Why Did FCPS Choose Schoology?
Official PDF Translations
Are you wondering why Schoology was chosen as FCPS's new Learning Management System (LMS)? Learn some key points for the division, for teachers, for parents, and for students.
For FCPS: Transform Education Past Its Brick-and-Mortar Roots
- A hub for learning that allows for high student engagement, standards based instruction, and the acceleration of learning.
- Real-time collaboration among leadership and support staff.
- Supports FCPSOn in transforming teaching and learning to prepare students for the future.
For Teachers: Enhance Instructional Delivery Practices
- Collaboration for curriculum development.
- Tools for problem solving, inquiry, and design of innovative solutions that increase student engagement.
- Real-time communication between teachers and students.
For Students: Prepare to Succeed in the 21st Century
- Contemporary digital tools to explore and exchange ideas and prepare for the world of work and/or college.
- Collaborative environments to work interdependently within groups.
- Set goals, complete tasks, and manage projects with always available access to classroom materials.
For Parents and Guardians: Know What Students Are Learning
- More in-depth access to classroom activities (learning).
- Convenient way to message teachers with questions.
- Family participation in groups like Parent Teacher Associations (PTA).
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Schoology Short Videos
In FCPS, we've created a series of short videos to help you learn how to navigate Schoology.

Get help with Schoology

Parents and Guardians
In Schoology, parents and caregivers have in-depth access to classroom learning.

Everything students need to know about Schoology in FCPS; including tips, features, and how to get help.

Why Did FCPS Choose Schoology?
You may be wondering why Schoology was chosen as FCPS' new Learning Management System (LMS). This page shares some key points for the division, for teachers, for families, and for students.