Academic Screening, Growth, and Diagnostic Tests

Identify academic strengths and needs and monitor learning growth

FCPS uses a variety of academic screening, growth, and diagnostic tests to identify students' academic strengths and needs and to monitor growth in their learning across the school year. These assessments fulfill state requirements for screening and growth measures in addition to providing data to develop student reading plans or student intervention plans, as needed. Additional diagnostic tests are available as a resource for teachers when more information is needed to determine specific areas for support.

  • These assessments help teachers know each students' areas of strength and need within the content. 
  • They also provide data on how each student is growing throughout the year. 

View the screening, growth, and diagnostic tests used at the each grade range level in the sections below. The Grade Level Tests webpage also gives information about the timing for each assessment and how results are reported.   

Primary Elementary (PreK-2) Screening Tests

Primary grade levels PreK-2 use different assessments to meet state and division requirements. Students in grades PreK-2 participate in literacy screeners required by the Virginia Literacy Act (VLA). Mathematics screeners fulfill a Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP) requirement for grades PreK-K and fulfill a FCPS Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) requirement for grades 1-2.

Sometimes teachers need more information to understand a student's strengths and needs. In these cases, a diagnostic test is used to plan supports. Further information on additional diagnostic assessments is shared following testing.  



Elementary Academic Screening Tests, Grades PreK-2

Dear Parents and Guardians: 

The Virginia government requires assessments for the Virginia Literacy Act (VLA) and Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP)* in all schools. These assessments help state officials understand literacy and school readiness needs across Virginia. Additionally, the mathematics screener in grades 1-2 fulfills a Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) requirement. Test results also help teachers, school leaders, and parents know how to support each student’s learning and development. The Academic Screening, Growth, and Diagnostic Tests webpage  ( provides more information on these tests.


Literacy Test

Mathematics Test


Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System (VALLSS)

Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS)



iReady Math

* In addition to the EMAS, VKRP also requires PreK-K teachers to observe a student’s self-regulation and social skills using the Child Behavior Rating Scale (CBRS).   

Teachers assess all PreK-2 students with the VALLSS in fall, winter, and spring. Grade PreK-K EMAS tests are given in fall and spring only. In grades 1-2, all students take the iReady Math test in fall and spring, but only students whose fall score is below benchmark will retest in winter. Tests are delivered within the classroom instructional block. Teachers set specific testing dates for each class. General timing for required screening is available on the Grade Level Tests webpage ( 

Based on academic screening results, some students may require a reading plan or math intervention plan. Some students may need additional diagnostic tests to help teachers determine specific areas for support. If you have questions about academic screening, growth, or diagnostic tests, please contact your student’s teacher or the school's test coordinator. 


Dear Parents and Guardians: 

Your student recently participated in academic growth assessments. The state legislature requires school divisions to measure student growth and progress within the school year in reading and mathematics in grades 3-8. Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) monitors student growth in elementary schools using the iReady math test for grades 1-6 and the iReady reading test for grades 3-6 ( iReady assessments are aligned to the Virginia Standards of Learning and measure grade level skills. Students take the iReady test 2-3 times during the school year to allow teachers to see their skill growth.

Enclosed with this cover letter is an iReady individual growth report. This report displays all iReady outcomes for your student from this school year, as illustrated in the image below. For each window, your student’s report provides a (1) blue bar and (2) placement level that tell how your student performed overall in relation to (3) on-grade level expectations, displayed as green shading. Additionally, the (4) national norm percentile indicates how your student’s performance compares to peers nationally. Finally, the (5) domain table shows how your student did in specific skill areas. Students who score below the FCPS 40th percentile benchmark or show domain areas of concern may receive additional diagnostic assessments and targeted interventions, as needed.

iReady Family Growth Report highlights, showing 1) blue bars for overall performance over time; 2) placement level for each window; 3) expected range for on-grade level performance; 4) national norm; and 5) domain performance

When reviewing your student’s iReady academic growth report, consider the following questions:

  • How is my student progressing over time? The goal is for your student to make progress in their learning. When a student has more than one test result for the year, the blue bars show how the student is growing with grade level skills and preparing for more advanced concepts.
  • What if my student is performing below the grade level expectation? This can happen for many reasons, such as test-day factors like stress or distractions. Teachers use multiple data points to understand student performance and plan instructional supports to accelerate learning, as needed. More important than a score from a single test is to ensure that your student continues to learn and grow to meet or exceed grade level expectations by the end of the year.
  • What if my student’s score decreased from an earlier test? A lower score does not mean your student did not learn or lost skills. Scores can be affected by things like stress, distraction, or taking the test in a different place. Teachers use multiple data points to understand student growth and plan instructional supports to accelerate learning, as needed.

More information on grade level expectations and a description of test domains are available on the iReady Test Information webpage ( If you have questions about strengths and needs in reading or mathematics, please contact your student’s teacher. If your student receives English for language development (ELD) services, keep in mind that iReady tests are in English. Contact your student's ESOL teacher for information about their English language development.

When a student takes a screening/growth assessment during a testing window, families receive a custom score reports within 1 month of the close of the window. For testing PreK students, teachers provide score reports to famlies directly, and reports also  post in SIS ParentVUE for families with ParentVUE accounts. 

  • For PreK families: Teachers provide score reports directly to families of testing students. A copy of the report is also posted in SIS ParentVUE for families with ParentVUE accounts. 
  • For Grade K-2 families with SIS ParentVUE accounts: A custom report is posted to the ParentVUE "Documents" section for VALLSS tests.
  • For Grade K-2 families without a ParentVUE account: Custom reports are distributed to the family from the school 

Across the school year, PreK students receive a score report with results for any VALLSS and EMAS tests they took each window. (This report also includes CBRS results that are part of the Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program.)

  • Kindergarten students receive:
    1. A VALLSS receive a score report cover letter along with a VALLSS report for fall results.
    2. An EMAS score report with fall results. (This report also includes CBRS results that are part of the Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program.)
  • Grade 1-2 students receive: 
    1. A VALLSS receive a score report cover letter along with a VALLSS report for fall results.
    2. An iReady score report with fall math results, including percentile and and grade-level performance.
  • Grade K-2 students receive a VALLSS family score report that explains and displays VALLSS reading results for both fall and winter results.
  • Additionally, grade 1-2 students taking a winter iReady math test also receive an academic growth cover letter along with an iReady growth report, showing winter and previous results. 
  • Grade K-2 students receive a VALLSS family score report that explains and displays reading results for all VALLSS tests in fall, winter, and spring. 
  • Kindergarten students also receive an EMAS score report with spring results. (This report also includes CBRS results that are part of the Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program.)
  • Grade 1-2 students also receive an academic growth cover letter along with an iReady growth report for math, showing spring and previous results.

More information about VALLSS score reports is available on the VALLSS Information webpage. 

More information about iReady score reports is available on the iReady Test Information webpage. 

More information about EMAS score reports is available on the VKRP Test Information webpage. 

Upper Elementary (3-6) Screening / Growth Tests

Upper elementary grade levels 3-6 use different assessments to meet state requirements. Reading screeners and additional diagnostics fulfill Virginia Literacy Act (VLA) requirements. Mathematics screeners fulfill FCPS Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) requirements. Screening tests at these grades also serve as growth assessments to fulfill Virginia Assessment Program (VAP) requirements.

  • iReady Math is used in fall, winter, and spring with all Grade 3-6 students scheduled to take a spring SOL test
  • iReady Reading is used in fall, winter, and spring with all Grade 3-6 students scheduled to take a spring SOL test
  • Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System (VALLSS) is used as a state screener for select Grade 3 students each window
    • In fall, VALLSS is used with students new to Virginia public schools and students who are identified for a reading plan based on their iReady Reading score
    • In winter and spring, VALLSS is used with students whose fall VALLSS scores showed a need for support.
  • iReady Passage Reading Fluency (PRF) diagnostic is used with Grade 4-6 students who are identified for a reading plan based on their iReady Reading score
  • CORE Phonics Inventory diagnostic is used with Grade 4-6 students whose iReady PRF result is below benchmark
  • Developmental Spelling Assessment (DSA) diagnostic is used in fall and and spring with all Grade 4-6 students 

Sometimes teachers need more information to understand a student's strengths and needs. In these cases, a diagnostic test like the iReady PRF is used to plan supports. Further information on additional diagnostic assessments is shared following testing.  



Elementary Academic Screening and Growth Tests, Grades 3-6

Dear Parents and Guardians: 

The Virginia Literacy Act (VLA) and Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) require schools to provide reading and mathematics screening tests for all students in grades 3-6. These assessments also fulfill a requirement for reading and mathematics growth assessments under the Virginia Assessment Program (VAP). Test results help families and teachers know how to support each student’s learning and development. The Academic Screening, Growth, and Diagnostic Tests webpage ( provides more information on these tests. 

  • iReady Math - all students scheduled to take the spring Standards of Learning (SOL)
  • iReady Reading - all students scheduled to take the spring SOL
  • Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System (VALLSS) - only select grade 3 students 

Elementary teachers assess all grade 3-6 students with iReady Math and iReady Reading in fall, winter, and spring. Tests are delivered within the classroom instructional block. Teachers set specific testing dates for each class. General timing for required screening and growth tests is available on the Grade Level Tests webpage ( 

Based on academic screening results, some students may require a reading plan or math intervention plan. Some students may require additional diagnostic tests to help teachers determine specific areas for support. If you have questions about academic screening, growth, or diagnostic tests, please contact your student’s teacher or the school's test coordinator. 



Dear Parents and Guardians: 

Your student recently participated in academic growth assessments. The state legislature requires school divisions to measure student growth and progress within the school year in reading and mathematics in grades 3-8. Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) monitors student growth in elementary schools using the iReady math test for grades 1-6 and the iReady reading test for grades 3-6 ( iReady assessments are aligned to the Virginia Standards of Learning and measure grade level skills. Students take the iReady test 2-3 times during the school year to allow teachers to see their skill growth.

Enclosed with this cover letter is an iReady individual growth report. This report displays all iReady outcomes for your student from this school year, as illustrated in the image below. For each window, your student’s report provides a (1) blue bar and (2) placement level that tell how your student performed overall in relation to (3) on-grade level expectations, displayed as green shading. Additionally, the (4) national norm percentile indicates how your student’s performance compares to peers nationally. Finally, the (5) domain table shows how your student did in specific skill areas. Students who score below the FCPS 40th percentile benchmark or show domain areas of concern may receive additional diagnostic assessments and targeted interventions, as needed.

iReady Family Growth Report highlights, showing 1) blue bars for overall performance over time; 2) placement level for each window; 3) expected range for on-grade level performance; 4) national norm; and 5) domain performance

When reviewing your student’s iReady academic growth report, consider the following questions:

  • How is my student progressing over time? The goal is for your student to make progress in their learning. When a student has more than one test result for the year, the blue bars show how the student is growing with grade level skills and preparing for more advanced concepts.
  • What if my student is performing below the grade level expectation? This can happen for many reasons, such as test-day factors like stress or distractions. Teachers use multiple data points to understand student performance and plan instructional supports to accelerate learning, as needed. More important than a score from a single test is to ensure that your student continues to learn and grow to meet or exceed grade level expectations by the end of the year.
  • What if my student’s score decreased from an earlier test? A lower score does not mean your student did not learn or lost skills. Scores can be affected by things like stress, distraction, or taking the test in a different place. Teachers use multiple data points to understand student growth and plan instructional supports to accelerate learning, as needed.

More information on grade level expectations and a description of test domains are available on the iReady Test Information webpage ( If you have questions about strengths and needs in reading or mathematics, please contact your student’s teacher. If your student receives English for language development (ELD) services, keep in mind that iReady tests are in English. Contact your student's ESOL teacher for information about their English language development.

When a student takes a screening/growth assessment during a testing window, families receive a custom score reports within 1 month of the close of the window. 

  • For families with SIS ParentVUE accounts: A custom report is posted to the ParentVUE "Documents" section for grade 3-6 iReady and any grade 3 VALLSS
  • For families without a ParentVUE account: Custom reports are distributed to the family from the school 

  • Grade 3-6 students receive an iReady score report with fall reading and math results, including percentile and and grade-level performance.
  • Additionally, grade 3 students taking VALLSS receive a score report cover letter along with a VALLSS report for fall results.

Family reports for winter and spring contain student outcomes from all their tests during the school year. For example, in the winter, reports display both fall and winter results; in the spring, reports display results from fall, winter, and spring. Viewing results from multiple windows side by side allows families to better see how their student's performance is changing across the school year. 

  • Grade 3-6 students receive an academic growth cover letter along with an iReady growth report for reading and for math. The cover letter explains how to read the iReady report and give tips for using growth results.
  • Additionally, grade 3 students taking VALLSS receive a family score report that explains and displays VALLSS results.

More information about iReady score reports is available on the iReady Test Information webpage. 

More information about VALLSS score reports is available on the VALLSS Information webpage. 

Middle School (6-8) Screening / Growth Tests

Middle schools use different assessments to meet state requirements for students in grades 6-8. Reading and mathematics growth assessments fulfill Virginia Assessment Program (VAP) requirements. These assessments also serve as screeners to fulfill Virginia Literacy Act (VLA) and FCPS Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) requirements. Additional reading diagnostic tests also help to fulfill Virginia Literacy Act (VLA) requirements.

  • Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Math is used in fall, winter, and spring with all students scheduled to take a spring SOL test
  • iReady Reading is used in fall, winter, and spring with all students scheduled to take a spring SOL test
  • iReady Passage Reading Fluency (PRF) diagnostic is used with students who are identified for a reading plan based on their iReady Reading score 

Sometimes teachers need more information to understand a student's strengths and needs. In these cases, a diagnostic test like the iReady PRF is used to plan supports. Further information on additional diagnostic assessments is shared following testing.  



Middle School Academic Screening and Growth Tests

Dear Parents and Guardians: 

The Virginia Literacy Act (VLA) and Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) require schools to provide reading and mathematics screening tests for all students in grades 6-8. These assessments also fulfill a requirement for reading and mathematics growth assessments under the Virginia Assessment Program (VAP). Test results help families and teachers know how to support each student’s learning and development. The Academic Screening, Growth, and Diagnostic Tests webpage ( provides more information on these tests. 

  • iReady Reading - all students scheduled to take the spring reading SOL
  • MAP Growth Math– all students scheduled to take a spring math SOL 

Middle school teachers assess all grade 6-8 students in the fall with iReady Reading and MAP Growth Math. Tests are delivered within the classroom instructional block. Teachers set specific testing dates for each class. General timing for required screening and growth is available on the Grade Level Tests webpage (  

Winter and spring retests are required for students scheduled for spring SOL 6-8 Math and Reading tests. Retests provide additional growth data to guide instruction. Students scheduled for SOL Algebra 1, Geometry, or Algebra 2 tests will retest with MAP Growth Math if they score below benchmark or if additional growth data is needed for the student.

Based on academic screening results, some students may require a reading plan or math intervention plan. Some students may require additional diagnostic tests to help teachers determine specific areas for support. If you have questions about academic screening, growth, or diagnostic tests, please contact your student’s teacher or the school's test coordinator. 



Dear Parents and Guardians: 

Your student recently participated in academic growth assessments. The state legislature requires school divisions to measure student growth and progress within the school year in reading and mathematics in grades 3-8. Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) monitors student growth in middle school grades 6-8 using the iReady reading test and the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) mathematics test ( iReady and MAP assessments are aligned to the Virginia Standards of Learning and measure grade level skills. Students take these tests 3 times during the school year to allow teachers to see their skill growth.

Enclosed with this cover letter is your student’s iReady reading individual growth report. You will also receive a separate student progress report for your student’s MAP mathematics test results along with a family guide for understanding the MAP report.

The enclosed growth report displays all iReady outcomes for your student from this school year, as illustrated in the image below. For each window, your student’s report provides a (1) blue bar and (2) placement level that tell how your student performed overall in relation to (3) on-grade level expectations, displayed as green shading. Additionally, the (4) national norm percentile indicates how your student’s performance compares to peers nationally. Finally, the (5) domain table shows how your student did in specific skill areas. Students who score below the FCPS 40th percentile benchmark or show domain areas of concern may receive additional diagnostic assessments and targeted interventions, as needed.

iReady Family Growth Report highlights, showing 1) blue bars for overall performance over time; 2) placement level for each window; 3) expected range for on-grade level performance; 4) national norm; and 5) domain performance

When reviewing your student’s iReady and MAP academic growth reports, consider the following questions:

  • How is my student progressing over time? The goal is for your student to make progress in their learning. When a student has more than one test result for the year, the blue bars show how the student is growing with grade level skills and preparing for more advanced concepts. 
  • What if my student is performing below the grade level expectation? This can happen for many reasons, such as test-day factors like stress or distractions. Teachers use multiple data points to understand student performance and plan instructional supports to accelerate learning, as needed. More important than a score from a single test is to ensure that your student continues to learn and grow to meet or exceed grade level expectations by the end of the year. 
  • What if my student’s score decreased from an earlier test? A lower score does not mean your student did not learn or lost skills. Scores can be affected by things like stress, distraction, or taking the test in a different place. Teachers use multiple data points to understand student growth and plan instructional supports to accelerate learning, as needed.

More information on grade level expectations and a description of test skills are available on the iReady Test Information webpage ( and the MAP Test Information webpage ( If you have questions about strengths and needs in reading or mathematics, please contact your student’s teacher. If your student receives English for language development (ELD) services, keep in mind that iReady and MAP tests are in English. Contact your student's ESOL teacher for information about their English language development.

When a student takes a screening/growth assessment during a testing window, families receive a custom score reports within 1 month of the close of the window. 

  • For families with SIS ParentVUE accounts: A custom report is posted to the ParentVUE "Documents" section for iReady reading and MAP math.
  • For families without a ParentVUE account: Custom reports are distributed to the family from the school 


Middle school students taking screening/growth assessments in fall receive:

  1. An iReady score report with fall reading results, including percentile and and grade-level performance.
  2. A MAP family guide along with a MAP report for fall results, including percentile and grade-level performance.

Family reports for winter and spring contain student outcomes from all their tests during the school year. For example, in the winter, reports display both fall and winter results; in the spring, reports display results from fall, winter, and spring. Viewing results from multiple windows side by side allows families to better see how their student's performance is changing across the school year. Middle school students taking screening/growth assessments in winter and spring receive:

  1. An academic growth cover letter along with an iReady growth report for reading. The cover letter explains the iReady report and give tips for using growth results from both iReady and MAP. 
  2. family guide along with a MAP growth report for mathematics. 

More information about iReady score reports is available on the iReady Test Information webpage. 

More information about MAP score reports is available on the MAP Test Information webpage. 

High School (9-12) Screening / Growth Tests

High schools use reading and mathematics screening and growth assessments to fulfill Virginia Literacy Act (VLA) and FCPS Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) requirements. These assessments are used in selected high school courses. All students in the course test in fall. Students whose fall score is below benchmark will retest in the winter and spring. Teachers may also decide retesting is needed to provide updated information on strengths and areas of growth.

Sometimes teachers need more information to understand a student's strengths and needs. In these cases, a diagnostic test is used to plan supports. Further information on additional diagnostic assessments is shared following testing.  



High School Academic Screening and Growth Tests

Dear Parents and Guardians:

 Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) uses the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Growth assessments to determine students’ strengths and needs in mathematics and reading. Students in select high school math and English courses will participate in these tests. Test results help families and teachers know how to support each student’s learning and development. The Academic Screening, Growth, and Diagnostic Tests webpage ( provides more information on these tests. 

  • MAP Growth Reading - students in select English courses
  • MAP Growth Math – students in select math courses

English and math teachers use MAP Growth assessments in the fall with all students in the select courses. Some students may retest in winter and spring to provide additional growth data. Tests are delivered within the classroom instructional block. Teachers set specific testing dates for each class. General timing for required screening and growth is available on the Grade Level Tests webpage (  

Based on academic screening results, some students may require a reading or math intervention plan. If you have questions about academic screening or growth tests, please contact your student’s English or mathematics teacher or the school's test coordinator. 

When a student takes a screening/growth assessment during a testing window, families receive a custom score reports within 1 month of the close of the window. 

  • For families with SIS ParentVUE accounts: A custom report is posted to the ParentVUE "Documents" section for MAP tests.
  • For families without a ParentVUE account: Custom reports are distributed to the family from the school 

High school students taking MAP tests receive a  family guide along with a MAP growth report for reading and/or mathematics. Family reports contain student outcomes from all their tests during the school year. For example:

  • In the fall, reports show only the new fall results.
  • In the winter, reports display both fall and winter results.
  • In the spring, reports display all results from fall, winter, and spring. 

Viewing results from multiple windows side by side allows families to better see how their student's performance is changing across the school year. 

More information about MAP score reports is available on the MAP Test Information webpage. 

Additional Diagnostic Tests (PreK-12)

Based on results from academic screening assessments, some students may require additional testing to further identify specific learning areas that need support. The additional diagnostic assessment score report letter template is a resource for teachers to communicate to parents and guardians which additional assessments were given and notes describing important information learned from these tests.

This template is meant to be used across grades K-12 when student's screening results in reading or mathematics prompt teachers to further assess the student's strengths and areas of need. The academic screeners that may initiate additional testing are: 

Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System (VALLSS) in grades K-3

Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS) in grade K

iReady tests in grades 1-8

Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) tests in grades 6-12


ADDITIONAL DIAGNOSTIC SCORE REPORT LETTER                                Date: ___________________

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

Your student recently took an academic screening assessment for reading and/or mathematics, such as Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System (VALLSS), Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP), iReady, and/or Measures of Academic Progress (MAP). You received a score report for these screening tests. 

Based on your student's scores, school staff needed more information about possible areas for support. Your student took diagnostic assessment(s) to help teachers understand their learning needs. You can learn more about screening and diagnostic tests in Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) at: Information about your student’s recent diagnostic test(s) is below.

School staff review all available data to determine if your student needs interventions. Teachers will share any intervention or support plans for your student. You can find information about intervention and support decisions at:

The additional assessments administered to your student are checked in the list below. 

       ___ CORE Phonics Survey

       ___  Phonological Awareness Skills Screener (PASS)

       ___  iReady Passage Reading Fluency (PRF)

       ___  Addition and Subtraction

       ___ Counting

       ___  Multiplication and Division

        ___  Place Value

        ___  Fractions

       ___ Other:  ________________                                                                                                      

Below you will find notes from your student’s teacher with any important points learned from their diagnostic test(s) checked above.






How can families support students' learning at home?

FCPS digital resources are available in multiple content areas to support families and students with learning at home.