Digital Citizenship For Families with Teens (Online Course)
FCPS provided resources to support family conversations.
Digital Citizenship Online Course for Families with Teens
This four module online course has been developed by FCPS for parents/guardians and their teen in grades 7 and up. Parents of younger children may find portions of this course appropriate and useful as well.
After viewing the Introduction, parents should start with Module 1: Parents Only and then use Modules 2 - 4 with their teen(s). Modules 2 - 4 are designed to support family conversations about the topics related to digital citizenship. Families are encouraged to work through the course at their own pace and complete any module or activity of interest. While these modules won’t teach you everything you need to know, they provide a solid foundation upon which your family can build.
These modules work on all devices, but are best when viewed on larger screens.
Supporting resources referenced in the modules, are located at the bottom of this page.
Course Resources
Module 1: Parents Only
FCPS Resources:
Other Resources:
- The Common Sense Parent Census Executive Summary - Read more about this Common Sense survey that was conducted to provide current information about parent perceptions of and behaviors regarding youth media use.
- The Common Sense Census: Media Use by Tweens and Teens - Read more about a large-scale study that explores young people's (kids age 8 to 18 in the U.S.) use of the full range of media and technology.
- Common Sense Media Sexting Handbook - This resource gives families the language and support to take texting and cell phone power back into their own hands. It’s also a great resource for parents who are uncomfortable dealing directly with this issue.
For translated versions of the Device Contract and the Family Media Agreements below, please see the Parent View tab in FCPS 24-7.
Customizable Device Contract
Customizable Device Contract for Families
When your child reaches that important milestone where they get their own personal or school issued computing device, an important step is to talk with your child about expectations for use in your home. Use the suggested guidelines to help make sure that you and your child are on the same page and use the customizable form to outline your agreed-upon expectations.
Family Media Agreements
Family Media Agreement: K-5
When your child begins to use the Internet, it is important to have a conversation about when and how they use it and what they use it for. This Family Media Agreement is one tool you can use to support this conversation.
Family Media Agreement: 6-8
When your child begins to use the Internet, it is important to have a conversation about when and how they use it and what they use it for. This Family Media Agreement is one tool you can use to support this conversation.
Family Media Agreement: 9-12
When your child begins to use the Internet, it is important to have a conversation about when and how they use it and what they use it for. This Family Media Agreement is one tool you can use to support this conversation.
Additional Print Resources for Module 1
Module 2: Respect for Self
FCPS Resources:
Other Resources:
- AAP's screen time recommendations - In October 2016, the nation’s largest group of pediatricians (AAP) provided a new set of recommendations and resources, including an interactive media use planning tool, to help families balance digital and real life from birth to adulthood.
- HealthyChildren.org - HealthyChildren.org is the only parenting website backed by 66,000 pediatricians committed to the attainment of optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. This website is available in English and in Spanish (Español).
Print Resources for Module 2
Module 3: Respect for Others
FCPS Resource:
Other Resources:
- Fairfax County Toolkit - The Fairfax County Government website has a Bullying and Cyberbulling toolkit that includes a presentation, videos and Fact Sheets.
- StopBullying.gov - StopBullying.gov is a federal government website managed by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. They provide information from various government agencies on what bullying is, what cyberbullying is, who is at risk, and how you can prevent and respond to bullying.
Print Resources for Module 3
Module 4: Online Communities and Civic Engagement
FCPS Resource:
Other Resource:
- FERPA|Sherpa's Parents’ Guide to Student Data Privacy - FERPA|Sherpa (named after the core federal law that governs education privacy) is the education privacy resource center. It is primarily operated by FPF’s Education Policy Counsel, Amelia Vance.
The Device Contract and the Family Media Agreement can be found at the top of this page.