IDM Transition Frequently Asked Questions
A List of Commonly Asked Questions About the New Integrated Disability Management (IDM) Vendors and the Transition Process
Effective January 1, 2021, administration of FCPS’ integrated disability management (IDM) program will be managed by two new vendors: Sedgwick will administer FCPS’ Short Term Disability (STD) and Workers’ Compensation (WC) benefits, and Metlife will administer Long Term Disability (LTD) benefits. These vendors replace the current vendors – Lincoln Financial and Liberty Mutual.
Following a competitive selection process, Sedgwick and Metlife were selected for their expertise in program management, improved management/employee communications and updated technologies.
FCPS will continue to fund the cost of short-term disability and workers' compensation benefits. For long-term disability coverage, Metlife is providing a 5.1% premium decrease beginning in January. This will reduce the premium you pay each month for LTD benefits.
Yes. The phone number to Liberty Mutual and Lincoln Financial will remain active until March 2021. If you have questions regarding your current claim (or a claim that began with Liberty Mutual or Lincoln Financial), you still may contact them. Beginning January 1, 2021, questions about your approved short-term disability or worker’s compensation claims should be directed to Sedgwick.
Beginning January 1, you can contact Sedgwick at 1-855-937-1387.
Beginning January 1, you can contact MetLife at 1-888-444-1406.
All short-term disability claims that are active on December 31, 2020 will be transferred to Sedgwick. Sedgwick will then manage the claim until your return to work (or until you have reached your maximum STD benefit). You will not have to take any action for your claim to transition to Sedgwick, but please pay attention to any correspondence you may receive from Sedgwick in case future action is required.
Employees will receive written communication from Sedgwick in late December 2020. The Sedgwick communication will include the new assigned case manager’s contact information.
Yes; your new case manager will be listed in the transition letter you receive from Sedgwick.
If you filed your claim with Lincoln Financial prior to the end of calendar year 2020, please send your documentation to Lincoln Financial.
All current claims managed by Liberty Mutual will be transferred to Sedgwick. You will not have to take any action for your claim to transition to Sedgwick.
Employees with an open Workers’ Compensation claim will receive written communication from both Liberty Mutual and Sedgwick in late December 2020. The Sedgwick communication will provide the new Sedgwick assigned claims examiner’s contact information. There is no change to the employee’s claim number – this will remain the same with Sedgwick.
No. You can continue to see your treating provider.
Management of your disability claim will vary depending on your date of disability:
- Employees whose disability commenced prior to January 1, 2021, will be managed by Sedgwick starting in January for the duration of the STD claim. The claim will then transition back to Lincoln Financial for consideration of LTD benefits. This is because the employee was in their elimination period for long term disability benefits, while Lincoln Financial was administrator.
- Employees whose date of disability occurs on or after January 1, 2021, will be managed by Sedgwick for STD benefits and by MetLife for LTD benefits.
- Employees who are approved for LTD benefits prior to January 1, 2021, will not transition to MetLife. They will remain with Lincoln Financial for the duration of their LTD claim.
Beginning in January, you will receive emails from Sedgwick to verify an employee has returned to work.
Employees with an open workers’ compensation or short-term disability claim will receive a letter from Sedgwick in late December, 2020 which will provide contact information for their new case manager or claims examiner.
Employees who have an approved worker’s compensation claim will retain the same claim number as was assigned by Liberty Mutual. They will also receive a letter from Liberty Mutual advising of the program transition.