Credit Recovery Academy Handbook
Parent and student handbook for the credit recovery academy.
Credit Recovery Academy Main Office: TBD PHONE
TBD, Principal
TBD, Assistant Principal
TBD, Counselor
TBD, Computer Resource Teacher
TBD, Testing Manager
TBD, Testing Manager
TBD, Attendance
Safety and Security
- TBD, Security Specialist
- TBD, Security Assistant
TBD, School Health Aide: Phone TBD
Credit Recovery Academy Main Office: TBD
TBD, Principal
TBD, Assistant Principal
TBD, Counselor
TBD, Computer Resource Teacher
TBD, Testing Manager
TBD, Testing Manager
TBD, Attendance
Safety and Security
- TBD, Security Specialist
- TBD, Security Assistant
TBD, School Health Aide: Phone TBD
Credit Recovery Academy Main Office: TBD
TBD, Principal
TBD, Assistant Principal
TBD, Counselor
TBD, Attendance
TBD, Computer Resource Teacher
TBD, Testing Coordinator
TBD, Testing Manager
TBD, Testing Manager
Safety and Security
- TBD, Security Specialist
- TBD, Security Assistant
TBD, School Health Aide: phone TBD
Credit Recovery Academy Main Office: TBD
TBD, Principal
TBD, Assistant Principal
TBD, Counselor
TBD, Attendance
TBD, Computer Resource Teacher
TBD, Testing Manager
TBD, Testing Manager
Safety and Security
- TBD, Security Specialist
- TBD, Security Assistant
TBD, School Health Aide: phone TBD
- July 7:
- Credit Recovery/SOL Remediation/Writing WorkKeys students start
- Writing SOL (Multiple Choice) Paper Test Only
- July 8:
- Writing SOL (Multiple Choice) Paper Test Only
- July 9:
- Writing SOL (Prompt) Paper Test Only
- July 10:
- Aug Term Grads enrolled in English 11 - WorkKeys Writing 1st attempt
- Social Studies PBA #1 (WH 1, WH 2, VA/US History)
- July 11:
- Weekly progress report sent home
- WorkKeys Writing Remediation Testing
- Non-Writing SOLs - August Term Grads 1st attempt
- July 14 and 15:
- Reading WorkKeys Remediation students start
- English 11 Non-Term Grads & August Term Grads Writing SOL online 1st attempt
- July 17:
- English 11 Non-Term Grads & August Term Grads Writing SOL online 2nd attempt
- English 11 Term Grads & Non-Term Grads WorkKeys Reading
- Aug Term Grads NW SOLs 2nd attempt
- Social Studies PBA #2 (WH 1, VA/US History)
- July 18
- English 11 Non-Term Grads & August Term Grads Writing SOL online 2nd attempt
- WK Reading Remediation 1st attempt
- Social Studies PBA #2 (WH 2)
- Weekly progress report sent home
- July 21:
- English 11 Term Grads & Aug Term Grads not enrolled in English 11 WK Writing 2nd Attempt
- July 23:
- Eng 11 Non-Term Grads & August Term Grads WK Reading 2nd attempt
- Social Studies PBA #3 (WH 1, VA/US History)
- July 25:
- Last day of Credit Recovery Academy
- Non-Term Grads take SOL tests
- Aug Term Grads WK Reading Remediation 2nd attempt
- Term Grads take 3rd attempt Non-Writing SOL tests
- Final grades due by 9 a.m.
- Final progress report sent home
- Reading WorkKeys Remediation Testing (if needed)
- July TBD: Credit Recovery Academy Graduation Rehearsal at TBD, 9 a.m. to noon
- July TBD: Credit Recovery Academy Graduation at TBD, 4:30 p.m.
Bell Schedules
- 8 a.m. - Class begins
- 1 p.m. - School day ends
Students are expected to attend all classes and to arrive for each class on time. The classroom teacher determines whether a student is on time, tardy, or absent. Any student who is absent from the summer program for more than two full days during any summer session (as a result of illness, vacation, disciplinary action, tardies, any other reason, or any combination of the foregoing) may be withdrawn from the summer program.
A student who is tardy must report directly to class. The teacher will record the number of minutes students are late.
There are no excused tardies.
A student who leaves school early must bring a note signed by their parent or guardian to the teacher.
- The teacher will initial the note.
- Students will give the initialed note to the summer office administrative assistant when they sign out.
Remember: Arriving late and leaving early will count toward the accumulation of absence minutes.
Prior to a student missing 300 minutes, the counselor will conference with the student. When a student accumulates one full day of absence (300 minutes), e-notify will send an automated email, text, and phone call; the assistant principal or principal will conference with the student.
When a student accumulates one and a half days of absences (450 minutes), e-notify will send an automated email, text, and phone call; the assistant principal or principal will conference with the student.
When a student accumulates more than two full days of absences (600 minutes), e-notify will send an automated email, text, and phone call; the assistant principal or principal will call the parents or guardians and send a letter to communicate the next steps.
Course Objectives and Requirements
On the first day of class, students will receive course objectives, course requirements, grading, and classroom rules. Please review this information and contact the teacher with questions.
Student Conduct
The Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) Student’s Responsibilities and Rights (SR&R) regulation governs student conduct during the academy.
Classroom Discipline Procedures
Classroom rules will be developed and articulated to students at the beginning of the academy. The teacher, with support from the guidance and administrative staff, will make certain that proper follow-through occurs with students who continually violate individual classroom and school rules.
Cell Phone Policy
During Instruction
Phones must be silenced and put away.
- Phone accessories must be silenced and away when use prohibited.
Watches that serve a dual purpose (e.g., smart watch) may be worn.
- FCPS devices should meet most instructional needs. When cell phones are appropriate, teachers may allow students to use cell phones.
Parent/guardians, multi-disciplinary team members, or other persons with knowledge of students who require access to personally owned devices as an accommodation shall make requests for such accommodations through their respective multi-disciplinary team [i.e., 504 Committee, IEP Team, English Language Committee, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Team].
Restrooms and Locker Rooms
Students are prohibited from using phones, tablets, and other mobile devices in restrooms and locker rooms.
Exception: Medical necessity or emergency.
Positive Behavior Intervention System
It is our expectation that students demonstrate appropriate and respectful behavior as outlined in the Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R) booklet. Our positive behavior theme this summer is PRIDE.
- Perseverance
- Respect
- Integrity
- Determination
- Excellence
Students will have the opportunity to be recognized for their positive behavior and earn raffle tickets when they demonstrate the characteristics outlined above. At the end of each school day, there will be a random drawing of prizes/certificates from local businesses to acknowledge students’ appropriate behavior.
Grading and Reporting
Students in Trailblazers, SOL Remediation test-prep classes, and ESOL Numeracy and Literacy classes do not receive grades.
Student grades will be calculated by the teacher. Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher if there is a question about the student’s progress. Grades will be issued to students according to the following schedule:
- July 11, 18, 25: Progress reports sent home.
- July 25: Teachers contact parents of students with a final grade of “fail.”
End-of-Course (EOC)/SOL/WorkKeys Testing
Students will receive information about SOL and WorkKey testing prior to the test dates.
The counselor and summer test team will provide instructions and guidelines for students who need to take an additional SOL test.
- Rehearsal:
- Date: TBD
- Time: 9 a.m. to noon
- Location: TBD
- Ceremony:
- Date: TBD
- Time: 4:30 to 6 p.m.
- Location: TBD
Buses will transport students from select FCPS schools in the morning and back in the afternoon. Parents, guardians and students are responsible for the transportation to and from the selected depot sites.
Check the registration confirmation email for information regarding designated drop-off and pick-up locations.
Check your email for specific door information.
- Students must park in the designated area and leave their vehicles as soon as they are parked.
- Students may not return to their vehicle until the end of the day or without an administrator’s permission.
- Students are not allowed to loiter in the parking lot.
- Drivers must obey speed limits on school grounds.
- There is no fee to park during the program.
We encourage students to ride buses each day. Should the need arise to drop off students, please follow the directions of the security staff.
Lunch will be available to purchase. Students also have the option to bring a lunch from home.
Students will be provided a 30 minute lunch between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Specific times will be shared at each CRA site.
Menus will be posted before the start of the summer program:
As you prepare for the summer program, please complete the following forms so your student can bring them to school on the first day or update your student information in SIS.
SS/SE 3: Emergency Care Information
Used by schools to gather emergency contact information for a student.
SS/SE 71: Health Information
Used to collect health information yearly on a student.
Please submit the English version of this form to your school for processing.
Por favor, envíe la versión en inglés de este formulario a su escuela para su procesamiento.
SS/SE 63: Medication Authorization
Used to give school the authorization to dispense medication to a student.
Please submit the English version of this form to your school for processing.
Por favor, envíe la versión en inglés de este formulario a su escuela para su procesamiento.
SS/SE 64: FCPS Authorization for Anaphylaxis Action Plan
Parent/health care provider authorization for the administration of epinephrine to a student with anaphylaxis.
Please submit the English version of this form to your school for processing.
Por favor, envíe la versión en inglés de este formulario a su escuela para su procesamiento.
SS/SE 65: FCPS Authorization for Virginia Asthma Action Plan
Used to authorize school employees to follow a student's Virginia Asthma Action Plan.
Please submit the English version of this form to your school for processing.
Health Room
A Health Room will be available during the school day.
Students who take medication will need to follow the guidelines outlined by FCPS:
To ensure that students take prescription and nonprescription (over-the-counter) medications safely, the school health room staff must administer the medications. The parent must bring the medication to the school health room for storage and provide documentation for administering it.
Medication Drop-off
Medications may be dropped off in the Health Room by a parent or guardian beginning Tuesday, July 1, 2025. Please do not send any medications in with your student.
Medication Pick-up
Medications may be picked up on the last day of class, Friday, July 26th between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Dress Code
Students will follow the FCPS dress code as outlined in the SR&R.
Students enrolled in a Credit Recovery Academy course, should plan to keep the laptop they were issued by their base school. Students should bring these laptops to class each day.
Additional Resource - Varsity Tutors
As an additional resource, students will have access to a service called Varsity Tutors. View more detailed information about