Please contact the Labor Relations Administrator.
We believe that a culture of collaboration and participation in making decisions about the working environment of instructional, operational, administrative and supervisory staff working with leadership and the School Board will best serve the interest of creating a high-quality education in a supportive and nurturing environment for students and their families. In recognition that the Virginia General Assembly took action in 2020 to allow school boards, effective May 1, 2021, to enter into collective bargaining relationships with representatives of staff to promote collaboration and participation consistent with Virginia law.
Licensed Instructional Staff are non-administrative employees whose school employment requires a license from the Virginia Department of Education or Virginia Department of Health Professions, including but not limited to full and part-time teachers, librarians, school counselors, speech-language pathologists, instructional specialists, school psychologists, school social workers, and school-based technology specialists.
Operational Employees are employees engaged in assignments that support educational programs. They include, but are not limited to, full- and part-time non-supervisory employees in food service, trades, department support staff, school-based assistants and attendants, contracted family liaisons, custodial, security, clerical, and transportation employees.
January 9, 2025 - The Fairfax County School Board ratified the Tentative Collective Bargaining Agreements Between Fairfax County Public Schools and the Fairfax Education Unions for the Licensed Instructional and Operational Bargaining Units with an effective date of July 1, 2025.
July 18, 2024 - The Fairfax County School Board certified the Fairfax Education Unions (FEU) as the exclusive representative for the Licensed Instructional and Operational Bargaining units at FCPS. Going forward, FEU will be the exclusive voice of all employees in these bargaining units.
Going forward, the exclusive representative has the right to serve as the exclusive voice for all Bargaining Unit members without discrimination and without regard to Employee Association membership. All rights of the exclusive representatives are stated in Section 4 of the FCPS Collective Bargaining Resolution.
Your union representatives will be your voice on all matters related to collective bargaining. They are your first line of support when issues of wages, compensation, benefits, or other terms of employment arise. The union will help you review your issue, research alternatives, provide recommendations, and represent you in reaching solutions.
FCPS is committed to honoring our employees’ right to exclusive representation. As a supervisor, you must ensure that any issue raised by an employee that is subject to collective bargaining is addressed through their exclusive representative. You should continue addressing operational issues directly with your staff, including covered employees. For issues covered by collective bargaining, such as wages, compensation, benefits and terms and conditions of employment, you must respect the employee’s right to exclusive representation and address the matter with their exclusive representative.
Administrators and Supervisors are full and part-time principals, associate and assistant principals, directors of student activities, directors of student services, and administrators (including special programs).
October 24, 2024 - The Fairfax County School Board certified the Fairfax County Federation of Principals, Supervisors, and Administrators (FCFPSA) as the exclusive representative for the Administrators and Supervisors Bargaining Unit at FCPS. Going forward, FCFPSA will be the exclusive voice of all employees in the bargaining unit.
Going forward, the exclusive representative has the right to serve as the exclusive voice for all Bargaining Unit members without discrimination and without regard to Employee Association membership. All rights of the exclusive representatives are stated in Section 4 of the FCPS Collective Bargaining Resolution.
Your union representatives will be your voice on all matters related to collective bargaining. They are your first line of support when issues of wages, compensation, benefits, or other terms of employment arise. The union will help you review your issue, research alternatives, provide recommendations, and represent you in reaching solutions.
FCPS is committed to honoring our employees’ right to exclusive representation. As a supervisor, you must ensure that any issue raised by an employee that is subject to collective bargaining is addressed through their exclusive representative. You should continue addressing operational issues directly with your staff, including covered employees. For issues covered by collective bargaining, such as wages, compensation, benefits and terms and conditions of employment, you must respect the employee’s right to exclusive representation and address the matter with their exclusive representative.
Virginia General Assembly-approved legislation became effective in May 2021. As a result, counties, cities, and towns in Virginia (including School Boards) can now bargain collectively with employees upon adopting an authorizing ordinance or resolution.
A draft Collective Bargaining Resolution was presented to the School Board on December 15, 2022, and a School Board work session was held on February 28, 2023. The resolution determined the scope and breadth of collective bargaining for Fairfax County Public Schools. At their March 9, 2023 meeting, the Fairfax County School Board voted to approve the FCPS Collective Bargaining Resolution.
FCPS school board met with representatives of the 17 FCPS Certified Employee Associations (CEP) during the spring of 2021 to determine issues common to all and their interests in participating in the process.
While union representation is granted to all employees in the bargaining unit, membership in the union is voluntary. Employees may choose to join or not join a union as a dues-paying member. If an employee joins a union that charges dues, the amount will be determined by the union.
Once a collective bargaining agreement is ratified, union representation is granted to all employees.
This report describes the K-12 related legislation considered during the 2022 General Assembly Regular and Special Sessions.
This report describes all education-related legislation as considered during the 2021 General Assembly Session. Legislation is reported as Passed or Failed.
This page includes information about education-related legislation from the most recent General Assembly Session.
This report describes all education-related legislation as considered during the 2020 General Assembly Session. Legislation is reported as Passed, Continued to 2021, or Failed.
During the General Assembly Session, this page will be updated frequently with information about education-related legislation that has been introduced during the Session.