Arts Partnerships
Supporting and enhancing opportunities in the arts.
Need to Know:
What: The FCPS Fine Arts program provides a comprehensive, sequential, and cumulative arts education for students in grades K-12. FCPS Is seeking support to expand arts programming opportunities including:
- Student and teacher workshops.
- Guest speakers.
- Clinicians.
- Residencies.
- Scholarships.
- Awards and recognition programs.
- Field trips
- Spaces for exhibitions, performances, and training.
Why: By providing opportunities to express thought, ideas, and emotions meaningfully through the arts, FCPS Fine Arts programs allow students to stretch their capabilities, pursue their passions, and develop the Portrait of a Graduate attributes of Communicator, Collaborator, Ethical and Global Citizen, Creative and Critical Thinker, and Goal-Directed and Resilient Individual.
Who: We're seeking businesses and community groups with the capacity to support these efforts with volunteers or financially. Partnerships may occur with the school division or an individual school.
When: The school division or individual schools can collaborate with the business partner to create a calendar of opportunities and commitments.
Where: Arts partnerships may occur throughout the school year in various locations.
Requirements of Business or Community Group
Engagement Thresholds: To support an Ignite arts partnership we request engagement by 10 volunteers or the support of at least 90 students. The FCPS Business and Community Partnerships team will support the formation of an Ignite partnership, working in coordination with the Fine Arts office. If your business or community group does not have at least 10 volunteers willing to commit to an entire school year, you are encouraged to work with people at a school near you or directly with the Fine Arts Office.
Time Commitment: An arts partnership offers varied program elements and, as such, unique scheduling. Some elements will require volunteers engage for an hour or part of a single day, others a full day or days, while some will be year-long in shorter time increments. In addition, there can be one-time or ongoing events, summer opportunities, and after-school or weekend activities to support. A commitment of one full school year -- September to June -- is preferred. If beginning after November 15, we ask for a commitment for the following school year.
CEO-VP Commitment: Because these programs involve volunteer time and the potential for financial commitment, we prefer CEO support but understand that in many companies and not-for-profits, authority can extend to the VP level.
Financial Requirements: There is the potential for financial support. A discussion will help us meet your needs. Funding for field trips, guest speakers, clinicians, workshops, new equipment, musical instrument donations, scholarships, and sponsors for awards and recognition programs are always welcome. The fine arts office is available for guidance regarding suitability and sustainability in the classroom.
To establish an Ignite Partnership (10+ volunteers required or 90+ students), contact Angela Aldave.
To work with your local school (fewer than 5 volunteers) contact the school's art teacher or department.
To beyond your local school (fewer than 10 volunteers), contact Tamra Ferreira 571-423-4532, Fine Arts Coordinator.