School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC)
Community Advisory Committee
Contact Us
School Board Liaison
Robyn Lady
Staff Liaison
Lea M. Skurpski, Director, Office of Operations and Strategic Planning, Department of Special Services
[email protected]
Committee Purpose
Va. Code §22.1-275.1—Each school board may establish a school health advisory board of no more than twenty members which shall consist of broad-based community representation including, but not limited to, parents, students, health professionals, educators, and others. The advisory board shall assist with the development of health policy in the school division and the evaluation of the status of school health, health education, the school environment, and health services.
Committee Charge
To address the broad range of challenges affecting student health identified by the Fairfax County Youth Survey, we suggest studying how the FCPS 2023 Strategic Plan can support technology and extracurricular activities for brain health with a focus on cognitive, emotional, and social skills. Incorporating neuroscience into the FCPS Strategic Plan can provide a comprehensive lens toward improving student outcomes. Reports of suicidal ideation among elementary students (see Appendix D) suggest the current challenges are becoming more severe without a dedicated focus over the next six years.
SHAC proposes researching the following topics to determine the impact of neuroscience on improving student outcomes:
Fostering brain health for all - students, families, and staff countywide
Enabling preventive support for developing and maintaining brain health
Identifying innovations to pilot and evaluate brain health initiatives with students
SHAC also would like to meet with student groups to obtain their feedback as to the best ways to build and nurture their brain development and growth. Questions for them may include, “What cognitive muscles are they concerned about?” and “How can school environments help and hinder who they are growing into?” SHAC would like to obtain student feedback on how technology, extracurricular activities, sleep, and stress management affect them. SHAC hopes that the data collected can be used to place FCPS at the forefront of holistic student development in the coming years.
FCPS Wellness Policy
Participation, Implementation, and Support of the FCPS Wellness Policy
The Fairfax County School Board will engage members of the school community and the general public to develop, assess, review and/or revise the FCPS Wellness Policy and Regulations. The School Health Advisory Committee will assess and review the Wellness Policy and Regulations to make recommendations to the School Board and serve as a vehicle for engaging the public.
- FCPS Health and Wellness Partnership Program
- FCPS Wellness Leadership
- FCPS Wellness Newsletter (Subscribe)
- FCPS Wins Award for Wellness Program from VSBA
Reports, Policies, and Regulations
- 2021-2024 Triennial Wellness Assessment
- FCPS Wellness Reporting
- 2023-24 Staff Response to Recommendations
- 2022-23 Staff Response to Recommendations
- 2023-24 Annual Report
- 2022-23 Annual Report
- Student and Staff Health and Wellness Policy 2100
- Student and Staff Health and Wellness Regulation 2100
Meetings will be held at 7 p.m. in Conference Room 5055 at the Gatehouse Administration Center (8115 Gatehouse Road, Falls Church, VA) unless stated otherwise below. Parking is available on site in the parking garage at the Gatehouse Administration Center.
September 18, 2024
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: Superintendent’s Conference Room 5055, 8115 Gatehouse Road, Falls Church, Virginia 22042
Download the September Meeting Agenda
Download the September Meeting Minutes
Voting Members Present | Voting Members | Non-Voting Members | Non-Voting Members | Guests |
Call to Order meeting at 7:08 pm. Called to order by Lea Skurpski.
Public Comment
- No Public Comment
Welcome and Introductions of Committee Members
Co-Chairs from SY 23-24 (Kelly Fernandez and Robert Goldel) helped with the development of this evening’s tonight’s agenda as co-chairs had not yet been elected for SY24-25. Introductions among attendees.
Review of SY24-25 Committee Charge
Lea Skurpski reviewed the SHAC charge for SY 24-25 and shared how this will drive the work of the committee for this year. The charge was read into record for the group.
Election of SY24-25 Chair/Co-Chair
Lea Skurpski provided an explanation of how the committee functions according to Robert’s Rules of Order, voting and advisory roles, and how we plan to work together for this school year. The SHAC public webpage was shared as a resource for committee members and for the public.
Role of the Co-Chairs described by Lea Skurpski, Brenda Silvia-Torma, Ilana Yergin-Doniger, and Robert Goldel.
- Kelly Fernandez was nominated and declined.
- Jen Steiner was nominated and declined.
- Katie Moyer was nominated by Ilana Yergin-Doniger and seconded by Kelly Fernandez. Nomination accepted.
- Keena McAvoy nominated by Robert Goldel, second by Tuc Nguyen. Nomination accepted.
- Robert Goldel nominated by Tuc Nguyen, seconded by David Behar. Nomination accepted.
Ilana Yergin-Doniger shared nomination concerns related to SY23-24. Ilana then made a motion to elect Keena McAvoy and Katie Moyer as Co-Chairs for SY24-25. Motion seconded by Brenda Silvia-Torma. Keena McAvoy and Katie Moyer were elected as Co-Chairs; approved by a majority of 16 votes with three abstentions.
Approval of Prior Minutes- April and May 2024
Jen Steiner made a motion to approve the April minutes. Seconded by Brenda Silvia-Torma. The minutes were approved by a majority of 17 votes with one abstention.
Jen Steiner made a motion to approve the May minutes. Seconded by Ilana Yergin-Doniger. Motion passed with unanimous consent.
Approval of Meeting Schedule for SY24-25
The drafted meeting schedule was reviewed by the committee. Proposed dates included November 13, December 11, January 15, February 19, March 19, April 16 and May 21. The October 16 meeting was meeting was added to the proposed dates listed on the agenda.
Brenda Silvia-Torma made a motion to approve the dates listed with the exception of April 16 being changed to April 23. Kelly Fernandez seconded the motion. Motion passed with unanimous consent.
FCPS Updates
Wellness Reporting- SY2023-24 Wellness Reporting has been completed and is available for the public at This includes reporting from each school in the division.
This year, FCPS also had to complete the 2021-2024 Triennial Wellness Assessment, as required by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). The FCPS Triennial Wellness Assessment is available for the public at and from our Wellness Reporting webpage. This information will also be shared with the public in our upcoming Fall Wellness Newsletter in September.
Cell Phone Policy and Pilot Program Update-FCPS' cell phone expectations for students help foster engagement, learning, and positive social behavior in the classroom. The FCPS usage policy is available at:
Young people report that they have difficulty self-regulating their own technology use, even when it gets in the way of socializing, school or home obligations, or getting a good night's sleep. Educators and mental health professionals advise that students who don’t use their phones to communicate during the school day.
FCPS encourages families to talk to their student about the FCPS cell phone policy and support their student by:
- Contacting the school’s front office (rather than the student directly) if there is a family emergency.
- Only communicating about non-urgent matters before or after the school day.
- Waiting to respond to non-urgent texts from students until the school day is over.
The usage policies apply to all FCPS students, with the exception of schools participating in the school year 2024-25 cell phone storage pilot program. More information on the storage pilot program can be found here.
Pilot Program- Starting school year 2024-25, select middle and high schools at FCPS. The purpose of the pilot program is to create a more engaged learning environment for students, free of distraction from cell phones and social media. Studies show that students who use their cell phones during instructional time focus less, learn less, and achieve lower grades. More information is available at
Middle Schools- Middle school students will receive a locked storage pouch, called a Yondr pouch. The pouch is magnetic and stops students from using their phones, including for social media and text messages/phone calls. Each student is responsible for their own personal pouch and will bring it to school each day. Phones stay in the pouch for the entire school day.
Pilot Schools: Frost Middle School, Irving Middle School, Jackson Middle School, Poe Middle School, Robinson Middle School, Thoreau Middle School , Twain Middle School
High Schools- High school students will place their cell phones in central storage units located in each classroom during class time only.
Pilot Schools: Edison High School, Falls Church High School, Justice High School, Lewis High School, Madison High School, McLean High School, Robinson High School, Westfield High School
Members of the community may provide feedback on the cell phone policy at
New Business
Robert Goldel made a motion for a presentation by FCPS staff at October meeting on school wellness survey and youth survey information. Jen Steiner seconded the motion. The motion passed with unanimous consent.
The committee discussed the option for virtual meetings. It was share that new VA legislation passed in July 2024 allowing the option for additional virtual meetings, up to 50% of total meetings. A drafted policy will be shared with the committee during the October meeting for the committee to review and vote on.
Review of SHAC Members Survey Results
Robert Goldel reviewed the results of the SHAC Members survey.
Closing Remarks
Kelly Fernandez made a motion to adjourn. Brenda Silvia-Torma seconded the motion. Unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 9:01 pm following a motion of unanimous consent.
October 16, 2024
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: Superintendent’s Conference Room 5055, 8115 Gatehouse Road, Falls Church, Virginia 22042
Download the October Meeting Agenda
Agenda Item | Person(s) Responsible |
Call to Order | All |
Public Comment | TBD |
Approval of prior minutes, September 18, 2024 | Keena McAvoy and Katie Moyer |
FCPS Updates | FCPS Staff |
SHAC Virtual Meeting Policy for SY24-25 | Committee |
FCPS Wellness Survey and Youth Survey Presentation |
Committee Discussion:
| Committee |
New Business | Committee |
Closing | Keena McAvoy and Katie Moyer |
Download the October Meeting Minutes
Voting Members (Attendance) | Voting Members (Attendance) | Non-Voting Members (Attendance) | Guests (Attendance) |
Key: P= Present A= Absent
Call to Order meeting called to order by:
Keena McAvoy at 7:06pm; seconded by: Anne Smith
Meeting called to order at 7:06pm.
Public Comment
- No Public Comment
Minutes changes for September: Yondr phone stays in the pouch for the entire school day. Keena McAvoy made a motion to add statement “Middle school students place phones in the pouch for the school day.” Robert Goldel. seconded it. Motion unanimously passed.
Add “during class time only” at the end of statement “High school students will place their cell phones in central storage units located in each classroom.” Motion made by Keena McAvoy and seconded Marija Mladenovic. Motion unanimously passed.
Marija made a motion to approve the minutes with these revisions, Keena McAvoy seconded it. Motion unanimously passed.
FCPS Updates
Lea Skurpski shared the following updates.
Wellness Reporting
SY2023-24 Wellness Reporting has been completed and is available for the public at This includes reporting from each school in the division.
This year, FCPS also had to complete the 2021-2024 Triennial Wellness Assessment, as required by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). The FCPS Triennial Wellness Assessment is available for the public at and from our Wellness Reporting webpage. This information will also be shared with the public in our upcoming Fall Wellness Newsletter.
Cell Phone Policy and Pilot Program Update
Cell phone pilot program: The equity office provided the responses to our questions. The responses below were provided to SHAC on September 19, 2024
FCPS' cell phone expectations for students help foster engagement, learning, and positive social behavior in the classroom. The FCPS usage policy is available at:
Young people report that they have difficulty self-regulating their own technology use, even when it gets in the way of socializing, school or home obligations, or getting a good night's sleep. Educators and mental health professionals advise that students who don’t use their phones to communicate during the school day.
FCPS encourages families to talk to their student about the FCPS cell phone policy and support their student by:
- Contacting the school’s front office (rather than the student directly) if there is a family emergency.
- Only communicating about non-urgent matters before or after the school day.
- Waiting to respond to non-urgent texts from students until the school day is over.
The usage policies apply to all FCPS students, with the exception of schools participating in the school year 2024-25 cell phone storage pilot program. More information on the storage pilot program can be found on the FCPS Cell Phone Storage page.
Pilot Program
Starting school year 2024-25, select middle and high schools at FCPS. The purpose of the pilot program is to create a more engaged learning environment for students, free of distraction from cell phones and social media. Studies show that students who use their cell phones during instructional time focus less, learn less, and achieve lower grades. More information is available at
Middle Schools
Middle school students will receive a locked storage pouch, called a Yondr pouch. The pouch is magnetic and stops students from using their phones, including for social media and text messages/phone calls. Each student is responsible for their own personal pouch and will bring it to school each day.
Pilot Schools: Frost Middle School, Irving Middle School, Jackson Middle School, Poe Middle School, Robinson Middle School, Thoreau Middle School , Twain Middle School
High Schools
High school students will place their cell phones in central storage units located in each classroom.
Pilot Schools: Edison High School, Falls Church High School, Justice High School, Lewis High School, Madison High School, McLean High School, Robinson High School, Westfield High School
Members of the community may provide feedback on the cell phone policy at
SHAC committee members were also reminded to send communications/resources that they would like to be shared with the entire group to the co-chairs, not to the group at large.
Virtual meeting policy for SHAC 24-25.
A drafted policy was shared with the group. Discussion was held and included the following:
- Under letter A1, all virtual meetings will be allowed in the following circumstances. Does allow for committees to meet virtually up to 50% of time.
- Committee would have to look at the drafted language in the policy. Specific sections in the policy that were highlighted in the document are the only ones we can alter.
- SHAC will all have to agree on the policy, unanimously approve the policy during a public meeting and this would be required each year. We will need to have notes clearly captured.
- We can approve remote meetings for inclement weather—we can have a Virtual Meeting. This would require an option for livestreaming so that the meeting can be made available to the public. If schools and offices are closed, there were questions about staff being available to support this requirement on short notice.
- All virtual meetings shall be allowed only in the following circumstances.
- Committee agreed to all the drafted language in this section, except for the fourth bullet:
- When more than three (3) voting members, or a quorum, if less than three (3), individually request to participate remotely on the same scheduled meeting date.
- VOTE: Approve keeping all circumstances listed in III-A-1, with the exception of the fourth bullet (as noted above). Motion: Keena McAvoy, Second: Katie Moyer, Vote: All in favor—unanimously passed.
- Committee agreed to all the drafted language in this section, except for the fourth bullet:
- We need to include the reason for why we are having a virtual meeting—Katie mentioned this.
- C.111.1: Recommended to revise policy language to read: “For a committee member to appear remotely under this Section, the member shall submit the request to the Committee Chair at least 24 hours in advance of the regularly scheduled in person via email.”
- Motion: Keena McAvoy; Second Motion: Luke Han; Vote: Motion passed, unanimously approved.
- Recommend revise policy language to read: The committee chair shall approve or deny the request within 12 hours of receipt via email
- Motion: Katie Moyer Seconded: Keena McAvoy Vote: Motion passed, unanimously approved.
FCPS Wellness Survey and Youth Survey Presentation:
Presented by Kristy Vitter and Bethany Demers. Handout is provided with detailed notes about the surveys.
- How schools are doing in terms of implementing the school wellness program and policy. It is to be a useful tool for school divisions. 11 areas of health, wellness and nutrition are addressed.
- Evaluate the goals that we have set to make sure they are measurable and achievable. Practices should become an embedded parr of the school and school culture. Staff, families, and communities the schools serve.
- Survey happens every year in March and April.
- 22 questions, 11 topics.
- FCPS does this survey more frequently than is required by the Healthy-Hunger Free Kids Act (HHFKA). They do it annually instead of triennially (as required by the law).
- Middle School and Secondary School data is combined b/c that is how the data has been traditionally collected (for the past 10 years).
- If SHAC wanted them to break down the schools, they could look into that.
- Schools self-report of how they feel their schools are doing. It does not look at individual student attitudes and behaviors. Student feedback is achieved through the Youth Survey data. Wellness survey is conducted and completed by school staff and it looks at how well they are implementing the procedures—not how the student’s feel.
- There is a wellness survey report (executive summary snapshot) for each school for each of the past 10 years.
- They compile data from 199 schools each year—executive summary compiles.
- Robert asked if there were discrepancies between what is in the Youth Survey and the Wellness Survey, how can we reconcile these issues? Bethany shared it isn’t “like-to like” responses. How can we address the gaps if the reports cannot be compared? Is this something that we can address—do a gap analysis?
- Jessica Peterson—Stated the rhetorical question, “how can a school mitigate students sleep habits?” It’s outside our locus of control.
- Staff wellness—gap analysis between what the wellness survey says versus the employee engagement survey (EES). Part of the EES does ask about how staff feels supported. Question: Is the EES broken down by schools so that the surveys can be compared more easily?
- Kevin said they receive their school’s EES data.
- Areas of strength: Schools are doing well. They are implementing the policies and procedures as laid out in the wellness policy. The Other Centers (ALCs, Park, Davis, Cedar Lane, Key, Kilmer) indicated that they were not able to provide these services in the same ways. They identified as emerging.
- One common issue for schools at all levels continues to be that they have difficulty in getting non- school members to participate on the wellness committee. Shawn Sawko shard that Food and Nutrition Services has tried to involve students in menu choices.
- Survey methodology Question was asked by Ilana: A lot of the self-reported responses were 4s and 5s. Could there be a forced ranking question? Such as, “Which one of these would be the strongest to the weakest? to get more usable data. Kristy said they will look at those ideas for future surveys; however, questions will need to remain in alignment with the Triennial assessment and requirements of the HHFKA. HHFKA requirements do not offer flexibility for some areas in the survey. It was recommended to keep questions consistent from year to year to allow for comparative data across school years. They can talk about this idea.
Youth Survey:
- 66% of students completed the survey (significantly decreased participation rates). The data is for approximately 40,000 students.
- Bethany focused her presentation this evening on brain health. Shared that FCPS does not own this data—it is so important to have participation from our schools. Student responses are voluntary, truly anonymous. Survey examines youth behaviors, experiences, risk, and protective factors. Questions are all based on nationally Monitoring the Future Survey (NIH) and YRBS (CDC)
- Survey is translated into seven languages.
- You can look at trends over time.
- Added questions about students reporting disability status. Helps us to know how to support these students. Asian students are least likely to get 8 or more hours of sleep during the school week.
- 32% reporting 8 or more hours of sleep. Highest since 2016.
- 52% Students reporting 6-7 hours of sleep.
- 6% students reporting 4 or more hours or less of sleep.
- Robin shared that 6th graders sleep habits are more controlled by parents—whereas 8th, 10th, and 12th graders are more student directed.
- We need to communicate and teach. We may be able to leverage our family webinar recordings—disseminating on-demand so that everyone can access it.
Screen Time: Technology for non-school purposes.
- Details are in the PowerPoint (cell phone, video games, tv).
- 6% reported eating no vegetables during the past 7 days
- 7% reporting eating no fruits during the past 7 days.
- More details are included in the presentation slides.
Physical activity:
- See ppt
Brain Health—exposure to potentially traumatic experiences
- Ex: 600 of students have been forced to engage in sex (3% have been forced to engage in sex).
- 28% have moved 3 or more times.
Mental Health:
- Lowest percentages of students who are feeling sadness/hopelessness, considered suicide, attempted suicide—since 2016. Heading in the right direction.
- 21% experienced high levels of stress.
- Note: 6th graders are experiencing more issues than students in 8th, 10th and 12th graders.
Substance Abuse
- 97% reported no use of any substances.
- 98% reported no alcohol use.
- 98% reported no other substance use.
- This year’s rates were the lowest since 2010.
Committee Discussion
Motion to adjourn: Tuc Nguyen; Seconded: Keena seconded the motion.
Vote: All approved
Meeting adjourned: 8:58pm.
Meeting Notes: Brenda M. Silvia-Torma
Printable Version
Text Version
2023-2024 Fairfax County Youth Survey
School Health Advisory Committee
October 16, 2024
About the Fairfax County Youth Survey
- Partnership between Fairfax County Government and FCPS
- Annual
- Voluntary
- Anonymous
- Examines youth behaviors, experiences, risk, and protective factors
- Questions are based on the:
- Monitoring the Future Survey (NIH)
- Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System Survey (CDC)
More About the Fairfax County Youth Survey
- Administered to students in grades 6, 8, 10, and 12
- 6th Grade Survey: 91 Questions
- 8th/10th/12th Grade Survey: 175 Questions
- Translated in 7 languages
- Spanish
- Vietnamese
- Chinese
- Korean
- Arabic
- Farsi
- Urdu
Why We Administer the Youth Survey
The survey provides data to county, school, and community-based organizations to:
- Assess youth strengths and needs
- Develop programs and services
- Monitor trends
- Measure community indicators of health
- Guide countywide planning of prevention efforts.
To Learn More
- Visit the Fairfax County Youth Survey Website - Learn More About Three to Succeed
- 32% - Students reporting 8 or more hours of sleep. Highest since 2016.
- 52% - Students reporting 6-7 hours of sleep.
- 6% - Students reporting 4 hours or less of sleep.
Screen Time
- 8% - 8/10/12 graders reporting no use of technology for non-school related purposes.
- 14% - 6th graders reporting no use of technology for non-school related purposes.
- 45% - 8/10/12 graders reporting 3 or more hours of technology for non-school related purposes.
- 35% - 6th graders reporting 3 or more hours of technology for non-school related purposes.
- 6% - Reported eating no vegetables during the past 7 days.
- 7% - Reported eating no fruits during the past 7 days.
- 18% - Reported going hungry in the past month. Not by choice.
- 9% - Reported going hungry for 24 hours or more to lose weight.
Physical Activity
- 38% - 8/10/12 Physically active for at least 1 hour, 5 or more days in the past week.
- 43% - 6th Physically active for at least 1 hour, 5 or more days in the past week. Lowest since 2016.
- 15% - 8/10/12 Physically active 0 days in the past week.
- 10% - 6th Physically active 0 days in the past week.
Exposure to Potentially Traumatic Experiences
- 28% have moved 3 or more times
- 37% have had race or culture insulted
- 11% have been sexually harassed
- 18% have gone hungry for at least 24 hours (not by choice)
- 5% experience physical abuse at home
- 3% have witnessed domestic violence at home
- 3% have been forced to engage in sex
Mental Health
- 25% Experienced Feelings of Sadness and Hopelessness. Lowest since 2016.
- 9% Considered Suicide. Lowest since 2016.
- 3% Attempted Suicide. Lowest since 2016.
- 21% Experienced High Levels of Stress.
- 29% of 6th graders experienced feelings of sadness and hopelessness.
Substance Use
- 97% - Reported no use of any substances.
- 98% - Reported no alcohol use.
- 98% - Reported no other substance use.
- Most students reported no use of any substances. This year’s rates were the lowest since 2010.
Printable Version
2023 FCPS School Wellness Survey (PDF)
Text Version
Wellness Survey Overview
Each school in FCPS is responsible for reporting annual progress toward the implementation of our Local Wellness Policy and Regulation, 2100 Student and Staff Health and Wellness.
The intent of reporting, as required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA) of 2010, is to strengthen our local wellness policy so that it becomes a useful tool in evaluating, establishing and maintaining healthy school environments, and provide transparency to the public on key areas that affect the nutrition environment in each school.
FCPS wellness policy sets forth visionary, yet measurable and achievable goals that encourage continual progress and the advancement of a long-term, sustainable culture of improved health and wellness throughout FCPS.
Wellness Reporting
- FCPS Policy 2100 requires that wellness reporting be completed annually by identified school wellness team representatives (approved by the school-based administrator prior to submission)
- Contains 22 questions created in collaboration with the FCPS School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC). See handout.
- Allows FCPS to assess the efficacy of its implementation of Policy and Regulation 2100
- As approved by the Office of Research and Strategic Improvement, the survey is distributed in Spring of each school year (March - April).
Snapshot of Division
- The Wellness Survey does guide policies, programs, and procedures in schools.
- The Wellness Survey does not look at student specific behavior and attitudes.
(Youth Survey provides student specific behavior and attitudes) - [bar graph of the 2023-24 school wellness report executive summary: comparison of survey section wellness averages by school type]
Key Areas of the Wellness Survey
- Physical Education
- Physical Activity
- Health Education
- Health Services
- Healthy and Safe School Environment
- School Counseling, Psychology, and Social Work Services
- Health Promotion for Staff Members
- Family and Community Involvement
- Food and Nutrition General
- Nutrition Education, Promotion, and Food Marketing
- Nutritional Guidelines
Definition of Scale Rating
Wellness Survey Responses are scored using a scale of 1-5 and are defined as:
- 1 = No Activity. Not being planned or implemented at this time. No students, families, or staff currently benefit from this practice or activity.
- 2 = Exploring. Just beginning to explore/discuss this practice, strategy, or activity. There is a definite interest and some planning has begun. Few students, families, and staff are currently involved or benefit.
- 3 = Transitioning. This practice, strategy, or activity is in the earliest implementation stages; progress is being made and plans are moving forward. The practice, strategy, or activity may be implemented in some classrooms but not frequently or consistently. Some students, families, and staff currently benefit or participate.
- 4 = Emerging. Concerted efforts are being made to fully implement this practice, strategy, or activity. Many students, families, and staff currently benefit or participate.
- 5 = Embedded. Implementation of this practice, strategy, or activity is schoolwide and consistent. Most or all students, families, and staff currently benefit or participate.
Areas of Strength
Rated above 4.5 for all levels (Embedded)
- FCPS as a Whole
- Physical Activity, Health Services, Healthy and Safe School Environment, Food & Nutrition (General), Nutrition Education, Promotion, and Food Marketing, and Nutrition Guidelines
- Elementary
- Physical Education, Physical Activity, Health Services, Healthy and Safe School Environment, School Counseling, Psychology, and Social Work Services, Food and Nutrition General, Nutrition Education, Promotion, and Food Marketing, Nutritional Guidelines
- Middle/High/Secondary
- Physical Education, Health Education, Health Services, School Counseling, Psychology, and Social Work Services, Food and Nutrition General, Nutrition Education, Promotion, and Food Marketing, Nutritional Guidelines
- Other Centers
- No areas of embedded activity
Identified Areas of Needing Improvement
- Elementary
- Family and Community Involvement - Include a non-staff, family, or community member in the wellness committee
- Food and Nutrition General - Ask for student feedback on food choices
- FCPS as a Whole
- Family and Community Involvement - Include a non-staff, family, or community member in the wellness committee
- Food and Nutrition General - Ask for student feedback on food choices
- Middle/High/Secondary
- Family and Community Involvement - Include a non-staff, family, or community member in the wellness committee
- Food and Nutrition General - Ask for student feedback on food choices
- Other Centers
- Family and Community Involvement - Include a non-staff, family, or community member in the wellness committee
- Food and Nutrition General - Ask for student feedback on food choices
Triennial Assessment
- In addition to the Wellness Survey and in accordance with the Final Rule of the Federal Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 and the Virginia Administrative Code, FCPS conducts a Triennial Assessment.
- The Triennial Assessment indicates updates on the progress and implementation of FCPS’ Wellness Policy and wellness initiatives and provides required documentation of actions, steps, and information as outlined in the Final Rule. FCPS makes this information available to the public on our Wellness Reporting webpage.
- FCPS completed the current Triennial Assessment in June 2024 to include the timeframe from July 2021 - June 2024. There are 206 schools and centers included in this Triennial Assessment. These include 141 elementary, 23 middle, 23 high, 3 secondary, 4 early childhood, and 12 other FCPS centers.
November 13, 2024
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: Conference Room 1600, 8115 Gatehouse Road, Falls Church, Virginia 22042
Download the November Meeting Agenda
Agenda Item | Person(s) Responsible |
Call to Order | All |
Public Comment | TBD |
Approval of prior Minutes, October 16, 2024 | Keena McAvoy & Katie Moyer |
Approval of SHAC Virtual Meeting Policy for SY24-25 | Committee |
FCPS Updates | FCPS Staff |
FCPS Wellness Programming | Bethany Demers |
Review of School Board response to SY22-23 and SY23-24 SHAC Report(s) | Committee |
New Business | Committee |
Closing | Keena McAvoy & Katie Moyer |
December 11, 2024
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: Virtual (See agenda below for public access link)
Public Access Link: Webinar Registration (Zoom)
Download the December Meeting Agenda
Agenda Item | Person(s) Responsible |
Call to Order | All |
Public Comment | TBD |
Approval of prior Minutes, November 20, 2024 | Keena McAvoy & Katie Moyer |
FCPS Updates | FCPS Staff |
Brief Review of Current Youth Mental Health Trends in US | Keena McAvoy |
Discussion - Sleep Health and Technology (Article review) | Breakout Rooms |
Review break out room discussions | Committee |
SHAC position on FCPS cell phone policy | Committee |
Closing | Keena McAvoy & Katie Moyer |
January 15, 2025
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: Superintendent’s Conference Room 5055, 8115 Gatehouse Road, Falls Church, Virginia 22042
Meeting information will be posted here.
February 19, 2025
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: Superintendent’s Conference Room 5055, 8115 Gatehouse Road, Falls Church, Virginia 22042
Meeting information will be posted here.
March 19, 2025
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: Superintendent’s Conference Room 5055, 8115 Gatehouse Road, Falls Church, Virginia 22042
Meeting information will be posted here.
April 23, 2025
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: Superintendent’s Conference Room 5055, 8115 Gatehouse Road, Falls Church, Virginia 22042
Meeting information will be posted here.
May 21, 2025
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: Superintendent’s Conference Room 5055, 8115 Gatehouse Road, Falls Church, Virginia 22042
Meeting information will be posted here.
Time is set aside at each meeting for public comment and the committee looks forward to hearing from parents, educators, students, and the greater Fairfax County community.
Fairfax County and City residents who would like to make public comment may attend the meeting in person at the location indicated above or may submit a video or audio testimony in advance of the meeting by email to [email protected]. Please submit video or audio testimony by 5:00 p.m. on the Tuesday evening prior to each meeting. A maximum of 5 slots are available, first come, first served. Video and audio testimony should not exceed 3 minutes in length.
2024-25 Membership
An asterisk (*) indicates voting members.
A double asterisk (**) indicates Associate members. Associate members are non-voting staff members that support the various offices identified as part of FCPS Wellness Leadership. Associate members serve in a consultative capacity to the committee and support the broad scope of the Student and Staff Wellness Policy and Regulation (P/R 2100).
School Board Member Representatives - Term Expires June 30, 2025
Keena McAvoy*, Co-Chair, At-Large – McElveen
Katie Moyer*, Co-Chair, Braddock District
Li-Hui Ueng*, At- Large – Moon
TBD*, At-Large - McDaniel
Robert Goldel*, Dranesville District
Mary Rogers Kirby*, Hunter Mill District
Jen Steiner*, Franconia District
Kelly Fernandez*, Mason District
Dave Behar*, Mount Vernon District
Liz Royal*, Providence District
Ilana Yergin-Doniger*, Springfield District
Marija Mladenovic*, Sully District
Alyssa Hughes*, Megan Sawant – Student Representative
Luke Han*, Megan Sawant – Student Representative
Brenda Silvia-Torma*, Fairfax City School Board
Cara Shirley*, Fairfax County Council of PTAs
Brian Hochstrasser*, Fairfax County Health Department
Dr. Tuc Nguyen*, Medical Society of Northern Virginia
Kevin Greata*, HSPA (High School Principal) Representative
Ann Manderfield Smith*, MSPA (Middle School Principal) Representative
Jessica Peterson*, FAESP (Elementary School Principal) Representative
Robyn Lady**, School Board Member
Lea Skurpski**, Director, Office of Operations and Strategic Planning, Department of Special Services
Dr. Terri Edmunds-Heard**, Assistant Superintendent, Department of Special Services
Bethany Demers**, Educational Specialist, Department of Special Services
Carrie Reynolds**, Senior Manager II, Instructional Services Department, Department of Special Services
Saray Hanson**, Special Projects Administrator, Department of Special Services
TBD**, Department of Human Resources
TBD**, Department of Food and Nutritional Services