Transcripts are the school records that document a student’s attendance, classes taken, and grades earned during each school year. Transcripts remain with the school for 5 years after the student leaves FCPS.
The elementary progress report uses a standards-based grading system. Resources are available for parents and guardians to help understand what standards-based grading is. Guidelines are incorporated for student achievement and effort marks.
The Summer Residential Governor's Schools (SRGS) are month-long residential programs for current year tenth and eleventh grade gifted students in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The goal of each Governor's School is to provide opportunities for intellectual, social, and emotional growth.
Learn about the waiver programs in Virginia, different services available, eligibility requirements, and the application process for school aged children. We'll also explore other resources available to students with disabilities in Virginia.
Any parent may elect to provide home instruction for his or her school-age child in lieu of school attendance. A parent or guardian may provide a notice of intent to provide home instruction with these forms.
Looking for a way to contribute to the community? This main page offers information about FCPS opportunities to get involved, such as mentoring a student, volunteering at a school, donating, or connecting your business/community group with us through a partnership.
Global classrooms provide student collaboration opportunities with international peers to take action on content related global issues, while incorporating skills to prepare students for a sustainable future.
Resources to help you learn the signs and symptoms of child abuse and neglect. Includes information on how to respond if you suspect that a child has been abused or neglected by an adult caregiver.
The Office of the Chief Equity Officer oversees Equity and Cultural Responsiveness, the Hearings Office, Title IX, Student Conduct (SR&R) and Discipline Disproportionality, and the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Admissions Office. The office reports to the Superintendent.
Providing direct and indirect support to schools in the instruction of students with significant cognitive disabilities who are accessing an adapted curriculum.
Here you will find more information on the FCPS Employee Wellness Program, such as employee wellness incentives, gym and fitness discounts, the employee flu shot program, and more!
This page provides details on the latest FCPS graduating class for use by colleges and other postsecondary institutions in addition to the larger community.
Region 1 serves the schools of the Herndon, Langley, Madison, Oakton, and South Lakes pyramids and is led by an assistant superintendent and executive principals. The region reports to the Chief of Schools.
Programs include alternative high schools and learning centers, the Interagency Alternative School (IAS), the AIM Program (Achievement, Integrity, and Maturity), state programs, out-of-school support, and the adult high school.
The national and state legislative activity that governs and guides the work of Fairfax County Public Schools in serving the needs of students with dyslexia.