Principal Selection Pool Process - Resume Guidelines & Examples
When completing an online application for the FCPS principal pool, candidates will be instructed to upload a resume. A cover letter is not required.
Personal Information
- Name as shown on license, mailing address, phone number, and email address
Education and Certification/Endorsements
- Degrees Earned; University/College/ Conferring Degree(s)
- Licensure - All endorsements (for out-of-state candidates, please include proof of eligibility to obtain a Virginia License)
Professional Experience (The following information on professional experience should be included when developing a resume.)
From the most recent position and working backward, provide information related to each professional experience. Include the following for each position:
- Office or Organization, Name of School or Office, Position Title, and Length of duration in position
- Highlights of Each Position:
- In a few sentences, provide an overview of the school/office you served
- Provide evidence of your work in the position as related to FCPS school-based administrator evaluation standards. Summarize your accomplishments and skills in 6-10 statements, summarize your accomplishments and skills.
- (While not citing the standards, these statements should reflect the work tied to the School-Based Administrator (SBA) evaluation standards, which are accessible on the Principal Selection Process page.)
Professional Development, Awards, Publications and Recognitions
- Title of professional development session, target audience, school/office, and year
- Articles, etc., you authored or contributed to with publishing information
- Name of award or recognition
- Contact information for 3-5 references
An example resume is provided as a guide. Candidates may develop resumes using a different format, but the above components should be included.
- Master of Arts in Educational Administration
- George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia
- Bachelor of Arts in English, Minor in Reading
- University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
- Virginia Postgraduate Professional License
- Administration and Supervision PreK-12, English 6-12, and Reading K-12
Professional Experience
Fairfax County Public Schools, McDonald High School, Assistant Principal, August 2007-present
McDonald High School has a free and reduced lunch population of 38%. The 4 year graduation rate is 97%. McDonald High School hosts 100 international students each year in IB and AP programs. The school also has an Academy Program leading to Automotive, HVAC and Culinary certifications.
- Led development of Work/Study Program for junior and seniors seeking to earn advanced diploma while earning HVAC certification.
- Supervised the social studies department and conducted evaluations.
- Oversaw discipline for alpha groups A-Ed and implemented a positive behavior approach resulting in a reduction of discipline referrals from previous average of 22% per year to 15%.
- Created a working relationship with Academy supervisors.
- Garnered support and funding for staff development focusing on backward design for social studies department teachers. Reduced failure rate on End of Course World History and Geography I from 12% to 3% in three years.
- Met with community councils of housing developments within school’s boundaries to showcase school activities, programs, achievement results and to seek support for school initiatives and organizations. Increased membership in PTSA by 50% and raised $15,000 for Great Books staff training.
- Developed department chairs team of assigned departments to address common issues. Reduced the transfer attrition in departments from previous average of 15% per year to 10%.
Fairfax County Public Schools, Wilson High School, Assistant Principal, August 2002-2007
Wilson High School serves a neighborhood of varied socio-economic levels including 34% free and reduced lunch, 25% English Language Learners and 27% Students with Disabilities. The school is a hub for the community, serving families with high school completion programs, adult education courses, as well as standard high school course programs.
- Led the effort to initiate the adult education program, securing Division support in seeking approval for state certification of adult education program.
- Developed an effective working relationship with Division departments while facilitating grant writing for funding for Adult Education Center.
- Created a community outreach program to encourage adults seeking proficiency in English and seeking high school graduation diplomas resulting in the first graduating class of 2006 of 15 graduates.
- Supervised English department and hired and evaluated support staff.
- Worked with students in danger of not meeting graduation requirements to support productive attendance and behavior patterns. Increased graduation rates 10% over three years.
- Met with department chair weekly to identify successes, needs, issues, and student achievement patterns resulting in an increase in Standards of Learning pass rate from 67% to 83% over a two year period.
Fairfax County Public Schools, Downtown High School, English Teacher, August 1995-2002
Downtown High School is a fine and performing arts magnet school serving students from across the division. The school is set up in teams across all disciplinary areas as students spend half of their day in core academic classes and the other half in fine and performing arts classes.
- Served as English Department Chair.
- Facilitated data conversations with English team identifying students by name and need resulting in a significant increase in summative assessment data.
- Developed model lessons with collaborative learning team.
Professional Development/Recognitions/Awards/Publications
- Professional Development Delivered:
- Explicit Instruction: McDonald High School (2016)
- Coaching and Data Conversations, Leverage Leadership, McDonald High School (2013-2015)
- Learning by Doing: McDonald High School (2012-2013)
- Responsive Instruction: McDonald and Wilson High School (2007/2010/2014)
- Working with Adult Learners: Wilson High School (2006)
- Facilitating Collaborative Team Meetings, Wilson High School (2005)
- Professional Development Attended:
- Harvard Leadership Institute (2017)
- Aspiring Principals (2016)
- Advanced FBA/BIP (2015)
- Adaptive Schools (2011-2012)
- Professional Learning Communities with the Dufours (2011)
- Selected to lead the assistant principal planning team
- Honored with Special Award for Adult Education Programing from Wilson Community
- Co-authored “Working with Adult Learners in an Urban Setting,” Journal of Educational Service, vol. 1, no. 1 2004
- Dr. Henry Smith, McDonald High School Principal, [email protected] (former supervisor)
- Mr. John Adams, Wilson High School Principal, [email protected] (former supervisor)
- Ms. Rose Washington, Downtown High School, English Department Chair, [email protected] (former supervisor)