Forum Work Sessions
Forum Topics and Outcomes
Forum Topic |
Meeting Date |
Outcome |
Improving cultural understanding and historic integrity in the FCPS social studies curriculum and teaching. |
Consensus: The item will be placed on the agenda for a Board work session and the Superintendent will develop a plan for community engagement in this work, with opportunities for public input. |
Create a policy that provides guidance for student civic engagement activities |
Consensus: The Superintendent will provide information to the Governance Committee in response to the issues raised by the Board regarding implementing a policy or guidelines to allow for a civic engagement by students. The Governance Committee will then make a recommendation, including a timeline, to the full Board. |
Filing of an amicus brief in Grimm v. Gloucester County School Board, currently pending in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia |
Consensus: Direct Superintendent and Division Counsel to draft an amicus brief in support of Grimm v. Glouchester; Board members will review the brief and notify Chair and Vice Chair to schedule closed session prior to filing deadline if needed. |
To modify our school naming/renaming policy in an effort to ensure an inclusive, respectful learning environment as outlined in our adopted One Fairfax Policy. |
Consensus: Consensus: The item will be placed on the agenda for discussion and consideration at 1-2 work sessions in the future. The Board directs the Superintendent to provide to the Board via a work session the following information: - schools named after Confederate Soldiers - schools named after individuals with Confederate ties - date that each school was named or renamed - reasoning / history for name choice
In addition, the Board directs the Superintendent to develop a proposed working process for consideration and action by the Board, informed by best practices, including community-wide engagement and partnership with the County where possible. The Superintendent will also bring forth directly to the Board recommendations for revisions to the current naming policy. Once the School Board has determined which names should be considered for change based on the Superintendent’s report, they will consider adopting the working process and any policy revisions.
How to help high school students create balance in their lives, keep from being overwhelmed and specifically to discuss how to encourage students to keep the number of AP and IB courses they take to a reasonable number |
Consensus: The item will be placed on the agenda for a Board work session to be held in 4-6 months to allow sufficient time for staff to study this complicated topic and make comprehensive recommendations |
AAP Programs in FCPS |
Consensus: Direct staff to examine its AAP program with the goal of eliminating gaps of opportunity, access and achievement for all subgroups within FCPS and that additional work is needed to achieve the objectives of One Fairfax. Staff should bring an inventory of recommendations regarding AAP that have been made in the past, and if they were implemented, and if not, why not. The discussion should focus on research based best practices for achieving equity in AAP programs including recommendations from experts in the field, input from stakeholder groups to be provided for designated time periods after the notice is provided to the public, notice and opportunity for Principals and FCPS staff to provide input, a description of the means by which the public will be notified of progress, immediate and long term expectations of the program, and a plan by which all subgroups will have greater access to advanced learning particularly at the elementary level. The Office of Equity should provide a report on the current status and plans to improve this work.
Explore recess or other unstructured time for middle school |
Consensus: Superintendent and staff to explore with middle school principals their thoughts on providing either recess or some other form of unstructured time during the school day to middle school students, also get student views, perhaps through SAC or other student group, and report back to the Board on findings at a work session. |
SR&R and ER&R |
Consensus: 1. The Board directs the Superintendent to work with HR and Title IX staff to produce an Employee Rights and Responsibilities (ER&R) document which every employee must sign annually. The ER&R will: -Provide reporting guidelines for staff when misconduct of sexual, discriminatory, inappropriate, abusive and/or bullying nature has been alleged -Enumerate concise standards of conduct for employee’s own interactions with minor children -Precisely define inappropriate conduct and list the responsibilities of employees as Mandatory Reporters by state law if they become aware of someone else’s inappropriate conduct and address requirements for reports to Child Protective Services, and -Provide clear expectations, including protections and penalties, in the event either a formal complaint is made against an employee or they fail to act as required. 2. The Superintendent will also work with FCPS staff to identify other means which could or should be implemented to enhance protections of children and clarify protocols for employees at every level in the division. 3. In anticipation of the scheduled work session discussion of protocols for Title IX, the Board directs the Superintendent to work with Title IX staff to develop a uniform plan for students who may need to report matters of sexual misconduct. This plan should include the manner in which students and parents will be notified of these procedures. 4. The Board directs the Superintendent to provide a report to the board regarding its mechanism to track and monitor the investigation and resolution of sexual misconduct incidents within our schools. Said reports should occur no less than annually. 5. The Board directs the Superintendent to develop and provide a report on the manner in which FCPS strives to provide support to victims of alleged sexual misconduct. Said report should include the manner in which said report will be communicated to staff, students and FCPS stakeholders.
Requesting each citizen advisory committee to develop a draft charge for the following year and report that draft charge with the current year’s report. |
Consensus: The Board will request that each citizen advisory committee develops a draft charge for the following year and report that draft charge with the current year's report. The Governance Committee will consider how best to structure committee annual report work sessions and bring a recommendation back to the board.