The School Board joins Laura Senturia, the Washington Post Teacher of the Year, her family, and FCPS colleagues.

July 11, 2024 School Board Meeting Highlights

  • School Board
  • July 12, 2024

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At 7:00 p.m., the National Anthem was performed by a Hughes Middle School student, Jocelyn Looney.

The School Board welcomed its 54th Student Representative, Megan Sawant - a rising senior at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology.

The School Board approved proclamations honoring 2024 FCPS Outstanding Employees, the 2024 Washington Post Teacher of the Year, and 2023-2024 School Board Advisory Committees.

The School Board elected Providence District Member Karl Frisch as School Board Chair for the 2024-2025 School Year.

The School Board elected Springfield District Member Sandy Anderson as School Board Vice Chair for the 2024-2025 School Year.

The School Board authorized organizational arrangements and appointments for the 2024-2025 School Year.

The School Board heard from 13 members of the public during Community Participation.

For the first time, Student Representative Megan Sawant presented Student Representative Matters to the School Board.

The School Board approved the FY 2025 Risk Assessment and Audit Topic Plan.

The School Board also approved minutes of the June 13, 2024 meetings, Standing Committee Membership Adjustments, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Governor's School Designation, and the VPSA State Technology Grant Reimbursement Resolution.

Superintendent Reid presented a monitoring report on Executive Limitation-2: Emergency Superintendent Succession. The School Board found the Superintendent in compliance with EL-2. In a related action, the School Board voted to maintain Executive Limitation 2: Emergency Superintendent Succession, as it is currently detailed in the Strategic Governance Manual.

Superintendent Reid presented a Collective Bargaining Update and Superintendent Matters to the School Board.

Finally, the School Board regular meeting concluded with Committee Reports and Board Matters.

Watch the full meeting on the FCPS YouTube channel.

Upcoming School Board meetings include:

  • Regular Meeting on July 18, 2024, 7:00 p.m.

7/11/24 School Board Regular Meeting Photo Gallery

Jocelyn Looney, a Hughes MS Student, performs the National Anthem.
Jocelyn Looney, a Hughes MS Student, performs the National Anthem.
Jocelyn Looney, a Hughes MS Student, performs the National Anthem.
The School Board joins Community Advisory Committee members and the FCPS Leadership Team.
The School Board joins Community Advisory Committee members and the FCPS Leadership Team.
The School Board joins Laura Senturia, the Washington Post Teacher of the Year, her family, and FCPS colleagues.
The School Board joins School-Based FCPS Outstanding Employee winners, their families, and FCPS colleagues.
The School Board joins NonSchool-Based FCPS Outstanding Employee winners, their families, and FCPS colleagues.

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