Families as Partners During Early Childhood
Parents and families are collaborative partners in supporting student learning
Family Partnerships
In all Early Childhood Education programs, we recognize parents and families as collaborative partners in identifying their child’s strengths and in supporting student learning. Families are provided support as they navigate through various school and community systems. This includes application processes, eligibility assessments, and transitions. Parents are strongly encouraged to engage at their child’s school through volunteering in the classroom, attending field trips, and other parent events.
Pre-K and Early Head Start
In Pre-K and Early Head Start programs monthly meetings are held to engage parents in relative topics of their choosing and parent breakfasts are held throughout the year. In addition, parent leaders participate at the Parent Policy Committee level, as representatives not only of their school, but as a representative of seven schools in their geographic region.
Home and School Family Partnerships
The Early Literacy program is a free, interactive parent and child program offered to Arabic-, Spanish-, and Korean-speaking, and African-heritage families. This program is available to Fairfax County residents with children aged five and under not currently enrolled in kindergarten.
Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) partners with parents to prepare their children for success in school. HIPPY is a free program for parents of preschoolers who are three or four years old and who want to instruct their children at home.

Special Education Registration (Child Find)
FCPS identifies, locates, and evaluates children residing in Fairfax County who are in need of special education and related services.

Early Literacy Programs
The Early Literacy Program is a free interactive, parent-and-child program. Helping families become active partners in their child's education.

Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) Program
HIPPY is a free program for parents of preschoolers aged 2-4 who want to instruct their children at home.

Family Resource Center
The Family Resource Center (FRC) offers free webinars, consultations, a lending library, and resources to help adults support the success of all students, including those with learning challenges, special needs, and disabilities. The center was formerly named the Parent Resource Center.

Fairfax County Department of Family Services