Office of Family and School Partnerships

Department Contact Information

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Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) offers a variety of programs, resources, and outreach to help families navigate FCPS, support learning at home and at school, and make important community connections.

Research has shown that when schools partner with families, improvements are seen in student attendance, behavior, and learning. As parents, teachers, and other caring adults, our job is to provide our children with:

  • A safe, nurturing environment.
  • An opportunity to develop to their fullest potential.
  • Knowledge and skills to succeed in school and in life.
  • Support and guidance in all stages and their development.

For more information on family engagement opportunities in FCPS contact:  Renee LaHuffman-Jackson Director III, FCPS Family and School Partnerships by email (link sends email)or call(link is a phone number) 703-204-4301.


Family Academy

The Family Academy is your resource for an enriching educational journey!

Stacks of books

Family Resource Center

The Family Resource Center (FRC) offers free webinars, consultations, a lending library, and resources to help adults support the success of all students, including those with learning challenges, special needs, and disabilities. The center was formerly named the Parent Resource Center.

kids with teacher

Quick Tips for Parents Library for Families

FCPS provides numerous tip sheets and other resources for you to help your child succeed.

Family liaisons providing information to parents.

Family Information Phone Lines

FCPS offers telephone support to families who do not speak English as their first language.

Mother and son reading

Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) Program

HIPPY is a free program for parents of preschoolers aged 2-4 who want to instruct their children at home.

Children reading a book together on the floor

Early Literacy Programs

The Early Literacy Program is a free interactive, parent-and-child program. Helping families become active partners in their child's education.

Two houses

Co-Parenting: Two Parents, Two Homes Program

Family and School Partnerships offers fee-based classes in English and Spanish to help families focus on the responsibilities of parenting from separate households while keeping children out of the middle as the parents negotiate custody, visitation, child support, or divorce.

Mural of children

Immigrant Family Reunification Program

The Family Reunification Program offers assistance in finding educational, financial, and emotional support.

image of a Grandmother with a child

Kinship Care Support

Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) in partnership with other Fairfax County departments and agencies offers services and programs for grandparents and other family members raising children in the place of a parent.

Child being carried by dad, member of the U.S. military.

Military Family Resources

Resources available to support our military-connected students and families. This includes extracurricular activities and local community resources.

An adult with child on playground

Community Liaisons

Bilingual community liaisons support families during the student registration process. They also help determine if parents have needs beyond registering their child for school.

two adults having a conversation

Family Liaisons

Family liaisons serve as a link between families and schools.

email Newsletters

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Military Families(link is external)
Family Resource Center(link is external)