Schoology: Support
Need help with Schoology?
Web Browsers
Schoology works best with Chrome, Firefox, or Edge Chromium.

Students login with their FCPS Student ID and their FCPS password.
Parents and Guardians
Parents and guardians use their Student Information System (SIS) Parent account to log in to Schoology.
NOTE: You need to have an active Student Information System (SIS) Parent Account to be able to login to your Schoology Parent account. The same username and password are used to access both the SIS and Schoology.
FCPS Employees
Staff use their FCPS username and password to log in to Schoology. Please visit the Schoology page found on the intranet for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions
Schoology (Pronounced SKOO-luh-jee) is a learning space that enhances face-to-face and distance learning through communication, collaboration, and personalized learning.
Schoology, a learning management system (LMS), allows teachers to post assignments and other resources for their classes.
Students can access Schoology from any computer or mobile device with Internet access.
A learning management system is an application that is used for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, automation and delivery of:
- educational courses
- training programs
- learning and development programs
In Schoology, parents and guardians can:
- View their students’ courses, classroom assignments and activities, and calendars.
- View submitted assignments and student groups.
- Participate in groups like Parent Teacher Associations (PTA), Boosters, etc.
While some grades and feedback are visible in Schoology, ParentVue is the official student records system.
ParentVue is where you will find data including your child's
- attendance
- official grades
- class schedules
Schoology is a collaboration tool for students and teachers. Parents and guardians are able to
- monitor course content
- view calendars
- view assignments
- view student submitted work
Parents and guardians are not able to see comments from other students in the class or the feedback provided by teachers.
Yes. Parents, Guardians, and Students can find the links to reset or change their password on the FCPS Password Management page.
Parents and Guardians

Schoology Short Videos
In FCPS, we've created a series of short videos to help you learn how to navigate Schoology.

Everything students need to know about Schoology in FCPS; including tips, features, and how to get help.

Parents and Guardians
In Schoology, parents and caregivers have in-depth access to classroom learning.

Why Did FCPS Choose Schoology?
You may be wondering why Schoology was chosen as FCPS' new Learning Management System (LMS). This page shares some key points for the division, for teachers, for families, and for students.

Learn about the learning management system that will be used divisionwide in Fall 2021, how it supports instructional practices aligned to FCPS’s learning model, and helps students reach the Portrait of a Graduate goals.