Different Ways to Engage with FCPS
Support existing FCPS programs or partner with us in other ways
Our Ignite Partnership model represents current needs within FCPS, our partnership goals, and the work of the Business and Community Partnerships team. There are however, different ways to partner with FCPS.
- Advance an Existing Program:
- Fairfax County Public Schools has a host of existing opportunities where businesses and community organization support is welcome. These are not Ignite Partnerships.
Because they are existing, the FCPS leaders of these programs have existing needs and their own engagement processes.
Please contact the individuals associate with each existing program listed below:
- Fairfax County Public Schools has a host of existing opportunities where businesses and community organization support is welcome. These are not Ignite Partnerships.
- Contests and Competitions
- Contests and Competitions involving students are regulated by our Instructional Services Department.; Organizations seeking approval must speak with and submit information and/or criteria to: LouEllen Brademen, Coordinator, Instructional Services 571-423-4853.
- For additional information see R3836 Regulations and Policies
- Discounts to FCPS Employees (Savings for Staff)
- Donate Goods (Furniture, vehicles, technology, musical instruments, and more)
- Donate any Amount of Money (Educate Fairfax)
- Fundraising:
- Fundraising occurs at the school level mostly with support from PTA’s, PTSA’s and Booster Organizations (see individual school websites for more information). PTA’s, Boosters, and Foundations are external organizations and not a part of FCPS.
- At the central level, the Educate Fairfax is the primary fundraising arm.
- The Fairfax County Council of PTA's (FCCPTA) is the overseeing entity of all PTA's in the county.
- For additional information see R1370 Fund-Raising, P1375 - Charity Drives Regulations and Policies
- Grants
- Contact the FCPS Grants Office at 571-423-3600
- Scholarships/Awards
- Contact School Counseling Services at 571-423-4420
- Selling to FCPS
- Contact Procurement Services at 571-423-3555