Community Use Guidelines
Learn more about the use of auditoriums and other facilities
Auditorium Use Guidelines
General Information
- Time requested through CommunityUse, the online reservation system, should include setup and breakdown time as well as actual event time.
- Any fees incurred are directly related to the total time in the facility.
- If additional days and times are needed for rehearsals or setup, please include them in your CommunityUse online request. Please provide the school building use coordinator with an Auditorium Addendum with details if you cannot provide all information in your online request.
- The auditorium rental fee does not include dressing rooms. Those must be requested.
- Charges are by one-hour increments only.
- Changes to your event cannot be made after an invoice has been paid, which is ten business days prior to use.
- Please review your invoice once received to ensure that all requested needs have been properly charged.
- Nothing should be taped or attached to any surfaces inside the auditorium including chairs, walls, and flooring.
- Use of glitter, confetti, snow machine, or similar items must be approved by the school prior to use.
- Food and beverages are not permitted in the auditorium.
Personnel Information
- Personnel requested by the user may be increased by the school or Community Use section based on the type of activity and number of attendees.
- If any organization hires outside security, that company shall be duly licensed by the Virginia State Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS). Subsequent approval from the school, the Community Use Section, and FCPS Safety and Security Office must be granted.
Equipment and Special Fees Information
- School equipment varies per facility. Please ensure your equipment needs are clearly stated in your online request, including the numbers of each item requested.
- The house lights are included in the use of the auditorium; however, stage or spotlights are an additional fee as listed in School Board Notice 8420. Other special fees are also listed in School Board Notice 8420.
- Headsets are not standard equipment for rental. If the school allows the use, there is an additional charge per headset.
Community Uses
FCPS allows tutoring to occur in our facilities by outside tutors or our own teachers. FCPS Human Resources Regulation 4705 covers tutoring. You should become familiar with this regulation prior to scheduling a tutoring session in an FCPS Facility. FCPS employees who are tutoring should review Policy 4430, Conflict of Interest—Employees, and Regulation 4427, Non-school Employment.
- All tutors (including FCPS staff) who charge for their services are subject to rental fees per Regulation 8420.
- You are responsible for providing a copy of attachment E from Regulation 8420 to those you tutor.
- Tutoring is limited to one-on-one instruction. Group instruction is not allowed. If group instruction is requested, standard rental fee structure will apply.
- If you are not already an Organization Event Coordinator (OEC) for our online system, Community Use, please follow the process on our Community Use of School Facilities webpage to become an OEC. Once you are approved, you can submit your request through Community Use.
- When entering your use, please try to get it all on one schedule for each semester. If you are using more than one day of the week, use the Recurring Schedule option. This helps in avoiding confusion when invoicing.
- Per Regulation 8420, elementary classroom space is not available for use during the school year.
- After your request is approved by the school, you will receive an invoice via email. If you do not receive your invoice, please contact the Community Use Section office at 571-423-2340.
- Rental fees for tutors are $55 per day of the week, per semester, per school. For example, a tutor who uses a school on Tuesdays and Fridays will pay $110 (2 days per week x $55 per day) for that semester, and another $110 for the second semester.
- Semesters are:
- First semester - September through January.
- Second semester - February through end of school year.
- Summer semester - End of school year through first day of school.
- Payment must be received by the Community Use Section at least 10 business days prior to the start of use.
League pictures incur rental fees whether the pictures are taken inside a school building or outside on a field. Three options are available for League Picture scheduling. Payment must be received by the Community Use Section at least 10 business days prior to the event. If payments are not received by the due date indicated on the invoice, a 10% late penalty will apply and may be subject to cancellation.
Applying for Use
Submit an online request through CommunityUse, the online reservation system at least 15 business days prior to the event date. If you are not already an Organization Event Coordinator (OEC), please follow the process on the Community Use of School Facilities webpage to become an OEC. Once approved as an OEC, an online request may be submitted through CommunityUse, the online reservation system.
- Title your event as “(League Name) Pictures” - example: XYZ Pictures
- Option A - Outside ONLY with no option to move inside the facility due to weather
- Rental fee for the outdoor space would apply according to Notice 8420
- No option for facility usage
- Rescheduling for an alternative day would not be subject to the 15-day rule
- Option B - Outside planned usage with the opportunity to move into the facility due to weather
- Rental fee for the outdoor space would apply according to Notice 8420
- Option for facility usage. If space is used in the facility, the fee difference +/- will be adjusted for the user group
- Custodial fees are assessed regardless of outside and inside usage; 4 hours minimum for custodial fee
- Option C - Inside the facility planned usage
- Rental fee for the indoor space would apply according to Notice 8420
- Custodial fees are assessed; 4 hours minimum for custodial fee
League Group Responsibilities
- League groups are responsible for monitoring their participants and ensuring that all participants stay in the designated area
- Only designated areas identified in the schedule may be used
- Cleats are not permitted inside the building
- Set-up, breakdown, and clean-up of the areas used
Get fit at work! FCPS allows employee wellness classes to occur in our facilities.
- All wellness instructors (including FCPS staff members) who charge for their services are subject to rental fees per School Board Regulation 8420 and Notice 8420.
- You are responsible for providing a copy of Attachment F from Regulation 8420 to those who participate.
- Only FCPS employees can participate. If a class is open to the public, then the standard rental fee structure will apply.
- If you are not already an Organization Event Coordinator (OEC) for our online system, Community Use, please follow the process on our Community Use of School Facilities webpage to become an OEC. Once you are approved, you can submit your request through Community Use.
- Proof of liability insurance showing liability coverage of $1 million minimum for each occurrence and $2 million general aggregate is required. The certificate must also show Fairfax County Public School Board, 8115 Gatehouse Road, Suite 3200, Falls Church VA 22042, as an additional insured and the certificate holder. The certificate must be received directly from your insurer, and can be faxed to 571-423-2347.
- When entering your use, please try to get it all on one schedule for each semester. If you are using more than one day of the week, use the Recurring Schedule option. This helps avoid confusion when invoicing.
- After your request is approved by the school, you will receive an invoice via email. If you do not receive your invoice, please contact the Community Use Section office at 571-423-2340.
- Rental fees for wellness classes are $55 per day of the week, per semester, per school (per Notice 8420). For example, a class held on Tuesdays and Fridays will be charged $110 (2 days per week x $55 per day) for that semester, and another $110 for the next semester.
- Semesters for schools are:
- First semester - September through January.
- Second semester - February through end of school year.
- Summer semester - End of school year through first day of school.
- Semesters for administrative centers are:
- First semester - September through December.
- Second semester - January through April.
- Summer semester - May through August.
- Payment must be received by the Community Use Section at least 10 business days prior to the start of your use.
School booster clubs and PTA/PTO groups manage a variety of fee-based programs that benefit students such as after-school classes, clinics and camps. The following resources should be reviewed when a booster club or PTA/PTO group wants to manage this type of fee-based activity. Information below does not pertain to other types of booster/PTA/PTO managed programs such as fun fairs, movie nights, fundraising events, etc. Those type offerings should follow guidelines in School Board Regulation 8420.
Regulation and Notice 8424
Be sure to check back to review changes and updates to School Board Regulation 8424. Information regarding School Board Notice 8424 is provided below. The Community Use Section will hold informational meetings several times a year on Regulation and Notice 8424 to assist booster clubs and PTA/PTO. Meeting dates are provided below.
- Overview of Regulation and Notice 8424: The overview on Understanding School Board Regulation and Notice 8424 provides details on how to complete the ADM-24 Application. It will assist you in understanding the process, and how to complete the application.
- Guidelines for Support Organization Process for After-School Programs: View the process and guidelines for Support Organization-PTA, PTO, PTSA, Boosters After-School/Summer Programming Process.
Support Organization Training Meetings 2023-2024
Training meetings for PTA, PT0, PTSA, BOOSTERS hosting after school programing, clinics, leagues, and camps.
Application Form ADM-24
Application Form ADM-24 must be completed by the managing organization, and be approved before an activity can begin. If an employee is receiving pay, forms ADM-24A and ADM-24B must be completed once the activity has ended.
ADM 24: Application for Booster Club, PTA or PTO managed Fee Based Camps, Classes, Clinics and Leagues
School Board Notice 8424
Please review Notice 8424. This Notice contains information relating to employee compensation, participant fee limit, and procedures for Booster/PTA/PTO reimbursement to FCPS.