family holding hands through a park

Disability Benefits

Details about Short-Term Disability, Long-Term Disability, and Workers' Compensation

FCPS' Integrated Disability Management Program (IDM)

FCPS is dedicated to ensuring that its employees are provided with the a comprehensive  Integrated Disability Management (IDM) Program to provide income replacement benefits in the event of illness or injury. The program consists of short-term disability (STD), long-term disability (LTD), and workers' compensation (WC).

Sedgwick is the program administrator for FCPS’ STD and WC benefits, and MetLife is the program administrator for LTD benefits. Sedgwick/MetLife manages employee disability benefits, release, and return to work (when appropriate) as part of the IDM program. Please click on the links below to learn more about each disability program.


Short-Term Disability (STD)

If you sustain a personal illness, injury, have been diagnosed with a serious health condition, or will serve as an organ donor, the short-term disability (STD) benefit provides income replacement after satisfying a 10 continuous workday elimination period. The STD program provides benefits from the 11th day of illness/injury to a maximum of 5 months.


Long-Term Disability (LTD)

If your disability extends for six or more months, you may be eligible for long-term disability (LTD) benefits. LTD provides income replacement of 66 2/3% of your pre-disability pay. Employees pay the cost of LTD coverage through payroll deduction.


Workers' Compensation (WC)

If you are injured on the job or have sustained an occupational illness, you may be eligible to receive workers' compensation (WC) benefits. If your injury or illness is considered compensable under WC, you will receive benefits for covered medical expenses. You may be eligible for 66 2/3rd of your lost wages if you are  disabled for more than 7 calendar days.

HR Connection

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