Advanced Academic Resource Teacher Opportunities
Advanced Academic Resource Teachers (AART) Hiring Information
The Advanced Academic Resource Teacher (AART) hiring process establishes a pool of qualified candidates whose experiences, skills, pedagogical beliefs, and professional learning are well-suited for the AART position. As openings in schools are known, the AAP office will send candidates to interview or place them where there are openings that match the needs of the school and geographical preferences of the candidate.
The AART role is a teacher leader position that requires flexibility and creativity to meet multiple foci, including:
- Instructional coaching skills to support teachers with planning to use K-6 AAP curriculum and strategies
- Strong pedagogical and classroom management skills to work directly with students, often as a model for other teachers
- Organizational and technology skills to coordinate screening processes for Subject-Specific, Part-Time, and Full-Time AAP.
- Strong communication and outreach skills to engage and support families
- Strong teacher leadership skills to be a liaison between the AAP office and the local school, including leading with a focus on goals in the FCPS Strategic Plan and supporting teachers in understanding the connections between access to rigor, Portrait of a Graduate, FCPS Learning Model, and other initiatives
- Knowledge and commitment to support teachers’ understanding of the cognitive and affective needs of advanced learners. Strong candidates will have some AAP professional learning on their resume as well as a commitment to earn the FCPS AAP endorsement if they do not already have it
- Strong commitment to increasing access to AAP strategies and curriculum K-6 for all students
Interested candidates are encouraged to reach out to the AART at their local school about experiences that will help prepare for the role.
The process for becoming an Advanced Academic Resource Teacher has two phases:
- Phase 1: AART Candidate Pool Selection Process
- Phase 2: Match candidates to schools with openings
AART applicants must complete Phase 1 and be selected for the AART Candidate Pool to be eligible for Phase 2. Candidates who become part of the AART hiring pool retain candidacy for two years. After that time, they will need to reapply and go through the process again.
- January - Summer
- Potential candidates submit their resume and cover letter to the AAP office.
- March - Summer
- Interviews with AAP office staff
- March - Transfer Deadline (June 1)
- AAP office contacts pool candidates about potential openings
Please contact the Advanced Academic Programs Office (571-423-4740) if you have additional questions about the hiring process.
Phase 1 - AART Candidate Pool Selection Process
Step 1: Applicant Screening
Have a Google Account?
Submit these items to our AART Candidate Google Form:
- Cover letter
- Resume
- Include at least three references.
- References must include at least one administrator and one teaching colleague.
No Google Account?
Email these items to the AAP Office:
- Cover letter
- Resume
- Include at least three references.
- References must include at least one administrator and one teaching colleague.
Email Dr. Lawrence Randolph any additional questions you may have.
Step 2: Resume Screening
The Advanced Academic Programs Office will review each resume looking for:
- Leadership experience
- Integration of AAP strategies and research-based curriculum in instruction
- Experience supporting or coaching adults in integrating AAP curricula and strategies in both Level IV and general education classrooms through work in collaborative teams or teacher partnerships
- Professional learning in AAP (curriculum inservices and/or endorsement classes) and a commitment to continuous learning
Step 3: Recommendations
The AAP office will provide a survey link for the candidate to share with their administrator and colleague references.
Step 4: Screening Interview
Candidates will have a 15-minute writing sample and a 30-minute interview at an FCPS central office location. The interview will be conducted by members of the AAP Office.
The following resources may be helpful in preparing for interview questions:
- Advanced Academic Programs Public Web Site
- FCPS Strategic Plan
- FCPS Portrait of a Graduate
- FCPS Learning Model
- ISTE Standards for Coaches
Candidates who have successfully moved through Phase 1 will be placed in the AART Candidate Pool. All candidates interviewed will be notified whether they will be added to the AART Candidate Pool or not.
Phase 2 - School Assignments
There is not an exact date that openings for AART positions are known. Current AARTs need to be placed prior to hiring new AARTs, and all principal commitments regarding intentions to fill full-time AART positions at the elementary level are often not known until April. As openings are confirmed, candidates from the pool will be contacted. Candidates who would like to check on their status within the process may email Kirsten Maloney.