary loss of COBRA coverageWithin 30 calendar days of the loss of coverage date1st day of the month following the qualifying event
  • HR-124 (Current employees) or HR-461 (Retirees)
  • Letter from plan administrator documenting loss/expiration of COBRA coverage and effective date.
  • Supporting documents based on the dependent(s) being enrolled. See Dependent Eligibility chart.
Move outside the service areaWithin 30 calendar days of your move date1st day of the month following the qualifying eventAddress must be updated in Lawson/UConnect

If you think you might be experiencing a Life Event (Qualifying Event) that is not listed in the chart above, please contact the Office of Benefit Services by using FCPS StaffConnect(link is external) or by calling 571-423-3200, option 3.