Minority Student Achievement Oversight Committee (MSAOC) Bylaws
Bylaws outline the purpose and operational instructions for this citizen advisory committee
Section A: Purpose
This Committee advocates for minority student achievement. In that capacity, it identifies, reviews, and assesses issues affecting minority student academic achievement within the policies, curriculum, practices, and procedures of FCPS. The Committee’s responsibilities also include making appropriate recommendations to the School Board; reviewing strategies and proposing solutions for closing the achievement gap; evaluating progress towards goals set by the School Board for closing the achievement gap; ensuring outreach to parents/guardians about resources available through FCPS; and collaborating with the Chief Equity and Academic Officers.
Section B: Membership
The School Board shall appoint a maximum of 40 members of the committee in June; membership shall be broadly diverse:
- 27 parents, community members, and students:
- One representative by each School Board member from his or her district; one representative, regardless of district, by each at-large School Board member; and two student members by the student representative;
- One representative from the Advanced Academic Programs Advisory Committee;
- One representative from Fairfax NAACP;
- One representative from the Fairfax Hispanic Educators Association;
- One representative from the Fairfax County Council of PTAs;
- One representative from FECEP/Head Start;
- Seven representatives nominated from community organizations chosen by MSAOC annually.
- One representative residing in the City of Fairfax nominated by a majority vote of the City of Fairfax School Board, and to make all technical and conforming changes necessary for the amendment.
- 13 members chosen by staff:
- Four administrative staff members representing the following departments or offices: Chief Academic Office; Chief Equity Office; Chief Experience and Engagement Office and the Chief of Staff Office;
- Three principal representatives from the principal associations;
- Six members representing the regions: parents, teachers, counselors, and administrators.
Any appointments unfilled by October 1 of each calendar year can be nominated by MSAOC as at-large members.
- In committing to serve on the MSAOC, a member is expected to:
- Attend the MSAOC orientation prior to serving.
- Serve a minimum one-year term.
- Respect the contributions, experiences and backgrounds of fellow-members and share fully your own.
- Attend all MSAOC meetings (exceptions for illness, travel, personal/family emergencies). Any member missing 2 consecutive meetings without notice shall be warned/advised prior to the next meeting, as shall the sponsoring School Board member, community and staff organization represented by said member. A 3rd consecutive missed meeting constitutes a basis for removal.
- Actively participate in MSAOC discussions and business sharing knowledge, skills, and time.
- Hold in confidence all MSAOC matters that are “in discussion” or draft form and agree to abide by any decisions decided on by consensus of the committee. Once final positions have been determined, School Board Appointees, community, and staff representatives are expected to advise their respective Board Member, community or staff organizations of MSAOC’s positions on various matters coming before the Board or media concerning minority student achievement.
- Attend and actively participate in at least one subcommittee. If chairing a subcommittee, members shall be prepared to report on committee findings to the Committee, School Board and other entities, as approved by the co-chairs.
- Be prepared to speak on behalf of the MSAOC on matters concerning minority student issues (without political or personal biases). All requests, topics and speakers must be approved by the MSAOC chair. Once approved, the “member” must contact the chair to assure updated, accurate and appropriate information. Any member speaking on behalf of the MSAOC in a public or media forum without approval shall be recommended for removal to the committee.
Section C: Committee Meetings
- Meetings will be held monthly, with the exception of July and August, and notification shall be made on School Board Calendar and by providing an annual schedule to members and posting dates and times on the MSAOC webpage.
- MSAOC members shall be provided a draft agenda at least three days prior to each regular meeting.
- Notes of each meeting shall be posted on the Committee’s webpage.
- Chairs shall call other meetings as he/she deems necessary to carry out the School Board charge.
- Subcommittees may hold meetings for their group as needed to carry out the School Board charge. Subcommittees must inform the Staff Liaison of the dates, times, and locations of any subcommittee meetings.
- All meetings of the Committee shall consist of at least a majority of approved members to have a quorum.
- A quorum shall be required to vote or take final action on any Committee business.
Section D: Officers
- The officers shall consist of Co-Chairs who shall have joint responsibility for leadership functions of the Committee and for representing the Committee's interests and positions to the School Board, FCPS and the community.
- The Co-Chairs shall consist of one community representative who is not employed by FCPS and another who may or may not be a staff member, both of whom have actively served as a member for the year prior to the election. If and only in the event that no non-staff member is able to fill the Co-Chair role, two staff members may serve with a Co-Chair-In-Waiting from the community who is not employed by FCPS.
- The Co-Chairs must be elected by the membership at the regular monthly meeting of a membership’s quorum held before the end of the school year. A simple majority vote shall determine the selection of the chair.
- The Co-Chair’s term of office shall be for approximately two (2) years without term limits and shall expire immediately upon the election of that person’s successor.
- Co-Chairs shall be elected in odd or even years to ensure continuity.
- Co-Chairs elected during the term to fill a vacancy shall serve only until the close of the school year in which the election occurs, unless elected for a regular term.
Section E: Staff Liaisons
The Staff Liaison will be determined by the MSAOC in collaboration with the Superintendent, as per the Strategic Governance Manual.
Section F: Annual Report
- The MSAOC shall provide an annual report addressing the School Board’s charge to the Committee and any other major observations as deemed necessary by the Committee to improve the achievement of underserved students.
- Every committee member who has attended at least 50 percent of the meetings is eligible to sign the report in support of its conclusions and recommendations. Members who have attended at least 50 percent of meetings who are not in support of the annual report may choose to submit a minority report.
- Members who are unable to attend the meeting for the annual report signing because of illness, travel, or personal/family emergencies, may sign electronically by notifying the Staff Liaison of their intention to support the report.
Section G: Amendments to the Bylaws
Proposed amendments to these bylaws must be presented at a regularly scheduled MSAOC meeting and voted on by the membership.