General Educator Academy Program Information
FCPS Educator Academy Program Information
The FCPS Educator Academy Program Information:
- Supports our comprehensive professional development system.
- Serves to develop and retain a premier workforce in FCPS.
The program offers professional learning opportunities to educators. This allows educators to:
- Enhance knowledge and skills on content aligned with division priorities.
- Work toward professional goals.
- Gain expertise in practices that positively impact student achievement.
Course Information
- FCPS Educator Academy Program and college credit courses are offered for FCPS contracted instructional employees.
- Employees may take one or more contract courses offered in FCPS Academy catalogs. Exceptions: Advanced Academics Online Courses (one course).
- There is no registration fee.
Credit Information
Credits may be used for:
- Licensure renewal.
- Salary-scale increases.
- Virginia Technology Standards.
Registration Information
Employees must meet prerequisites stated in the course listing.
Employees who do not meet the prerequisites will be denied.
FCPS Employees
- Full or part-time contracted instructional employees eligible for employee benefits may register in MyPDE.
- E-mail confirmations are sent at the time of registration. Check the email to see if you have been enrolled in the class or placed on the wait list. If placed on the wait list, do not attend class.
- An e-mail is sent if the class is canceled.
- Registration questions: contact [email protected] (571-423-1330).
Title IIA Private School Employees
Contact the Office of Professional Growth and Career Development at [email protected] to request an account.
Special Accommodations
FCPS employees who need accommodations should call the Office of Equity and Compliance (571-423-3050). Make calls as soon as possible, but no less than 14 business days before the activity start date. This will allow for appropriate arrangements.
Textbooks and Materials Fees
Course registration does not include materials fees or the cost of textbooks.