Get2Green (Environmental) Partnerships
Supporting Student Engagement in Environmental Actions That Further Our District’s Sustainability.
Need to Know
What: Get2Green is an award-winning environmental stewardship program for Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS). Get2Green’s work in schools focuses on providing resources and expertise on the Eco-Schools USA pathways, and a Get2Green Ignite Partnership will support student-led actions to address the pathways.
Eco-Schools USA Pathways
- Energy, Climate Change, & Transportation - Conserving energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
- Consumption and Waste - Reducing, reusing, and recycling best practices.
- Sustainable Food, Healthy Living, & Healthy Schools - Cultivating edible gardens, Garden to Cafeteria, promoting healthy lifestyles.
- Schoolyard Habitat & Biodiversity - Planting and managing native plantings to provide habitat and support biodiversity.
- Watersheds, Oceans and Wetlands - Connecting students to their watershed and developing awareness of global connections.
- Learning About Forests - Investigating the benefits of trees and increasing tree canopy.
Why: The FCPS Portrait of a Graduate helps students develop skills they will need to thrive in post-graduation life. Get2Green’s focus directly supports the goals of the FCPS Portrait of a Graduate in several content areas such as Project-Based Learning, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math), and Service Learning. Using the environment as a context for learning, students use their content knowledge and Portrait of a Graduate skills to positively impact the environment.
Who: We're seeking businesses and community groups with the capacity to support these pathways with expertise, volunteers, and resources.
When: Get2Green activities primarily happen during the school year, from September through June. July and August are wonderful months for planning.
Where: Partnership activities primarily occur on school property when FCPS staff members are present and often outside of regular school hours. We also welcome discussions of meaningful opportunities which may take place at another location.
Get2Green seeks business and community support for:
- 136 registered Eco-Schools
- 100 student-led green teams
- 115+ wildlife habitats
- 85+ edible gardens
- Professional development opportunities for staff members
Requirements Business or Community Group
Engagement Thresholds: To be an FCPS Ignite Partner, and receive the associated benefits, we request engagement by 10 volunteers or the support of at least 90 students. If your business or community group cannot meet these thresholds, you are encouraged to work directly with the Get2Green team.
Time Commitment: A Get2Green partnership offers varied program elements and, as such, unique scheduling. Some elements will require volunteers engage for an hour or part of a single day, others a full day or days, while some will be year-long in shorter time increments.
While FCPS seeks focused, sustainable, and scalable partners, the Get2Green arena is one of the few where a smaller, short-term project can be appropriate, but our preference is a commitment for one full school year. If beginning after November 15, we ask for a commitment for the following school year.
CEO-VP Commitment: Because these programs involve volunteer time and the potential for financial commitment, we prefer CEO support but understand that in many companies and not-for-profits, authority can extend to the VP level.
Financial Requirements: There is the potential for financial support. A discussion will help us meet your needs. There are multiple avenues for monetary donations. Funding for materials, field trip support, and paid internships are always welcome.
To establish an Ignite Partnership (10+ volunteers required or support 90+ students), contact Angela Aldave.
To work in our Get2Green arena (if you have fewer than 10 volunteers), contact Ali Culhane, 571-423-4621, Get2Green Coordinator or Donna Volkmann, 571-423-4788, Get2Green Educational Specialist.