According to Brad Meltzer, “This project began four years ago when my daughter was looking for clothes to wear and all she could find were pink shirts with princesses on them. I saw the mission right there. I wanted my kids to see more than princesses and sports figures. I wanted them to see real heroes… real people no different than themselves.” So, in 2014, he began a new series of first-person, non-fiction history books for children: I Am Amelia Earhart, I am Abraham Lincoln, I am Rosa Parks, and other books in the Ordinary People Change the World series.
During the program, Meltzer talks about his motivation to write a series for children and talks with students from Lynbrook Elementary (FCPS) via Skype. One segment features Lake Anne Elementary (FCPS) students and their biography bags about famous Americans.
Meltzer is a #1 New York Times bestselling author of adult thrillers, including The Inner Circle and its recent sequel, The Fifth Assassin. His comic books, “Justice League of America”, won the prestigious Eisner Award. This multi-talented author is also the host of the History Channel’s “Brad Meltzer’s Lost History” and "Brad Meltzer’s Decoded."