Forum Work Sessions

Topics and Outcomes

Forum Topic Meeting Date Outcome

Topic 1:

J.E.B. Stuart High School Ad Hoc Committee report and lack of presentation to the Board by the Committee.


       June 8, 2017  Consensus: 

No changes will be made to the scheduled June 12 work session agenda and the Board would allow speakers to invite colleagues in the audience to the table if the need arises.  

Topic 4:

Resolution supporting continued federal funding for the National Endowments for the Humanities and the Arts and associated summer education programs for school teachers.

    June 8, 2017

Consensus: The draft resolution will be considered by the Board at the June 22, 2017 regular meeting.



Board statement to support or elaborate on BOS Statement/Resolution on diversity and inclusion.

       April 6, 2017  Consensus: Consideration of a motion to support the BOS statement to remain on the April 27 regular meeting agenda as action item.
Topic 1:  

Review the current curriculum development process and instructional requirements for students including goals, objectives, and special instructional materials for each grade level. 

      March 23,  2017 Consensus: FLECAC to reinstate meetings to conduct in-depth review of materials and provide to Board a crosswalk between current FLE materials and requirements in State code.  FLECAC should try to have report to Board by October, but more time may be requested.
Topic 1: FOIA Materials   March 9, 2017

Consensus: Staff will provide the Board with answers to the following questions, which the Public Engagement Committee will use to consider the issue and make a recommendation to the Board:

  • How much staff time would it take to revise the index for posting, and publicize and continuously update the index?
  • What would be the additional costs for posting all FOIA responses on the website?
  • What would be the impact of posting the responses on volume of requests for information received by Board members and staff?
  • Other municipalities post their FOIA responses. Has this created a significant increase in workload for staff in those municipalities?
  • What would be the impact on the media if they were to receive their FOIA responses at the same time as the public?
  • What does BOS do with FOIA requests and responses?  Are the responses posted?
  • Would this impact our website’s compliance with ADA?
  • Could snippets of the responses be found on google and then taken out of context?  Has this happened in the other municipalities?
  • How does this fit with everything else we are asking staff to do on website?
  • Provide a basic plan for implementation (should the responses be indexed by topic or date? should staff go back several years to update the index or start now and go forward?) 
  • What are ramifications of posting requesters identity (name and email address at a minimum).


Topic 1: HRAC to convene a sub-committee to support staff in the development of the school year calendar, beginning with 2018-19 calendar. 

  Jan. 12, 2017

Consensus: In an effort to develop a more consistent method to gather input from the community when developing school year calendar, Board Member Palchik will research the current process and work with staff to establish a plan for moving the process forward and forming a task force, and will bring recommendations to a future forum.


Topic: Review of Policy 8335: Wireless Communication Facilities   Dec. 15, 2016 Consensus:  Governance Committee to review Policy 8335: Wireless Communication Facilities and make recommendation to the Board
Topic: Revising the length of the terms of School Health Advisory Committee appointees   Dec. 15, 2016 Consensus: Refer proposed revision of Policy 1710: Citizen Advisory Committees to the School board to the Governance Committee for possible action by the Board.
Topic: School Board Member Professional development expenditures   Sept. 8, 2016 Consensus:Refer to Governance Committee to develop guidance on fair usage of professional development funds by Board members.
Topic: Provide the opportunity for the School Board to discuss and affirm plans to change the brand of the school system to better align the brand with the Strategic Plan Ignite, including web redesign and logo initiatives   June 30, 2016 Consensus: Staff should present to the Board at the retreat on July 22 during the 3pm to 6 pm session reserved for the strategic plan.
Topic: To bring to scale and operationalize a menu of activities and opportunities that all schools can access and use to make June a time of productive learning experiences. Strong anecdotal evidence indicates that some schools have excellent programs, activities and opportunities, while others have little or none. The intent of this is to bring forward opportunities for health and wellness programs, field trips, internships, mentoring/volunteering, etc.   May 31, 2016 Consensus: Agreement to request more information from staff to bring to scale and operationalize a menu of activities and opportunities that all schools can access and use to make June a time of productive learning experiences.

Topic 1: The Public Engagement Committee (PEC) should investigate the prospect of an AAP Summit in the future



  May 26, 2016

Topic 1 Consensus: Refer to PEC to investigate the prospect of holding an AAP summit similar to those held for Special Education and Student Wellness


Topic 2: The School Board should establish a protocol for School Board advocacy letters that have not been publicly discussed by the full Board
  May 26, 2016 Topic 2 Consensus: Refer to Governance Committee to explore potential recommendations to make to full Board to ensure that advocacy letters reflect School Board policy while preserving 1st Amendment rights.

Topic 1: Discussion of the merits of having regular operational presentations to the School Board from the Auditor General

  March 31, 2016

Topic 1 Consensus: Direct the Auditor General to bring to Audit Committee an annual work plan, to include reports, to the full Board.

Topic 2: Review of Electronic Outreach portion of the governance manual  March 31, 2016 Topic 2 Consensus: The Board will review the use of social media to enhance Board member communication with citizens by scheduling a briefing by Division Counsel through PEC on use of social media and information to be included in newsletters. The Governance Manual should also be brought up to date and include use of social media.

Topic 1: Discussion of providing venues/opportunity to publicly honor students' high achievements in math, athletics, arts and other areas.

 Feb.18, 2016

Topic 1 Consensus: The Governance Committee will research and recommend to the Board methods to honor the achievements of students in all grades.


Topic 2: Community engagement on the possible renaming of Stuart High School

  Feb. 18, 2016


Topic 2 Consensus: The Board directed the Superintendent to move forward with the community engagement process on the possible renaming of Stuart High School.

Topic 3: Closing schools on March 1 for Primary Day   Feb. 18, 2016 Topic 3 Consensus: Consideration of changing the 2015-16 school calendar to include a teacher and student holiday on March 1 for the presidential primary is on the regular Board meeting agenda this evening, so the discussion will continue during the regular meeting. Focus of the discussion will be on closing for Primary Day, how offices and SACC may be affected.

Topic 1: Pre-Labor Day Calendar Waiver

 Feb. 4, 2016

Topic 1 Consensus:


The rules of the waiver will be the subject of an in-depth discussion at the February 8 Work Session. The Board will consider several options regarding a Pre-Labor Day school year start and give the Superintendent direction regarding the waiver.

Topic 2: Discuss the possibility of videotaping portions of the School Board Retreats to be shared with the public.

  Feb. 4, 2016

Topic 2 Consensus:

The Board will begin audio taping policy and decision-making discussions at retreats
Topic 3: Facility renaming opportunities   Jan. 21, 2016

Topic 3 Consensus:

Consideration of revision to Policy 8170 Naming School Facilities and Dedicating Areas of School Facilities or Grounds to expand opportunities for naming facilities after employees for more than just those who are retired and/or deceased. 

Topic 2: School Board Education Summit   Jan 21, 2016

Topic 2 Consensus:

The Board’s annual Education Summit should be regarded as an outreach tool for the Board to be used as needed. The Education Summit will be on a moratorium and the Public Engagement Committee will keep the Education Summit on their annual work calendar to consider one time per year.  


Topic 1:Timing for the election of the Student Representative to the School Board by the Student Advisory Council

  Jan. 21, 2016

Topic 1 Consensus:

The revision to Policy 1802 and Regulation 1703 will be considered as new business on February 4 and as an action item on February 18 to change the election of the Student Representative to the School Board to April, effective with the for the 2017-18 school year. 

Topic 1: Policy on changing school names



  Nov. 16, 2015

Topic 1: Consensus: majority consensus to add the draft policy 8170.4, as revised, with the following sentence at the end: The School Board may also consider a change in the name of a school or facility where some other compelling need exists to the agenda for the December 3 regular meeting, with action scheduled for December 17, 2015.

Topic 2: Explain the difference between Home Schooling and Religious Exemption   Nov. 16, 2015 Topic 2: Consensus: Division Counsel would brief the Board in January.
Topic 1: Proposal to have a joint meeting of the Planning Commission's School Committee and School Board Members to discuss issues of mutual interest.   Oct. 8, 2015 Consensus: A response to the BOS would be prepared and would request that two School Board members meet with the Planning Commission Schools Committee in the January-February 2016 time frame. FCPS would set the agenda to include land use, equity impact, bonds, and a process that would involve FCPS much earlier in major land use decisions because of impact of housing development on surrounding schools. From that meeting, a recommendation would be developed to present to BOS. In addition, the School Board would send a request to reconvene the IFC.