Elementary Students Reading at Desks

Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System (VALLSS) Information

VALLSS assessments provide information on student needs in reading

VALLSS gives teachers information about strengths and needs in students’ basic language and literacy skills. Gaps in basic skills are the root of many later learning difficulties. Early detection and intervention in these gaps can help students reach their potential.

VALLSS provides a first look at areas in which students may need extra support. Teachers may collect more information using diagnostic assessments. When used with VALLSS results, information from diagnostic tests helps teachers plan targeted instruction or intervention in areas of need.

How are families informed about VALLSS testing?

Families receive a notification of VALLSS testing as part of the annual academic screening, growth, and diagnostic tests notification letter for Primary Elementary (PreK-2) or Upper Elementary (3-6).  

Test Facts: VALLSS

Learn more about student participation in the VALLSS tests. 

Tested Content: VALLSS

The VALLSS assessment at each grade tests students' development of specific foundational literacy skills

Score Report and Cover Letter, Grades K-3

Family reports for the VALLSS assesments are in development for this year. Information on the family reports will be updated when it is available. 

After each VALLSS assessment window, student results are shared with parents and guardians and are used by teachers to inform instructional planning. 

Understanding VALLSS Results

The questions and answers below offer information about what VALLSS results mean and how they are used. 

How can families support students' learning at home?

FCPS digital resources are available in multiple content areas to support families and students with learning at home.