More Information About FCPSOn
FCPSOn increases equitable access to technology and instructional practices that lead to personalized, meaningful learning experiences which provide opportunities for deeper understanding and development of Portrait of a Graduate attributes.
Rationale for FCPSOn
- Students' lives have changed considerably in how they live, communicate, work, and interact within a globally connected world. Students need both content and skills outlined in the Portrait of a Graduate in order to be successful in the workforce of the future. FCPSOn can support the development of both content knowledge and Portrait of a Graduate skills.
- FCPSOn increases equitable access to technology and to instructional practices that lead to personalized, meaningful learning experiences. This allows students opportunities for deeper understanding of content and the skills needed by the Portrait of a Graduate.
- FCPSOn will support teachers as they create learner-centered environments that help students learn concepts in meaningful experiences. The technology not only facilitates learning, it also frees time to focus attention in places that makes teaching and learning more rewarding.
FCPSOn in Practice
FCPSOn affords teachers greater flexibility in planning to meet the learning needs of students. The technology component of FCPSOn will help teachers to provide meaningful learning experiences to all students. Teachers also have a number of instructional strategies and tools to draw from in planning to meet the needs of students. When teachers plan, they consider which tools will best support student learning. Sometimes computers are the best option. At other times traditional tools work best, such as paper, pencils, and Post-It notes. In working to develop the skills outlined in the Portrait of a Graduate, teachers will also consider whether students should work collaboratively or independently, or whether they should be given the option based on their preference.
As schools adopt FCPSOn, students will be able to work on school assignments anywhere, anytime. The FCPSOn implementation approach includes strategies to provide equal access to devices and the internet for all students. Read more about access to technology.
The following will be observed as FCPSOn is implemented:
- Teachers are essential to quality learning. Devices are not meant to take the place of a good teacher and good instruction.
- Students are not expected to use devices all day for every learning experience.
- Students have access to devices throughout the day and at home as needed.
- The expectation is that devices will not be used all day, in all classes, for entire class periods.
FCPSOn affords many types of learning experiences. The following list outlines some of the learning experiences that students may encounter as FCPSOn is implemented:
- Accessing contemporary digital tools to explore and exchange ideas such as using video and audio capabilities to support learning, create content, and share ideas
- Creating original works, collaborate with peers and teachers, peer edit, and give and receive feedback using Google Apps for Education
- Accessing digital content and student resources such as Online Textbooks, Schoology, and eCART
- Researching FCPS approved online research databases
- Communicating through Schoology, fcpsschools.net email, and recorded presentations
- Collaborating with peers and experts in the field on authentic projects and real world problems to create new and innovative solutions and ideas
- Supporting planning and reflection of student-created goals and teacher-directed learning outcomes
Schoology and FCPS G-Suite Education are two core instructional tools in the FCPSOn digital ecosystem that coexist and interact to impact how students learn, where students learn, and when students learn. Read more about Technology Resources.
Students, including students with an Individual Education Plan (IEP), use a school issued FCPSOn computer. If a student is receiving Assistive Technology Services (ATS), the school team works with the ATS resource teacher assigned to the school in order to determine what additional assistive technology might be required to meet the needs of the student.
A strong focus of FCPSOn is digital citizenship. Digital citizenship is described as the norms of appropriate and responsible behavior when using technology. It includes having an understanding of the positive and negative impact technology use can have on yourself or others. It helps teachers, technology leaders, and parents talk about what all users should know regarding appropriate technology use.
- During the school day, students access filtered internet content through a secure wi-fi network.
- Each student device is pre-loaded with district-approved filtering software that blocks keyword content and inappropriate websites, including some social media sites, while in use at school, home, and anywhere that has wireless internet access.
Content filtering at home is similar to, but not the same as, the content filtering at school. The FCPSOn at home filtering solution only has the ability to allow or block categories FCPS-wide, and as such, categories are permitted and blocked using the same settings in place at the elementary school level. This means that some social media and social networking categories are blocked on all FCPSon computers when those computers are used off the FCPS network.
There is no question that some students engage in distracting and inappropriate behavior with or without a device (calculators personal cellphone, computers). FCPS schools use a Positive Behavior Approach to proactively plan for addressing behavior issues. Information will be communicated to parents about expectations and consequences.
Digital Citizenship
FCPS is committed to providing access to digital resources in a manner that respects and protects student privacy while maximizing learning opportunities for students. All FCPS teachers are expected to incorporate digital citizenship instruction through the curriculum as students are researching, communicating, and creating products using technology.
Teachers and librarians have access to rich digital citizenship lessons and resources to support them in creating a safe, responsible, and ethical online learning environment. Students also have access to a variety of resources to assist them in learning how to navigate the online world.
Both parents and students are required to review a device loan/acceptable use agreement before a student will receive a device. Improper use of the device and/or technology will result in strict consequences such as discipline, detention, and/or limited use of the device as determined by the district's Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R) document. Parents and students are required to read and accept the Acceptable Use Policy for Student Network Access within the SR&R document.
Parents have access to a Customizable Device Contract and Family Media Agreement that will support them as they talk with their children about internet use and set rules that are right for their family.
Common Sense Media is a reputable resource for parents. The Virginia Department of Education has developed guidelines and resources for internet safety too. Parents can find additional information about device use and internet use on the Digital Citizenship: Families page.
Strategic Plan
FCPSOn was established to meet the expectations set forth in Ignite, the FCPS Strategic Plan. This plan was developed with input from stakeholders throughout the county. One of the outcomes in goal one of the strategic plan is that teachers, students, and parents will have access to contemporary and effective technology resources. Achieving the goal of one device per student is one of the identified actions to reach this goal. It is often referred to as 1:1 technology. The current student device is a Dell 3300 laptop.
FCPSOn Program Evaluation Year One
During the first year of FCPSOn implementation, study findings indicate clear progress in teachers beginning to integrate technology to support a blended learning approach which has, in turn, helped to improve student engagement, and Portrait of a Graduate skills. View the Year One Full Report.
FCPSOn Program Evaluation Year Two
During the second year of FCPSOn implementation, students and teachers indicate that school-issued personal devices are a central component of every school day, and that students use their device in multiple ways including to communicate with teachers and peers, demonstrate learning, and access educational content through web-based platforms. View the Year Two Full Report.
FCPSOn Program Evaluation Year Three
During the third year of FCPSOn implementation, findings suggest that students are more engaged and accountable learners. Students have gained important skills and have embraced an emerging emphasis on self-guided (student centered) learning. Guaranteed access to a personal computer has succeeded in “leveling the playing field” among students of varying socio-economic backgrounds, learning interests, and needs. View the Year Three Full Report.
FCPSOn Evaluation Report 2020-2021
The original purpose of this study was to gather formative and summative data related to the FCPSOn initiative during its fifth year of implementation. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, data collection activities were not feasible. This revise study sought to explore the goals and work around FCPSOn shaped the experiences and reactions of stakeholders to virtual learning. View the FCPSOn Evaluation Report 2020-2021.
Watch FCPSOn in Action