ALEX Benefits Counselor
Meet ALEX and receive personalized assistance with your FCPS benefits.
ALEX® is an interactive online tool that will walk you through your FCPS benefit options and provide personalized assistance along the way. When you talk to ALEX, he'll ask you a few questions about your health care needs, explain different aspects of each benefit (including plan details and premiums), and point out what options may make the most sense for you. If you have questions, ALEX has answers!
For help understanding your benefit options, visit www.myalex.com/fcps/home.
If you'd like to learn more about your FCPS retirement plan(s) and supplemental retirement savings plans options (403b and 457b), please visit the ALEX Retirement module for your retirement system. See additional information below.
- The Educational Employees' Supplementary Retirement System of Fairfax County (ERFC) and the Virginia Retirement System (VRS) for full-time educational, administrative, and support employees. To get a more thorough explanation of your pension plans as a new hire, please visit the ALEX for VRS/ERFC Retirement module.
Please note: The ALEX Retirement module explains the VRS Hybrid plan which is for new members with no prior VRS service credit and who were hired on/after January 1, 2014. Other plans may apply for new hires with previous VRS service or those hired before January 1, 2014. - The Fairfax County Employees’ Retirement System (FCERS) for maintenance, custodial, food service, transportation, and less-than-full-time educational, administrative, and monthly-paid support employees. To get a more thorough explanation of your pension plans as a new hire, please visit the ALEX for FCERS Retirement module.
Frequently Asked Questions About ALEX
ALEX will review your medical (including vision and pharmacy), dental, flexible spending, life insurance, and EAP benefits. Within each module, you will be able to ask for as much or as few details as you'd like, such as premium amounts, plan comparisons, and additional resources. As you work within the tool, ALEX will compile notes based on your discussion. At the end, you will have the option of printing these notes, so you can refer to them at a later time.
Most users spend about 7 minutes with ALEX; however, your time may vary depending on how much explanation you'd like. Plus, ALEX can save your place, so you can pause the conversation then resume at a more convenient time.
YES! ALEX is optimized for any smartphone, tablet, or computer.
YES! Your ALEX experience is totally private. He doesn't maintain personal information or submit it to FCPS (or anyone else), so it's completely anonymous.