How are families Informed about VKRP testing?
Families receive a notification of EMAS, CBRS, and VALLSS testing as part of the annual academic screening test notification letter in grades PreK-2.
The Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP) includes three assessments designed to evaluate children’s early literacy, mathematics, and behavior skills. These are skills that support success in PreK and beyond. The sections below provide information about the Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS) and Child Behavior Rating Scale (CBRS) tests. Information about the VALLSS test is also available.
Families receive a notification of EMAS, CBRS, and VALLSS testing as part of the annual academic screening test notification letter in grades PreK-2.
Learn more about student participation in the EMAS and CBRS tests.
Most pre-kindergarten (3-year old and older) and kindergarten students in Fairfax County Public Schools participate in Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program assessments. The EMAS and CBRS tests are given in the fall and spring each year. Information about the VALLSS test is also available.
EMAS and CBRS test some of the early skills that students need to succeed in PreK and beyond.
The Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS) is used to measure young children’s mathematical thinking. The assessment contains subtests that measure four broad skill areas, which impact later mathematics achievement.
Skill Area | What It Measures |
Geometry | Ability to identify and describe shapes |
Patterning | Ability to see, play with, and build patterns |
Numeracy | Knowledge of numbers and their value in the real world |
Computation | Ability to do simple adding or subtracting |
Counting | Highest number counted |
The Child Behavior Rating Scale (CBRS) is used to measure teachers’ perceptions of young children’s behaviors in the school environment. The assessment reports out for two broad skill areas, which impact later academic achievement.
Skill Area | What It Measures |
Self-Regulation | Ability to manage emotions, attention, and behaviors in the school environment (e.g., listening to others, following directions, and staying focused on tasks) |
Social Skills | Ability to successfully interact with peers and adults and build relationships (e.g., cooperating in a group, expressing thoughts and emotions, positively resolving conflicts) |
See the Tested Content section on the Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System (VALLSS) Information webpage.
After each VKRP assessment window, student results are shared with families and are used by teachers to inform instructional planning. Contents of the Fairfax County Public Schools VKRP score report is provided below for PreK and for kindergarten.
The FCPS VRKP score report provides performance information from the most recent testing window. VKRP reports are generated in fall and spring. Families will only receive a report for a window when the student took a VRKP test.
When a student takes EMAS, CBRS, and VALLSS assessments in a testing window, families receive custom score reports within 1-2 months of the close of the window. This delay is due to the timing for data to be confirmed by the state.
Kindergarten families receive two separate reports: one for VALLSS alone and one for EMAS and CBRS together.
PreK families receive a single report with VALLSS, EMAS, and CBRS results all together. Teachers provide these score reports directly to families of testing students. A copy of the report is also posted in SIS ParentVUE for families with ParentVUE accounts.
Note that kindergarten families also receive a separate score report and cover letter for the VALLSS literacy test in fall, winter, and spring.
Printable PDFs of the Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP) kindergarten score report letter for families
To the Parents/Guardians of ____________________SID: _________ GRD: ____
Your child recently took part in the Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS) and/or Child Behavior Rating Scale (CBRS) assessments. EMAS and CBRS are two assessments within the Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP). The Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System (VALLSS) is the literacy assessment within VKRP. VKRP is a state program designed to understand how children’s early literacy, mathematics, and behaviors support success in kindergarten and beyond.
This report tells you how your child performed on the EMAS and CBRS assessments. You will also receive a report for your child’s literacy performance on the VALLSS test. Your child’s current performance is reported below for each learning area, including specific skills. Some tests or skills may show a result of NR (Not Reported) or NA (Not Assessed).
The tables below show how your child performed compared to the maximum and target for each skill. An overall benchmark status summarizes current performance. When a child meets the benchmark in the Fall, it indicates a good start to the year. When a child meets the benchmark in the Spring, it indicates appropriate progress for the year. If your child scored below the benchmark, school staff will:
-- Review available data to determine if your child needs additional assessments and/or interventions, and
-- Communicate any next steps for your child.
VKRP assessment results provide information about your child’s first experience in school and how they are learning over the course of the year. When teachers understand current skills, they can provide the appropriate support. For more information about how to develop these skills outside of school, visit the “VKRP For Families” webpage (
To learn more about your child’s strengths and needs in early mathematics, self-regulation, or social skills, please contact your child’s teacher. If your child receives English for language development (ELD) services, keep in mind that the EMAS test is in English. Contact your child’s ESOL teacher for information about their English language development.
For a translation of this document, please visit the webpage at or contact your student’s school.
Testing Window: __________ Current School: ____________
Test Information | Assessed Skill | Current Score | Max Score | Target Score | Status |
EMAS (Mathematics) | Overall Math: K | __ | __ | __ | _________ |
Test Date: __/__/____ | Geometry | __ | __ | __ | |
Patterning | __ | __ | __ | ||
Numeracy | __ | __ | __ | ||
Computation | __ | __ | __ | ||
Highest Counted | __ |
Test Information | Assessed Skill | Current Score | Max Score | Target Score | Status |
CBRS (Behaviors) | Self-Regulation: K | __ | __ | __ | _________ |
Test Date: __/__/____ | Social Skills: K | __ | __ | __ | _________ |
Printable PDFs of the Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP) PreK score report letter for families
To the Parents/Guardians of ______________________SID: ________ GRD: ____
Your child recently took assessments as part of the Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP). VKRP is a state assessment designed to evaluate children’s early literacy, mathematics, and behavior skills, which support success in PreK and beyond. Children benefit from a range of early learning experiences. When teachers understand current skill levels, they can provide appropriate support for a child’s success in school and life. For more information about how to develop these skills outside of school, visit the “VKRP For Families” webpage (
This report tells you how your child performed on the Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System (VALLSS), Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS), and Child Behavior Rating Scale (CBRS) assessments. Your child’s current performance is reported below for each learning area, including specific skills. Some tests or skills may show a result of NR (Not Reported) or NA (Not Assessed).
The report shows how your child scored compared to the maximum for each skill. Where available, a skill status tells if your child is beginning, growing, or strong in meeting state expectations. To learn more about skills and developmental bands, view the PreK sections of the VKRP Test Information webpage (
To learn more about your child’s strengths and needs, please contact your child’s teacher. Teachers monitor your child’s VKRP scores to provide appropriate instruction and support. The school will communicate any next steps for your child.
For a translation of this document, please visit the webpage at or contact your student’s school.
Testing Window: __________ Administered By: ____________
Test Information | Assessed Skill | Current Score | Max Score | Skill Status |
VALLSS (Literacy) | Overall Literacy: PreK (__) | __ | __ | - |
Test Level: ___YO | Alphabet Knowledge: Letter Names | __ | __ | _______ |
Test Date: __/__/____ | Alphabet Knowledge: Letter Sounds | __ | __ | _______ |
Phonemic Awareness: Syllable Segmenting | __ | __ | _______ | |
Phonemic Awareness: Beginning Sounds | __ | __ | _______ | |
Phonemic Awareness: Phoneme Blending | __ | __ | ||
Language Comprehension | __ | __ | ||
Emergent Writing: Name Writing | __ | __ | ||
Print Concepts | __ | __ |
Test Information | Assessed Skill | Current Score | Max Score | Skill Status |
EMAS (Mathematics) | Overall Math: PreK (__) | __ | __ | _______ |
Test Level: ___YO | Geometry | __ | __ | |
Test Date: __/__/____ | Patterning | __ | __ | |
Numeracy | __ | __ | ||
Computation | __ | __ | ||
Highest Counted | __ | -- |
Test Information | Assessed Skill | Current Score | Max Score | Skill Status |
CBRS (Behaviors) | Self-Regulation: PreK (__) | __ | __ | _______ |
Test Level: ___YO | Social Skills: PreK (__) | __ | __ | _______ |
Test Date: __/__/____ | ||||
For a translation of this document, please visit the webpage at or contact your student’s school.
The state reports PreK test results for VRKP using developmental bands. Learn about the VKRP PreK developmental bands below.
When reporting PreK Language and Literacy Screener (LLS) results, four (4) assessed skills receive a developmental band. The chart below shows where a student’s fall skill score fits in the developmental bands: Beginning, Growing, or Strong.
Assessed Skill | Beginning | Growing | Strong |
Alphabet Knowledge: Letter Names | 0-4 | 5-32 | 33-52 |
Alphabet Knowledge: Letter Sounds | 0-6 | 7-13 | 14-25 |
Phonological Awareness: Syllable Segmenting | 0-4 | 5-7 | 8-10 |
Phonological Awareness: Beginning Sounds Matching | 0-4 | 5-7 | 8-10 |
The LLS includes four subtests to measure Language Comprehension. When reporting LLS results, Language Comprehension subtests are combined to provide a single score. The list below shows the maximum score for each of the Language Comprehension subtests.
When reporting Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS) results, the four mathematics skills are combined to provide an overall scaled score. The chart below shows where a student’s fall overall score fits in the developmental bands: Beginning, Growing, or Strong.
Assessed Skill | Beginning | Growing | Strong |
Mathematics Overall | 254-500 | 501-575 | 576-758 |
When reporting Child Behavior Rating Scale (CBRS) results, the two (2) assessed skills receive a developmental band. The chart below shows where a student’s fall skill score fits in the developmental bands: Beginning, Growing, or Strong.
Assessed Skill | Beginning | Growing | Strong |
Self-Regulation | 1.00-2.23 | 2.24-3.92 | 3.93-5.00 |
Social Skills | 1.00-2.86 | 2.87-4.43 | 4.44-5.00 |
When reporting PreK Language and Literacy Screener (LLS) results, four (4) assessed skills receive a developmental band. The chart below shows where a student’s fall skill score fits in the developmental bands: Beginning, Growing, or Strong.
Assessed Skill | Beginning | Growing | Strong |
Alphabet Knowledge: Letter Names | 0-9 | 10-43 | 44-52 |
Alphabet Knowledge: Letter Sounds | 0-10 | 11-19 | 20-25 |
Phonological Awareness: Syllable Segmenting | 0-4 | 5-7 | 8-10 |
Phonological Awareness: Beginning Sounds Expressive | 0-4 | 5-7 | 8-10 |
The LLS includes four subtests to measure Language Comprehension. When reporting LLS results, Language Comprehension subtests are combined to provide a single score. The list below shows the maximum score for each of the Language Comprehension subtests.
When reporting Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS) results, the four mathematics skills are combined to provide an overall scaled score. The chart below shows where a student’s fall overall score fits in the developmental bands: Beginning, Growing, or Strong.
Assessed Skill | Beginning | Growing | Strong |
Mathematics Overall | 296-575 | 576-650 | 651-817 |
When reporting Child Behavior Rating Scale (CBRS) results, the two (2) assessed skills receive a developmental band. The chart below shows where a student’s fall skill score fits in the developmental bands: Beginning, Growing, or Strong.
Assessed Skill | Beginning | Growing | Strong |
Self-Regulation | 1.00-2.60 | 2.61-4.21 | 4.22-5.00 |
Social Skills | 1.00-3.21 | 3.22-4.66 | 4.67-5.00 |
Learn more about assessments in FCPS