WorkKeys Assessment Information
WorkKeys assessments support students in meeting graduation requirements
Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) uses the WorkKeys assessment to help students graduate high school. It's a tool for addressing graduation outcomes related to opportunity, access, and attainment. FCPS assessments let students access real tests. These tests help show them that they know the content.
WorkKeys helps fulfill two types of graduation requirements. Students can use the WorkKeys assessment to earn a Standard or Advanced Studies diploma.
Substitute Test for Verified Credit
The following WorkKeys tests may be used as a substitute test for verified credit toward a standard or advanced studies diploma.
- Verified credit in English Reading is awarded to students who earn a score of 4+ on the WorkKeys Workplace Documents test and have standard credit for English 11.
- Verified credit in English Writing is awarded to students who earn a score of 3+ on the WorkKeys Business Writing test and have standard credit for English 11.
Industry Certification
The ACT National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) is an option for industry credentialing graduation requirements. The NCRC is awarded to students who earn a score of 3+ on each of the following WorkKeys tests: Workplace Documents, Applied Mathematics, and Graphic Literacy.
Score Reports for WorkKeys Tests
Student results for WorkKeys assessments are generally available within 1-3 weeks of test completion.
To the Parents/Guardians of _____________SID: _______GRD: ___
Your student recently took one or more ACT WorkKeys assessment. The tables below provide results from these recent tests. Students who did not receive a qualifying score for graduation requirements will have the opportunity to retake the test.
The Virginia Board of Education has approved WorkKeys assessments to support students toward high school graduation. WorkKeys assessments can be used to help fulfill two types of graduation requirements for students.
Substitute Test for Verified Credit (VC)—Students earning a qualifying score on state-approved WorkKeys assessments can receive VC for Reading or Writing when they successfully complete an English 11 course.
-- WorkKeys Workplace Documents score of 4+ qualifies a student for VC in English Reading
-- WorkKeys Business Writing score of 3+ qualifies a student for VC in English Writing
Industry Certification—Students earning the required scores specific WorkKeys assessments can earn the ACT National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC). All three of the following criteria must be met to qualify for NCRC.
-- WorkKeys Workplace Documents score of 3+
-- WorkKeys Applied Mathematics score of 3+
-- WorkKeys Graphic Literacy score of 3+
If you have questions regarding graduation requirements, please contact your student’s school counselor. For questions about WorkKeys assessments, please contact your school’s assessment coach or review these ACT webpages at: https://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/workkeys-for-educators/assessments.html
Test Information | Current Performance |
Assessment: __ | Score: __ |
Test Date: __ | Performance Level: __ |
Administering School: __ | Eligibility: __ |
Printable PDF translations for WorkKeys assessment score report letters
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About WorkKeys
High school students may use WorkKeys assessments to fulfill graduation requirements. Click on each question below to view the response.
The Virginia Board of Education has approved ACT WorkKeys assessments to support students toward fulfilling high school graduation requirements. Most high school students need to earn two (2) English verified credits (reading and writing) to fulfill their graduation requirements. Additionally, some students will use an industry credential to fulfill part of their graduation requirements.
Students who are currently enrolled in English 11 courses (including International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement) may take WorkKeys tests to help fulfill verified credit requirements for graduation. Students who previously earned standard credit for an English 11 course may also take WorkKeys tests if they need verified credit for graduation.
Students who have already met their testing requirements for graduation are not permitted to participate in WorkKeys tests.
The following WorkKeys tests may be used as a substitute test for verified credit toward a standard or advanced studies diploma for students who have earned standard credit for an English 11 course.
- Workplace Documents (score 4+) for reading verified credit
- Business Writing (score 3+) for writing verified credit.
To receive verified credit, the student must earn both a standard credit for the course and a qualifying score for the substitute test.
The ACT National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) is an option for industry credentialing graduation requirements. The NCRC is awarded to students who earn a qualifying score for all three of the following WorkKeys tests.
- Workplace Documents (score 3+)
- Applied Mathematics (score 3+)
- Graphic Literacy (score 3+)
To access the Applied Mathematics and Graphic Literacy tests, the student must first earn a score of 3+ on the Workplace Documents test.
No, WorkKeys assessments can be used to help fulfill graduation requirements for students working toward a Standard or Advanced Studies diploma.
Verified credit test results do not appear on students’ transcripts. Student transcripts show that verified credits have been earned but do not indicate how they were earned.
Industry credentials appear at the bottom of students’ transcripts. The transcript shows the name of the credential and the performance level.
The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) requires that all WorkKeys tests be taken in-person at an approved site under secure testing conditions. In FCPS, WorkKeys tests must be administered on FCPS-owned computers (e.g., FCPSOn) within the secure FCPS network. WorkKeys testing must be supervised by a trained school staff member.
WorkKeys test scores are available in the Student Information System (SIS) after each testing window. Current and historical WorkKeys test results are posted in the Test History tab of ParentVUE for access by parents/guardians and StudentVUE for direct access by students.
Please note that the SIS Test History tab can only be accessed through the ParentVUE and StudentVUE websites. Test History is not currently available in the Mobile App.
Any decision to refuse participation in a verified credit-bearing test could affect on-time graduation for your student. Please contact your student’s school counselor to discuss these potential impacts. Students with outstanding graduation requirements would need to access different assessments if they do not participate in WorkKeys tests. Other options for state-approved assessments to fulfill graduation requirements include Standards of Learning (SOL) tests for verified credits and Career and Technical Education (CTE) certifications for industry credentials.
With this understanding, parents and guardians have a right to refuse test participation for their students. More information about the implications of refusing testing can be found on the Right to Refuse Assessments webpage.
More information about the WorkKeys tests can be found on the ACT website.
WorkKeys Testing Notifications
Students may be selected to take any of three WorkKeys tests. The test they can take depends on their graduation needs. Schools communicate upcoming WorkKeys testing opportunities to students and their parents/guardians. Below, we've provided copies of each notification letter along with translations.
Business Writing Assessment - Notification of Testing
WorkKeys Business Writing Assessment, Grades 11-12
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Your student is registered to take the WorkKeys® Business Writing assessment on (DATE).
What is WorkKeys®?
The Virginia Department of Education has approved ACT WorkKeys® assessments as substitutes for certain graduation requirements:
- The Business Writing test may be used as a substitute for the Standards of Learning (SOL) End-of-Course (EOC) English: Writing Test. (Score of 3 or higher is required.)
Why is my student taking WorkKeys®?
Your student has been registered to take the test indicated above to satisfy one or more graduation requirements.
How should I prepare for the test?
Although the Business Writing assessment tests skills similar to those on the SOL EOC Writing test, respectively, students who are successful on the WorkKeys® test manage time effectively and are familiar with business terminology. The WorkKeys® Business Writing is a timed, authentic assessment that is administered online. (Note: The Business Writing test is only available in an online format.) Students are expected to work with teachers to prepare and practice to take full advantage of this opportunity to meet graduation requirements.
There is no charge to students for the test. Results from the online test are typically available within 48 hours. If you have any questions, please contact your student’s counselor.
Assessment Coach/School Test Coordinator
Printable PDFs of the testing notification letter for WorkKeys Business Writing assessments
Workplace Documents Assessment - Notification of Testing
WorkKeys Workplace Documents Assessment, Grades 11-12
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Your student is registered to take the WorkKeys® Workplace Documents assessment on (DATE).
What is WorkKeys®?
The Virginia Department of Education has approved ACT WorkKeys® assessments as substitutes for certain graduation requirements:
- The Workplace Documents test may be used as a substitute for the SOL EOC English: Reading Test. (Score of 4 or higher is required.)
Why is my student taking WorkKeys®?
Your student has been registered to take the test indicated above to satisfy one or more graduation requirements.
How should I prepare for the test?
Although the Workplace Documents assessment tests skills similar to those on the SOL EOC Reading test, respectively, students who are successful on WorkKeys® test manage time effectively and are familiar with business terminology. The WorkKeys® test is a timed, authentic assessment that is administered online except when the paper format is required for accommodations. Students are expected to work with teachers to prepare and practice to take full advantage of this opportunity to meet graduation requirements.
There is no charge to students for the test. Results from the online test are typically available within 48 hours, while paper tests may take 4-6 weeks to be scored. If you have any questions, please contact your student’s counselor.
Assessment Coach/School Test Coordinator
Printable PDFs of the testing notification letter for WorkKeys Workplace Documents assessments
National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) - Notification of Testing
WorkKeys Assessments, Grades 11-12
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Your student is registered to take the following WorkKeys® assessment(s) on (DATE).
____ Workplace Documents
____ Graphic Literacy
____ Applied Math
What is WorkKeys®?
The Virginia Department of Education has approved ACT WorkKeys® assessments as substitutes for certain graduation requirements:
- The Workplace Documents, Applied Math, and Graphic Literacy tests can be used to earn the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC), which fulfills the industry credential requirement for students.
Why is my student taking WorkKeys®?
Your student has been registered to take the test(s) indicated above to satisfy one or more graduation requirements.
How should I prepare for the test(s)?
Students who are successful on WorkKeys® tests manage time effectively and are familiar with business terminology. The WorkKeys® tests are timed, authentic assessments that are administered online except when the paper format is required for accommodations. Students are expected to work with teachers to prepare and practice to take full advantage of this opportunity to meet graduation requirements.
Your student’s counselor can provide resources to support preparation for taking the WorkKeys® assessments to earn the NCRC as an industry credential.
There is no charge to students for the test(s). Results from online tests are typically available within 48 hours, while paper tests may take 4-6 weeks to be scored. If you have any questions, please contact your student’s counselor.
Assessment Coach/School Test Coordinator
Printable PDFs of the testing notification letter for WorkKeys NCRC assessments
Assessment Resources
Learn more about assessments in FCPS