Tutoring Partnerships
Tutors welcomed for all school levels.
Need to Know:
What: An Ignite Tutoring Partnership occurs on school grounds, happens primarily after school, occurs on a frequent and regular basis. If your business or community group can identify at least 10 volunteers who will commit to tutoring, our schools will find a staff person to help coordinate your efforts and the appropriate space for your group.
Why: The academic support of adults is critical to student success. Tutoring programs have been shown to impact students academically and emotionally, thus creating safer, healthier, more productive citizens.
Who: Businesses and community groups with the capacity to establish and support a tutoring team of 10 adults. Tutors will be provided tutor orientation and training by classroom teachers and specialists; and necessary tools like books, content vocabulary, flash cards, relevant games, and more so that sessions support and enhance objectives being taught in the classroom. Tutoring is different than mentoring. Tutors work to support the academic elements of a student's education while mentoring focuses on the social and emotional sides.
When: We require a school-year commitment (September-June) of 90 minutes a week. Tutoring primarily occurs on weekdays after school.
Where: Tutoring always happens on school grounds, generally in the library or cafeteria and as a tutoring group.
Requirements: Business or Community Group
Engagement Thresholds: To support a school-based tutoring program, we request engagement by 10 volunteers and the support of at least 15 students.
Time Commitment: We seek tutoring partners who can support a full school year, starting in September and running through June. If beginning after November 15, we ask for a commitment for the next full school year.
CEO-VP Commitment: Our model occurs on school grounds so employees are called away during their typical work time, requiring a commitment on the part of the CEO-VP.
Financial Requirements: There may be financial requirements.
To establish an Ignite Partnership (10+ volunteers required and support of 15+ students) contact Angela Aldave.
To volunteer to tutor a child (fewer than 10 volunteers), contact the schools or centers individually. A typical school contact can be a volunteer coordinator, counselor, or classroom teacher.
Please note:
If you are a parent or guardian looking to find a tutor for your student, the Parent Resource Center tutor/tutoring page has more information.
If you are an FCPS teacher looking to tutor students, please also see the Parent Resource Center tutor/tutoring page for more information.