Health and Wellness Partnerships
Support the Well-being of Students and Staff Members
Need to Know:
What: Our health and wellness partnership program allows a business or community group to provide students and staff members in Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) with needed health and wellness services or resources they might otherwise go without.
FCPS seeks resources for student health and wellness that we know supports their academic success. Supports are needed throughout the year.
A Standard Health and Wellness Partnership for students Includes:
- Volunteering to support FCPS managed health and wellness initiatives like health and wellness resources fairs, health and wellness screenings, back-to-school immunization fairs, etc.
- Donations of health and/or wellness resources or supplies that are used in our schools, Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs or elsewhere.
- Guest speakers, work-based tours, job shadowing or career mentoring to support health and wellness professional learning for students, and staff members.
- Financial donations or grant funds allowing FCPS to support specific health and wellness needs.
Standard Health & Wellness Partnerships for Staff Members Includes:
- We welcome start-to-finish execution of streaming webinars on a health topic, and webinar may be posted on the FCPS website. FCPS requires that its employee wellness lead vet webinar content to ensure efficacy.
- Webinars or in-person fitness and/or cooking demonstrations and classes, including management of attendee registration.
A Clinical Health and Wellness Partnership for students, involving medical procedures need a different process:
- FCPS also seeks organizations who willing and able to administer certified health screenings, immunizations and other preventive medical services for students. (These types medical supports require extra levels of FCPS analysis through established processes managed by the FCPS Department of Special Services. The FCPS Office of Business and Community Partnerships can connect you with our Special Services team, and if your plan is approved and implemented, we will recognize your efforts at the Ignite Partnerships level.)
Why: A healthy body and mind is conducive to learning, growth and a positive well-being. A growing body of research has revealed expanding health and wellness challenges among young people and adults. Community engagement emphasizes the importance of a healthy body and mind, and resources, volunteers, and a broadened knowledge base helps with the delivery.
Who: We're seeking businesses and community groups with the capacity to support these efforts with volunteers, donations and through knowledge sharing. Partnerships may occur with the school division or at an individual school.
When: While there are cyclical needs at immunization fairs, this work is generally constant and ongoing.
Where: Partnership activities generally occur on school property when FCPS staff members are present and sometimes during after-school hours. We also welcome discussions of meaningful opportunities which may take place at another location. Off school property activities require additional examination on the part of FCPS and the partner, which is included in the relevant partnership agreements.
Requirements - Business or Community Group:
Engagement Thresholds: To support a Health and Wellness Ignite Partnership, we request the following:
Volunteer Support at Health Fairs | 15 Volunteers |
Donations of Health and Medical Supplies | List of Needs (see full list below under Medical Donations) |
Professional Learning Support
Certified Health Screenings, Immunizations and Preventive Medical Services |
Requires additional levels of FCPS analysis through established processes managed by the FCPS Department of Special Services. 90 Students Served (may be higher) |
Minimum Number of Employees: A team of at least 10 volunteers is recommended because continuation of a partnership occurs more when others understand how it works. Because of the nature of the work, establishing a health and wellness partnership can take a little extra time – FCPS focuses most on partnerships where there appears to be the capacity to develop a long-term relationship.
Time Commitment: A Health and Wellness partnership offers varied program elements and, as such, unique scheduling. Health fairs, screenings and immunizations are a one-time event, but because FCPS is a large school district there are many opportunities. We encourage workforce development opportunities like guest speakers, work-based tours, job shadowing or career mentoring to occur following collaborative planning with the FCPS staff members involved and with the student’s schedule and workload in mind. Donations of goods and money are welcome at any time. We recognize that grant opportunities often are presented to FCPS on the grantor’s schedule.
Partners must commit to one full school year—September to June. If beginning after November 15, we ask for a commitment for the following school year as well.
CEO-VP Commitment: Because these programs may involve contact through medical procedures, considerable volunteer time, and the potential for financial commitment, we prefer CEO support but understand that in many companies and not-for-profits, authority can extend to the VP level.
Financial Requirements: There is the potential for financial support. A discussion will help us meet your needs.
Medical Donations: Fairfax County Public Schools accepts donated medical equipment and supplies provided they meet acceptable specifications. The equipment and supplies are valuable for teaching purposes in use with patient simulators and mannequins for student practice.
Donations are also accepted for used medical equipment and aids (wheelchairs, walkers, etc.) and will be used as supplementary support items for students in our special education programs and centers.
Donors are encouraged to use the FCPS Donations Portal to offer items. Submit the information via the portal and an FCPS staff member will be in contact to discuss.
- Incubator
- Centrifuge
- Autoclave
- Lab glassware
- IV pump
- Feeding pump
- Vital signs monitor-digital
- Ophthalmoscope
- Otoscope
- Doppler
- ECG system
- IV hood
- Sterile items in sealed packages (may be past expiration dates)
- Hospital room equipment and supplies
- Pharmacy equipment and supplies
- Physical Therapy / Occupational Therapy equipment and supplies.
All items must be in working order. Items will be evaluated before being accepted. Fairfax County Public Schools is unable to and will not accept pharmaceuticals.
- Toothbrushes in sealed packages
- Dental equipment and supplies
- Non-mercury and latex free items
- Soap/Shampoo/Deodorant
- Feminine products
- LICE treatment
All the above in sealed packages.
- Water bottles
- Exercise bands
- Yoga mats
- Cookbooks
- Health Information (displays, posters, etc.)
- Sports and fitness equipment*
*Sports and fitness equipment must meet acceptable specifications, be in good working condition and meet FCPS safety and instructional requirements. Sports and fitness equipment can be very heavy and FCPS may not be able to pick up and deliver some items.
- Drug Store/Pharmacy Gift Cards
To establish an Ignite Partnership (see engagement thresholds above), contact Angela Aldave.
For collaboration on all Health and Wellness partnerships between the FCPS Business and Community Partnerships and the FCPS subject matter experts below:
Standard Health & Wellness Partnerships for Students:
- Jennifer Alpers Manager, Health and Medical Sciences (CTE)
- Donna Desaulniers Coordinator, Psychological Services
- Mary Jo Davis Coordinator, Social Work Services
- Stefan Mascoll Coordinator, Student Safety and Wellness
- Mike Axler Director, Intervention and Prevention
- Bethany Demers Specialist, Mental Wellness
Standard Health & Wellness Partnerships for Staff Members, contact the Employee Wellness Team.
Clinical Health & Wellness Partnerships:
- Lea Skurpski Director, Strategic Planning
- Kristy Vitter, Coordinator, School Health Services