General Registration Forms
Forms related to new student enrollments and forms for returning students
Enrollment Forms Bundle
For general registration, the enrollment forms bundle includes all the forms needed to enroll. Benefits to using the bundle include:
Enter data once and to have it appear on multiple forms. For example, your name and address entered on one form automatically appears on others.
More than one student to register? Use the RESET button to clear out ALL student-related information while keeping parent data.
Enrollment Forms (Grades 1-12)
This General Registration Enrollment Forms Bundle consists of the following forms: Student Registration, Health Information, Emergency Care, Home Language Survey, Criminal Conviction & Juvenile Adjudication Affidavit, Virginia School Entrance Health Form, Military Connected Student, and Request for Student Records.
Enrollment Forms (Kindergarten)
This Enrollment Forms Bundle is for incoming kindergarteners.
Individual Registration Forms
All forms from the Enrollment Forms Bundle are available individually, including some additional forms such as medical authorizations, proof of residency forms, the Physician’s Referral for Participation in Physical Education form, and the student withdrawal form.
SS/SE 219: Criminal Conviction and Juvenile Delinquency Adjudication Affirmation
Used by parents to affirm their student has not been adjudicated for a crime.
SS/SE 3: Emergency Care Information
Used by schools to gather emergency contact information for a student.
SS/SE 64: FCPS Authorization for Anaphylaxis Action Plan
Parent/health care provider authorization for the administration of epinephrine to a student with anaphylaxis.
Please submit the English version of this form to your school for processing.
Por favor, envíe la versión en inglés de este formulario a su escuela para su procesamiento.
SS/SE 65: FCPS Authorization for Virginia Asthma Action Plan
Used to authorize school employees to follow a student's Virginia Asthma Action Plan.
Please submit the English version of this form to your school for processing.
SS/SE 71: Health Information
Used to collect health information yearly on a student.
Please submit the English version of this form to your school for processing.
Por favor, envíe la versión en inglés de este formulario a su escuela para su procesamiento.
SS/SE 63: Medication Authorization
Used to give school the authorization to dispense medication to a student.
Please submit the English version of this form to your school for processing.
Por favor, envíe la versión en inglés de este formulario a su escuela para su procesamiento.
SS/SE 200: Physician’s Referral for Participation in Physical Education
Used to obtain a physician's request to modify a student's participation in PE.
SS/SE 228: Pre-Kindergarten Experience (2024-2025)
Used by parents to indicate their student's pre-k experience. Used for statistical purposes only.
SS/SE 75: Request for Student Records
Used by FCPS schools to request student records from another school division.
SS/SE 304: Residency Attestation
Used to supply a residence attestation in order for a parent or guardian to enroll their student.
MCH 213: School Entrance Physical Examination
Health Information Form/Comprehensive Physical Examination Report/Certification of Immunization
SS/SE 180: Specific Health Care Procedures Authorization
Used by school staff to obtain permission for specific medical procedures for a student.
IT 19: Student Registration Form
Used to register a student into FCPS.
IT 2: Student Withdrawal
Used by schools to document the withdrawal of a student from FCPS
Continuing Enrollment Bundle
Continuing Enrollment Bundle
This Continuing Enrollment Bundle, which is for returning students (not new enrollments), consists of the following forms: Health Information, Emergency Care, and Military Connected Students.
Registration For Next School Year
IT 110: Student's Intention For Next School Year
The "Student's Intention For Next School Year" form is used by FCPS staff to project each school's total enrollment for the next school year. Questions about filling out this form should be directed to the student’s current school.