Advanced Academics Identification and Placement for Private/Home Schooled Families
Private/Home School Families: Application process for full-time services. Students must be enrolled in FCPS prior to applying for part-time services.
Screening files for private and homeschool families must be submitted through the mail to the Advanced Academic Programs office at Willow Oaks Administrative Center (8270 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive, Fairfax, VA 22031).
Screening files for Full-Time Services are accepted two times during the year. File packets must be postmarked by:
- November 15, 2024 (Fall screening window)
- January 24, 2025 (Spring screening window)
For more information on the screening process, please read the information below.
Private and Home School Students: Parents of students in Grades 2-7 may apply for Full-Time AAP Service for the next school year. Screening files for Full-Time AAP Services are accepted ONLY during the noted windows. Applications from existing Fairfax County residents are not accepted over the summer.
All decisions regarding full-time placement in Advanced Academic Programs are made by a central committee. Parents or guardians of a student who resides in Fairfax County but is not attending FCPS have two opportunities during the school year to have their child screened for eligibility for Full-Time AAP Services. The screening timeline and documents needed for the screening file are listed below.
Fall 2024
- November 15, 2024:
- Parents of students not attending FCPS submit screening files
- All screening files must be postmarked by November 15, 2024
- The fee of $100 must be included in the screening file (check or money order)
- December 2024:
- Central Committee meets
- Eligibility decisions sent by December 30, 2024.
- January 10, 2025: Appeals due to AAP office
- January 30, 2025: Eligible students in Grades 3-8 may attend full-time AAP sites beginning second semester.
Spring 2025
- January 24, 2025:
- Parents of students not attending FCPS submit screening files
- All screening files must be postmarked by January 24, 2025
- The fee of $100 must be included in the screening file (check or money order)
- March 2025: Central Committee meets
- Early April 2025: Eligibility decisions sent
April 8 to May 2, 2025: Full-time AAP orientations held at Local Full-Time Schools and Center Schools (elementary school only)
There are no orientations during spring break.- May 15, 2025: Appeals due to AAP office
- Fall 2025: Eligible students in Grades 3-8 may attend full-time AAP sites beginning first semester.
Screening File
Multiple documents are reviewed to determine eligibility for placement in full-time AAP Level IV services. The parent or guardian must prepare a file for evaluation by FCPS. A checklist of screening file documents is below. An explanation of file preparation and document compilation follows the checklist.
Documents (in order):
- Required:
- $100 check or money order payable to Fairfax County Public Schools
- Proof of Residency (driver’s license, lease, phone bill, etc.) - Included for residency verification - will be destroyed after confirmation of residency.
- Advanced Academic Programs Summary Sheet
- Advanced Academic Programs Full-Time Referral Form (must be completed and signed)
- HOPE Rating Scale - Completed by teachers(s) from school and provided to the parents. For home school students, this may be completed by a tutor, coach, or the parent/guardian. May be submitted in a sealed envelope if necessary to comply with individual private school policies.
- Ability Test Scores* from at least one of the approved tests - Provided by school, GMU, or state-licensed psychologist (copy of license must accompany results)
- Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)
- Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT)
- Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC V)
- Contact the AAP Office regarding other ability tests
- Report Cards for at least 1½ years
- Optional:
- Achievement Test Scores
- Parent/Guardian Questionnaire
- Student Work Samples** - limit 6 single-sided, 8 1/2" X 11" pages
*All screening files must include a testing report with scores for at least one FCPS approved ability test. Ability tests do not expire - test scores from previous years are acceptable. Test results need to be reported in ability index format as well as percentile.
Testing is accepted from:
- At GMU through the Cognitive Assessment Program (CAP)
- Group tests include the CogAT and NNAT.
- Individual tests include the WISC-V and DAS-II.
- GMU offers testing at no charge for children who qualify for free or reduced lunch. Families must complete the Consent to Share Information form to qualify.
- Email CAP at [email protected].
- a private, state-licensed psychologist. A copy of their license must accompany results. Test results need to be reported in ability index format as well as percentile.
**Original stories, artwork, and other student work may be submitted in black and white or color, reduced or enlarged from the original, but must be single-sided on standard 8½“ x 11” writing, copying, or photographic paper. Large/oversize pages, small pages, cardboard, tag board, or construction paper may not be submitted. Larger/smaller pages, projects, and photographs may be photocopied onto standard paper. Videos, DVDs, three-dimensional art, spiral paper, notebooks, pocket folders, and two-sided pages may not be submitted. Work will not be returned.
Preparing an AAP Screening File
Parents or guardians are responsible for obtaining all documents prior to the due date. Scheduling, testing, and obtaining individual and group test results and school records may take several weeks. Partial files may not be submitted and timeline extensions are not available in order to obtain required documents. Materials must be submitted by mail to the Advanced Academic Programs Office (8270 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive, Fairfax, VA 22031). Once screening files are submitted, additional materials cannot be added.
- Prepare a screening file by labeling the tab of an 8½” x 11” standard manila file folder as follows.
Current Grade Attending School Local FCPS Base School
- Place the materials listed in the above checklist in the file folder in order.
- Retain a copy of the screening file; submitted files are not returned.
Submitting a Screening File
Parents or guardians submit the original screening packet by mail to the Advanced Academic Programs office at 8270 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive, Fairfax, VA 22031, according to the timeline above. Proof of Fairfax County residency is required at time of submission as well as a $100 processing fee. Please make checks or money orders payable to FCPS (no cash or credit). Confirmation of receipt will be provided. Files will not be returned, so please make copies prior to mailing.
Screening Process
Central Screening Committee
To determine student eligibility for full-time Level IV placement, a central screening committee evaluates all available data using a holistic approach and looks for compelling evidence that a child’s needs cannot be met in a general education classroom. This countywide committee is composed of administrators, counselors, principals, teachers, school psychologists, and program specialists. No specific score on any one measure determines eligibility. Due to the size of the district, number of files screened, and timeline for screening process, the committee does not produce individual eligibility reports.
Oversight Committee
The oversight committee reviews all ineligibility decisions. The committee monitors the consistency of the selection committee and may identify additional students who have profiles similar to the profiles of those found eligible.
Parent/Guardian Notification
Local schools are notified of all eligible decisions. The AAP office sends eligibility decisions and an AAP Full-Time Permission and Placement Form to parents or guardians of eligible students. Eligible students are invited to attend an orientation at their assigned AAP Full-Time site(s) in April.
The AAP office also sends notification to parents or guardians of ineligible students. This letter contains appeal information.
Students Found Eligible
Full-time AAP placement is available for all students found eligible. Written permission from parents or guardians is required for placement by submitting a completed permission form to the AAP Office. Transportation is provided by FCPS to the assigned AAP Full-Time site(s).
Students retain full-time eligibility through eighth grade. If parents or guardians defer eligibility at the time of notification, eligibility may be reactivated by submitting to the AAP office an AAP Full-Time Transfer/Reactivation Form (available below). A copy of the eligibility notification should be included with the request.
Students Found Ineligible
Students who are found ineligible may be considered for part-time or subject specific advanced academic services at the local elementary school, or enroll in Honors classes at the local middle school. Parents or guardians of ineligible students may also refer their child for full-time AAP screening during the next screening cycle according to the published timeline.
Appeals for Students Found Ineligible
If your student is found ineligible for Full-Time AAP services, parents/guardians may submit an appeal. Appeal information is contained in the ineligibility letter and the Full-Time Appeals page.
AAP Full-Time Services Referral Form
HOPE Rating Scale (AAP)
Forms - Additional
AAP Level IV Summary Sheet
AAP Level IV summary sheet for private school and homeschool students
Full-Time Advanced Academic Programs Level IV Transfer/Reactivation Form
This form is for students who have been found eligible through central selection and have either deferred services, moved/returned to a new FCPS school boundary, or would like to change Level IV school selection for the next school year. For staffing purposes, this form must be submitted by May 15 to request reactivation of services or a school transfer for the following academic school year. Once you have made a commitment, you may not change placement for one academic year.
AAP Appeal Form
The appeal must consist of new information that was not part of the original screening file. The new data that you are submitting will be added to the original screening file for review by the appeals committee. Please do not recopy or submit materials from the original screening file. Only appeals from the most recent screening cycle will be reviewed according to deadlines in the letter you received.
- AAP Parent/Guardian Questionnaire